Wednesday 29 May 2013

Lazy As A Pet Coon

I recall my Mother using the term "Lazy As A Pet Coon" many times throughout the years  Today she could have told me I was as "Lazy As A Pet Coon", since honestly this is how I was actually feeling.

What did I accomplish today?  Zip, Zero, Nada ... how shameful is that?  pretty darn bad as really today I had no excuse other then down right laziness.

What I did do today, other then sit on my butt and rest my eyes most of the afternoon, almost, and I do mean almost, nodding off into a bit of a slumber, I did do the dishes up that were in the sink waiting for me when I had arrived home last night, I did make the bed, vacuum and dust our bedroom, and I did vacuum the dining/living room and hallway floors.  Other then that I wasted the rest of my whole day !!  Shameful. especially when there is so much I could have been doing.

Plain and simple I just did not feel like doing anything for some reason or another.  I am thinking since I am having company come on the 10th of June, I am in my mind holding off to doing some of the things needing done until the week before their arrival.  Is that a good excuse? it is my story at the moment and I am sticking to it.

Oh man, how could I ever forget that I had been out with my dear Aussies, all four of them separately at least 6 times throughout the day.  That does have to account for something does it not?

Oh yes and I did type out the recipe for the Rhubarb muffins I had made the other day in case anyone was interested in having it.

Recipe please?  *CLICK* HERE for printable recipe.

I also made a Dinner that my dear husband had requested I make, a Layered Hot Salsa Dish.  This is an old favourite I have been making for years, however have not made for some time.  It is so easy to make and yummy and filling.

Press 1- 250g pkg of Cream Cheese in bottom of oven proof dish.  Brown 1 lb. lean ground beef, drain well and add as next layer on top of cream cheese.  1 jar of store or home made Salsa.

The next layer is the Salsa.  Top with shredded Cheddar Cheese, and finish with a layer of shredded Mozzarella Cheese.  One half hour later, or  once heated through, in a 350*F oven it is ready to serve.

Scoop into Tositos Scoopables and Enjoy !

One of the best part of my day was enjoying the beauty that had bloomed in my flower beds .....

Lady Slippers.

This upcoming weekend just happens to be the Bruce Peninsula Orchid Festival.  Please *click* HERE to find out about and see some more beauty.

Dwarf Iris

That is all she wrote, as this lazy pet coon is off to have herself a shower and watch Master Chef at 8 pm, no phone calls please, "Just North of Wiarton & South of the Checkerboard".


  1. Hmmm... doesn't look like "nothing" to me! ;) lol!! And you deserve a day of semi-rests anyways! :)

  2. Well look what all you did yesterday you silly woman!!! You deserve the rest.

  3. Sometimes you just need a day to be lazy:) Your flower pictures are beautiful and I think I could sit down and scoop away!!! Looks delicious! Lynn

  4. After your nothing, I feel lazy every day :) This dinner sounds delicious!

  5. Nice pictures of the flowers! Oh gosh I remember the homemade salsa...yum
    Aimee from Craftmates

  6. We all get and need those lazy days! Plus yours didn't sound so lazy :) lol, I can relate with the taking the dogs in and out, it's a full time job in itself! When we came in Oliphant, we have them both leashed and have to do the same..can take up a huge chuck of the day :) But we wouldn't trade em for anything right? lol Your dinner is going to be in the makings in my kitchen this weekend - what a great idea!

  7. I just thought of a recipe I make similar, but serve cold, and I put seafood sauce in it, just for a little kick, I love my shrimp and seafood sauce, wonder how it would work heated through...hmmmm :)

  8. After as busy as you've been I think you needed a lazy day!

  9. I was lazy as a pet coon yesterday. I would have liked to be lazy as a pet coon today, scooping up your cheesy salsa dip, but I had a training all day at work.
    Thank you for linking!

  10. Every once in awhile, a lazy day is called for!


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