Thursday 31 May 2012

Cya Next Year May In 2013

I was so tired this morning, as Missy Lexus decided to have a bit of a hissy fit very early this morning.  Up I got and down I went to take her outside.  Once out there, she decided she would go touring around and around the house like a "bat out of hell".  At 5 am, I was far from being amused.  Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy, did she get a talking to once I caught up with her !  

One of the pups had also been "yelping" like mad from about 4 am or so.  On investigation, once Lexus was put back to bed, here he couldn't get out of the whelping box, with all of his siblings being out on the other side.  I guess he was feeling a little left out.  Since daybreak was happening, they all got scooped up and out into the outside pen.  

Now if I could say I went back to bed, falling into a fitful sleep, awaking totally refreshed to take on the last day of May 2012, I most certainly would be telling one of the biggest "fiblets" of this Year !  Nope, I went down the list, next taking Buddy out, then Mercedes, and finally the big "guy", Bandit.  I was and still am exhausted, and then some, with at least 4 or 5 coffees into me not even giving me a little "up".

"Since my niece is moved back up here to Bruce County, but not into her new home for a few days yet, I am babysitting her plants.  Not too fussy on the Spider Plants, however have my eye on this lovely Succulent, to the front and outside the box .... "

"... and this orange flower that looks like some type of Lily?"

"I must say, her "Tea Rose" is looking much better then when she first sent it along with me. Must be happier here?  LOL."

This morning I decided the inside puppy pen needed a good cleaning out.  I got out the pail with hot water and bleach, along with my scrub brush and went at it, after first giving a go over with the shop vac.  What a job that was, however it does smell much better then when I started, with the water having been changed at least three times.  I just finished, not too long ago, putting a very thick layer of newspaper down hoping it will stay put when the "gang" get put back in there later.

Once this was all said and done, Rob and I decided to make a "dump run" with a load of tires that have been kicking around our place way too long to suit me.

"We made our way there via the back roads, going across the bottom of where "North of The Checkerboard" is located.  The "old" road here marks pretty much what was the entrance way to "North of the Checkerboard" before they straightened out Hwy. 6 many Moons ago."

"On our way to the Landfill site, I noticed I had some "puppy poopy" on the knee of my jeans.  I was chuckling to myself, as how many times dear John Gray, over at Going Gently, has mentioned his clothes being covered in "chicken shite"?  Ha !  Much rather have "puppy poop" then "chicken shite" on me any old day!  Oops, I best be cautious as our own chickens will be arriving in 20 days time, and who knows what could happen  .... "

"... we were only going to the Landfill, so who there would care about a little "puppy poop" on me?"

"Surely not the Landfill Sentinels way up there on Trash Hill?"

Rob and I returned back home to an Easy Peasy as 1-2-3 Dinner of Pork Tenderloin and veggie leftovers.  My kind of Dinner !  After dinner I got outside to get the new plant I had dropped off at my Mailbox on Sunday planted by the pond.

"It had a flower on it this morning, this Primrose did."

"Lexus had a turn being out with me this afternoon.  Checking out her puppies from the other side of the fence, since full weaning was put into force a couple of days ago."

"Is Lexus not a beautiful dog?  She is so, especially when I am not angry with her."

"Rob had also came out to give the veggie garden another scuffing up with the rototiller."

"We pretty much got 1/3 of it cleared up pretty nice this afternoon before he had to put his "Crabby Cabbie" hat on for the rest of the day.  Oh yes, the plants in this photo are onions which had been left from last Year's garden, seemingly doing very well."

"I do so love the Bee Balm that is planted by the ponds.  It has actually made its way through the brick surround."

"Oh where oh where did that Mommy go .... ?"

Rob had left for the day, with me just coming in to settle in with a tea when the dogs started up, as someone was at the door.  Upon investigation, there were two females inquiring about puppies for sale.

Down I went to show off the three Tri males, who put on a most lovely "puppy" show for everyone.

An hour or so after they had left, I received a call from the young girl, who had yet to discuss the situation with her father, to ask if I would reserve the littlest until she could get back here this weekend with a deposit.

"I suppose this little guy will not be getting "bubble wrapped" to be sent over to John at Tok Tok Place in Australia after all, as he will be going "North of the Checkerboard" to Lion's Head !"

"Sorry John, but these two guys are still available for "bubble wrapping" !"

"Here is Buddy all worn out in his run, as he had been downtown with me while I met up with Anita from Dejong Acres to pickup some of their Farm Fresh Eggs from her.  He had also just had a huge 1/2 hour romp with Missy Mercedes, tuckering them both out."

Oh yes, anyone living in close proximity to me, would you please "save" your egg cartons for me, as I will pass them on to Anita, since I hear they are soon to be getting more laying hens.  Thank you in advance, and please do let me know.

Here it is almost 8:30 pm already.  I have yet to bring in the "Spectacular Six", as it is still way too cool at night to leave them out.  I also have to tend to all the rest of the "pack's" needs before I call it a night, "Just North of Wiarton & South of the Checkerboard".

Wednesday 30 May 2012

I LOVE Getting Mail Via Post !!!

Needless to say, after yesterday, I surely did not have to much "get up and go" this day, especially when Lexus decided she needed out at 5:30 am.  I did so manage to get my sorry butt out from my comfy bed to get my day going.

"Since I was tired with things to do today, I thought the Slow Cooker would be my best friend this day.  Slow Cooker Chicken Cacciatore it was.  Chicken browning in the Zesty Italian Dressing first off."

"Then added on top of the bed of vegetables to be topped off with tomatoes and thyme."

"I do so love the slider shelves Rob put in the Kitchen Pantry cupboard for me.  It makes life so much nicer then having to pull everything out to get at one item, does it not?"

 While I was putting this together, Rob was out cutting the lawn.  Then I got onto a job I really don't care for ...

"I do so dislike cleaning the bathroom.  Trust, you, me, it was long over due I am sure."

"However I do love when it is all finished and sparkling clean."

 Rob came in just before lunch was all ready.  With him he brought along the mail, where there was a notice to pickup a parcel downtown.

"We first enjoyed our Slow Cooker Cacciatore dinner."

"Not to be outdone, Rob had to have his dinner photographed as well, thinking it presented so much better then mine.  Really, I did not want to burst his bubble, so I took a picture ... lol."

Once our Dinner was over with and cleaned up from, we took ourselves downtown Wiarton to collect the parcel awaiting me.

"I do LOVE getting Mail Via Post !!!  He,he,he...when I was over at my friend, Lisa's, we opened it there before I got back home, as we couldn't wait."

How exciting this was for me, as it had been from ....

".... my "Secret Sister"!   Carla over at "My 1/2 Dozen Daily" had organized all of this for us gals last month, which I had signed up for.  I surely can't wait until the next "Secret Sister Swap", hoping Carla will once again organize another?"

It even was more exciting once I dove into the parcel ....

"Check out all the wonderful goodies my "Secret Sister" sent me !!!  A handmade Recipe card holder, along with a Box of assorted Handmade cards, of course all made in one of my favorite colours, of blue!  There was also a package of Green Tea, Green Tea Candies, hand cream, a mug with "My Dog Contented", and even a package of Oven Baked Gourmet Dog Cookies!"

"Please could we have one of those cookies your "Secret Sister" sent us?  Please?"

"Bandit and Missy Mercedes most certainly enjoyed the Cheddar Cheese Biscuits, as I am sure Lexus and Buddy will too once they get one or two theirselves."

"Did I mention there was Organic Chocolate in the package from my "Secret Sister" too?"

After all the excitement of receiving a package, we had to get back to reality ...

"Kennel Runs to ponder over."

"Open wide, as worming had to be done for the third time, as the "Spectacular Six" are six weeks old today, you know?"

"There were  battles to be won."

"Pant legs to be chewed."

"....and photos to pose for."

"A late lunch with "Injaca" looking over his shoulder to see what was going on, while I was trying to quietly escape through the doorway."

"Rob did put on his "Crabby Cabbie" to take his leave, while Bandit and Missy Mercedes took over his domain in his absence."

Today I also took time out to enjoy a couple of life's simple pleasure that make me feel good ....

"Some of my flower beds filling in."

"A couple sparrows on the edge of the drive."

"...and the brilliant finches at the feeder."

 Buddy and I went for a walk downtown along the park and the Wiarton Marina, then I settled in for the evening to sit here to reflect back on my day while ...

"...I enjoyed a Green Tea in my new mug from my "Secret Sister"."

 Tomorrow another day will break along with a new adventure, "Just North of Wiarton & South of the Checkerboard".

Tuesday 29 May 2012

Lots On Our Plate This Day There Was

"The Bachelor Buttons were just starting to wake up about this time of the morning."

"A couple new blooms join the one which had bloomed alone yesterday."

"A definite "must" before a Road Trip can get under way."

"We were apparently not the only early travelers on the back roads this morn."

"Keady Market Vendors were up and at it pretty early too by the looks of it."

"Entering Chatsworth."

"Chatsworth is where we turn onto Hwy. 10 towards our destination."

"Um, a Telly Box for the kids while waiting for their school bus pickup.  Pretty unique I would say, as well as an "eye catcher" along our way."

"Then on through Flesherton we travel."

"This is obviously not only a familiar sight only in Bruce County by the looks of these Wind Turbines scattered throughout the flow of fields."

"Where right after we come upon Shelburne."

"Then we come upon Orangeville."

"Stop over in Orangeville for a beverage and a little bite to eat by way of a BLT on a Bagel.  Yummy."

I do believe Caledon was in there somewhere before we hit the City Limits .... Caledon was where we had bought our Thoroughbred Stallion, Brave Assault, some years ago, who was a Grandson to Mr. Prospector, a Triple Crown Winner.  He was a very nice well mannered Stallion, our Brave Assault was.

"Oh man, this is exactly one reason I do not miss City Life, being the "traffic"."

"The Region of Peel Building, on Bramalea Road, located in Brampton, just a few blocks away now from our destination."

"We finally arrive with only a few remains of evidence that someone still has one more evening before they say goodbye to these digs for the very last time."

"We took a moment to admire a neighbour's "green thumb".  Lovely Lynn, please do come up to tend my flower beds will you ?"

"GPS re-set to, "Just North of Wiarton & South of the Checkerboard", as we go through Victoria (couldn't find a link to this "don't blink or you will miss it spot.")."

"Another "don't blink spot" was Claude, however you could NOT but notice ...."

"...this very impressive Church which stood out, that I did find a link for at: "

"Through Caledon again, then we came about Camila, which exists within the Town of Mono."

"Primrose, another I couldn't really too much about when Googled, however lovely the name it is keepsake to."

"We are obviously on track to being Homeward bound."

"Super Burger? with an old Toronto Transit bus in the back drop !"

"Yes siree Rob, only 91 km more to the next closest City to home."

"How could we possibly not be on track with three sure signs all in a row of each other???"

"Pit Stop, with a bit of unpacking to do before we can get the Aussie out who was having his turn to go along this day with us .... okay, Buddy we will get you out of here somehow !!!   Just cross your legs for a wee little bit longer, will ya?  LOL."

 "Whoohoo, the City closest to home.  45 minutes away and we will be home again !!!"

We did so make it home from a round trip from "Just North of Wiarton & South of the Checkerboard" down to my niece, Joanne's place, to pick up a last load to bring North for her forever move back to Bruce County after many years of residing in the City of Brampton.

Once returned home at 2:00 pm, you can imagine I still had lots on my plate that needed attending to, since I sure couldn't do it from where I was most of the day.  Finally around 4:30, I got to lay down for a 1/2 hour rest or so before it was time to start all over again....

"As we headed back into Owen Sound."

"Where we had some Dinner at our favorite little Chinese Restaurant."

After a quick Dinner, we headed over to the Owen Sound Hospital to visit with my brother-in-law (Joanne's Father) who had been a resident there since last Tuesday from an incident with his appendix ... nasty business those appendix can be.

For the second time this day, we arrived back home just before 9:00 pm, to attend to the "Spectacular Six", as well as our grown "pack" before my very tired Rob headed off to bed, while I sat here to journal our days events.

It was nice to go out to give of ourselves, but then again to return to our own home, "Just North of Wiarton & South of the Checkerboard".
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