Tuesday 31 May 2011

Watch Out Weeds, Here Comes the Japanese Garden Hoe !

Ha,ha,ha....yesterday wasn't such a heat wave at all, however I think they messed up again with today being the hot and humid day.  I am thinking I will be keeping my water bottle & ventilator for my asthma close at hand if it is going to be as humid as they say it will be.


Sunny. Fog patches dissipating early this morning. Wind becoming southwest 30 km/h late this morning. High 32 except 25 near Lake Huron. UV index 9 or very high


Increasing cloudiness then 60 percent chance of showers this evening and after midnight. Becoming cloudy periods after midnight. Risk of a thunderstorm this evening and after midnight. Wind southwest 30 km/h. Low 14.

I think I will be turning off my computer tonight if there is going to be a risk of a thunderstorm, as I certainly don't want my computer to be knocked out!

Yesterday I found it somewhat cool until the sun decided to appear about 11:00 am.  I was weeding a flower bed at the North side of the house, where it was rather a pleasant place to be.  At the same time, there Rob had built a new front entrance deck last fall, and he was able to finish it all but the staining/painting of it.

My accomplishment, with the exception of Rob doing the edging for me (thanks Rob):

Rob's accomplishment:

I loved how he installed the solar lights on each corner of the deck flooring; I was so tired last night I forgot to go check them out after the sun went down.  Maybe tonight.

We were just two very busy little, or maybe not so little, beavers yesterday.  Always those unfinished items that are left late into the Fall that never get finished when the weather turns so quickly into Winter.

I can't believe how fortunate I was to be given some perennials as well as a climbing rose bush from friends of ours that live not too far away.  Rob and I drove over last night after supper, where Rob dug up a couple lupins, Hosta and the rose bush for us.  We got home and got them planted right away.  I surely hope they do survive, as I was very grateful to have them given to me.

When I was out early this morning with Bandit, Lexus and the "One & Only", I made sure to give them all a good soaking of water that hopefully will sustain them through the day.

I wandered around into our backyard yesterday to notice the Lady Slippers had came into full bloom.  What a beautiful sight they are with their dainty little slippers hanging from them:

Their bright yellow colour is one of the first to brighten our flower bed around the pond.  Which reminds me, another thing for Rob to get cleaned out yet, the "Pond".  *Sigh* One more thing for Honey Rob's things to do list, that he doesn't think he has.....LOL.

I came across a really interesting recipe off the Tenderflake website, or what I thought to be interesting, to make when the Grandchildren come.  How many children can resist peanut butter & jelly?  or older "kids" for that matter?

Doesn't that look yummy?  This is the link to the recipe:


Now all I have to do is remember to try it when the grandsons come to visit next.  The challenge for me will be the remembering, not the making part.  LOL

Now that the good weather is approaching, at hopefully at a good speed, most suppers can hopefully be done out on the barbecue.  Last night we had Mild Italian Sausage, homefries and a garden salad.  Aw, I so love "easy & quick", as well as "good & simple", wouldn't anyone?

I think I had better be heading out into that "great outdoors" to get started on the weeding of the flower bed on the other side of the front deck before it gets too hot for me to be able to breath out there.

My most used garden tools, my favorite being the "Japenese Garden Hoe", my friend Tim made me years ago (the one wrapped in duct tape, of course):

I suppose Lexus and Bandit will enjoy helping me, as my "Crabby Cabbie" has now left the building, however I don't know if they will be able to manage the edging shovel as well.  LOL.

Onward and outward will I go arming myself with my homemade Japanese Garden Hoe to take on an army of weeds, "Just North of Wiarton & South of the Checkerboard".

Monday 30 May 2011

Heat Wave You Say? Here In Bruce County, You Say?

Surely what I have been hearing cannot possible be true, a High of 33 degrees Celsius has been forecasted as today's temperature high?  Wow, this will be officially our first heat wave of the year thus far should this be true.


A mix of sun and cloud. High 25. UV index 9 or very high.


Cloudy periods. Low 16.

There it is a high of 25.  I suppose the high of 33 is only meant for the "big" cities like Owen Sound with its population of 21,674.  I think all that extra asphalt and cement gives the weatherman cause to raise the temperature predication a few degrees.  LOL

If it will dry out the area where our vegetable garden is suppose to be, then bring on the heat wave, so Rob can get in there and get it tilled with the rototiller.

What a change in temperature this morning from how it was after supper last night.  I went out to bring in the clothes from the line, shocked on how fast it had cooled down.  I had to bring in my newly acquired purchase I made as part of our outdoor table's centerpiece.

So nicely arranged exactly where I wanted it:

Only to be brought in, however still looks quite nice in this spot too:

Rob and I made a shopping trip into Owen Sound yesterday morning.  When we were in Home Depot, while passing the indoor plant section, I smelt the most heavenly fragrance drawing me to this plant.  I found its tag to state "Wildly Fragrant", and it to be a "Madagascar Jasmine".  After heeing and hawing for quite some time, I took it with the thought of how nice it would go with my "newly acquired" antique wicker set.

After re-potting it in a ceramic pot that I had given to me, as well as planting some of my own Jade plant cuttings into two large mugs I had previously purchased at a garage sale for .25 cents, I estimate my whole self indulgence cost me a grand total of $100.00, which included the cost of the 4 piece wicker set.  As I rarely spend money on myself personally, you can well imagine how pleased I was to be able to make an area of my deck so pleasing to my eye, and hopefully to others as well.  I was "tickled pink" as they say, LOL.

I had the biggest laugh over an email my Aunt sent to me last night, that I could not resist sharing it with my family and friends on Facebook.  I could not believe the reaction I got, and how much fun we all had with it, as it had appeared as if I had baked these wondful little "creations" myself.  The email went like this:

Well, the Church threw my cookies out of the bake sale again!  No sense of humour.

Personally if I had baked them I would have called them "Ginger Butts".  LOL....it is so nice to have some simply good old "fun" with life at times, is it not?

My cousin, Paula, just recently sent me some pictures of "Boston", the puppy her daughter, Erin, gave a new forever home to.  This was the first time Boston got to meet his Doggie Auntie, Lacey:

Ha,ha,ha....poor Lacey, the look is "Get this thing away from me !  Please don't punish me with this little "rip tail snorter"".  LOL, I am sure there was much fun had by all at the Brad & Paula Masterson residence that night, with many more to come.

Last night's supper was another easy and good meal.  I had bought some Rainbow Trout fillets that I decided we could do on the barbecue:

Um mm, after these were cooked they were simply delish alongside baked french fries, steamed broccoli and a side serving of coleslaw.  Not to mention how good fish is for us!

Since the weatherman has stated we are to get a "gorgeous" day here in Bruce County, and hopefully everywhere else, I think I will try to tackle a couple more outdoor flower beds.  The front Hosta beds are beginning to look pretty darn shabby to my eyes.  I also think I will take a walk over to Elliott's Garden Center next door to us, and post an updated advertisement for our "One & Only" puppy that is left.

Before I even think about getting started on anything here, I first need to get myself  that second cup of Java, "Just North of Wiarton & South of the Checkerboard".

Sunday 29 May 2011

*Sigh* Exhausted & Bone Tired In Need Of An Infusion.

I am feeling like an old rag doll this morning.  I am thinking all this damp weather has really been taking its toll on mine, as well as many other's, most unfortunate bodies.  Oh the joys of being invincible in my younger days and paying the price as I age.  Once I get infused with another coffee, and start moving the body parts a little more, I am sure they will start all working again eventually....or I most certainly hope they do.  LOL.

We had a most wonderful visit with our friends, Tim and Bob yesterday.  Ha,ha,ha....we had lots of aches and pains to compare with each other. 

Shortly after their arrival at the noon hour, Rob got the barbecue fired up, and we had a lovely lunch of Hamburgers, potato salad, coleslaw, homemade pickles and Strawberry Rhubarb Cobbler to top it all off with.  Trust me after lunch we were all ready for a "nap", and all headed for an easy chair in the livingroom.

Once I got lunch cleaned up, Rob and Tim were doing what they do best.....

.....and Bob & I got ready to head downtown to check out an Antique Wicker set that was posted for sale on Kijiji.

Once we arrived at the address and found nobody at home, we decided to check out the local antique business, Memories.

Arriving at the Victorian home which houses Memories, the owner, Debbie, came to the door to tell us they will not be open and ready for business for two more weeks.  However, she was kind enough to invite us into the foyer for a most "enjoyable" chat.  Bob is anxious to come back for a visit, as he thinks she has some lovely pieces that will be well worth checking out.  Yeah, another anticipated visit from "Bob" !!!

A friend of Bob's, Sherry, and her son, Dan, had come along with them, as Sherry had continued on to Stoke's Bay to drop Dan off to his grandfathers for a summer visit.  Since she had taken the car on up there, we had the pleasure of visiting with our dear friends until her return at 6:30, when they then took their leave back home.

Even though we are frequently in contact with each other by email and phone calls, I do miss seeing them as much as I used to when living in Waterloo.  *Sigh*  I am hoping to get down to their house for a weekend visit sometime this upcoming summer.

I think Aunt Lizzie will be missing Tim, as she had much of his attention for the most part of the visit:

Ha, ha, ha....beware of the "Affectionate Feline" upon taking a seat in our house!  Aw, the life a a cat, or our cat anyway.

I enjoyed my homemade Potato Salad and Strawberry Rhubarb Cobbler so much, I had some of each for my supper last night:

What a combination, but it satisfied the need.  I must add, I did not combine the two on the same plate.  LOL  Should anyone care for either of the recipe, feel free to let me know at Cindy's Recipe Exchange on Facebook, or at justnorthofwiarton@live.ca, as I am most happy to share.

After everyone had taken their leave, my "Crabby Cabbie", Rob, had to go fill up the cab with gas to be ready for his night ahead.  I went along for the ride, asking if we could "please swing by to see if those people with the Wicker set were home yet?"  Much to my delight he did and they were.

Not only did we bring home the wicker set, Rob also put out the awning on the deck, once we got home with the set:

What a fantastic ending to a day that was "fantastic" the whole day through.  Thanks Rob, Bob and Tim for making my day!

I am undecided as what to do with my day ahead.  I best check out the Wiarton Airport's take on the day before I do decide:


Cloudy with sunny periods. 30 percent chance of showers this morning and early this afternoon. Clearing this afternoon. High 21. UV index 7 or high


Increasing cloudiness. 30 percent chance of showers. Risk of a thunderstorm before morning. Low 12.

Ummm, I don't think I will be take a chance by doing any laundry and hanging it out today.  I am sure I will think of something else to do with my day, "Just North of Wiarton & South of the Checkerboard".

Saturday 28 May 2011

Pass The Strawberry Rhubarb Cobbler, Please.

I am so impressed with the "One & Only" little guy !  I didn't have to take him out this morning until almost 6:00 am.  I think we really wore him out before 9:00 pm bedtime last night.

"Hey Dad, what's down there?"

"Please, can't we go down there, Dad?"

Ears just a "flopping".

"Pick me, pick me!"

"Out of the way, kid".

Yes, I would certainly say he was worn out.......lol.  I am grateful to have such a fantastic babysitter.  Poor Bandit helped raising Lexus, now he is being such a `huge` help with this little guy.   Good job Bandit.

Yesterday felt like an "uneventful" day to me.  By the time I drove up to Lion's Head and back, not even to get my allergy needle as the Doctor still hadn't arrived in the office at 9:30 for my 9:00 am appointment, I couldn't wait any longer, leaving to arrive back home just after 10:00.  I tidied up a few things just before it was time to leave again for Mother's 1:00 appointment in Wiarton, to arrive back home in time for the 2:00 arrival of the PSW.

Then while I was attempting to get the potato salad put together a man was at the door to sell us an aerial picture of our property.  We declined, as it wasn't the shot of our property that I would have been pleased with for $199.00.  A wonderful idea and great price, but not at this time.

I did manage to finish putting together the potato salad, get supper on the table and clean up the kitchen before we took the "One & Only" out for his romp, while Rob did some edging with the whipper snipper at the same time. 

I find once my day is broken up with appointments and interruptions, it doesn't feel like what I started out to accomplish ever gets done.  *Sigh* I suppose then maybe those things were not meant to be done that day after all.......lol.

Our friends, Bob & Tim, are arriving sometime today !  Since they are leaving their place around 9:00 am, I would guess they should be arriving here about noonish.  They haven`t been here for at least 7 years.....wow, I am so excited. 

I am going to make a Strawberry Rhubarb Cobbler for our dessert after our lunch.  I have never made it before, so what a better time then now when I have two brand new ``Guinea Pigs`at my mercy.  LOL

Strawberry Rhubarb Cobbler


Fruit mixture
  • 4 1/2 cups rhubarb stalks cut into 1-inch pieces (Trim outside stringy layer of large rhubarb stalks; make sure to trim away any and discard of the leaves which are poisonous; trim ends.)
  • 1 1/2 cups strawberries, stemmed and sliced
  • 1/2 cup white sugar
  • 2 Tablespoons of quick cooking tapioca
  • 1 teaspoon of grated orange peel
Cobbler crust
  • 2 Tbsp white sugar
  • 1 cup all purpose flour
  • 1 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1/4 cup butter
  • 1/4 cup milk
  • 1 egg, lightly beaten


Preheat oven to 350°F.

1 In a bowl, mix the rhubarb and the strawberries with the sugar, tapioca, and orange zest. Let sit to macerate for 30 minutes to an hour.
2 In a medium bowl, combine 2 Tablespoons of sugar, the flour, baking powder and salt. Cut the butter in with a fork or pastry blender until the mixture resembles coarse crumbs. Stir in the milk and egg until just moistened.

3 Pour fruit into a 2-quart casserole dish. Drop the batter on the fruit. Bake in a 350°F oven for 35 minutes until cobbler crust is golden brown.

Serve with whipped cream (optional).
 Serves 6.

I found this recipe online at the Simply Recipes website.  It certainly sounds simply good and easy to make to me.  Hopefully it will be that good they will want seconds, and I will be hearing, `Pass the Strawberry Rhubarb Cobbler, please``. 

I forgot to pickup an Orange yesterday, and maybe some Cool whip would be in order, so it looks like I will be making a run into town before I start preparing this.

I had better check out what the Wiarton Airport has to say about today`s weather:


Cloudy. 60 percent chance of showers this morning and early this afternoon. High 19. UV index 5 or moderate


Cloudy. 40 percent chance of showers late this evening and overnight. Low 13.

*Sigh* To do laundry or not to do laundry....do I chance it.  I think not, as I have enough on my plate for the day ahead.

I suppose I should `dangle` and get what I have to do get done here, before my two best friend`s arrival  `Just North of Wiarton & South of the Checkerboard``.

Friday 27 May 2011

Dogs Dining Out? Much Better Manners Then Some People I Know !

What an absolute nasty weather day was that yesterday?  It poured rain here the whole day through, and then some.  It was so totally damp, I had to "fire" up the woodstove, so Rob and I could move our bones again.

I have just arrived back in the house after having Bandit, Lexus and the "One & Only" out for their morning romp.  No rain so far, however only a temp of 7 Celsius with brisk Northeast wind making it even colder....and the Wiarton Ai\rport man says:


Cloudy. 30 percent chance of drizzle this afternoon. High 15. UV index 5 or moderate.


Cloudy with 30 percent chance of drizzle. Low 12.

That word "rain" isn't in the equation !  What's up with the "drizzle" though?  It will get better, it will get better, it WILL get better.....keep the faith Cindy, it will get better.  LOL

I really dislike the chores of cleaning out my fridge and cleaning Rob's bathroom.  Since I was already in a "not liking the weather" kind of mood yesterday, I thought "what the heck", by tackling these two other "dislikes". 

*Sigh*.  I tackled the fridge first, one shelf at a time not to overwhelm myself.  I am quite proud to say there was no new batches of penicillin growing anywhere in there, just a couple of questionable looking vegetables at the bottom of the crisper.  I did feel better once it was all cleaned out..  I even had to open the door a couple of times to pride myself on what a great job I had done....there's that wonderful feeling of accomplishment again, lol.

Like the brave little soldier that I am, I marched right on down to the bowels of our basement to tackle "Rob's bathroom".  Pretty pretty scary, let me tell the World.  Since I haven't done any "Spring" cleaning in Rob's sections of the house yet, I decided it was a good day to start.

We use the walk-in shower as a closet to store some of those household necessities like toilet paper (big necessity), Kleenex and paper towels.  After removing these items, with vacuum cleaner in hand the first to go were all those nasty little spiders and their webs.  Next task at hand was with a bucket of hot soapy water to wipe down the walls and floor of the shower.

That was that....nothing more done, as I was done myself......my body could do no more.  There is more days ahead, and a door on Rob's bathroom that can be closed.  In the meantime I can reach into a clean shower stall to get out the necessity I might need at the time, without my hand going through a maze of spiders and webs.  LOL

I emailed my friend, Vicki, to ask her the "scoop" on the Natural Bug Repellent she had purchased for herself and their two miniature Dachshunds, since they had went home from the holiday weekend without a single black fly bite (Vicki is very allergic to black fly bites, I might add).

The "scoop" is a natural repellent called "Happy Camper Outdoor Lotion", made, believe it or not, almost in our own backyard of Barrie, Ontario.  Vicki had purchased her bottle of lotion for the price of $15.99 (not sure the size), at the local Natural Choice store in Fergus, Ontario, however the website for them is:


Wisebread also has "4 Cheap and Easy Homemade Mosquito Repellents" listed on their site:


Not sure how any of these repellents work, but if they are "cheap" enough to make, what is there to loose on trying one or two out?

I can't believe with all this spider and bug "chatter", I am actually sitting here feeling pretty itchy!

Now I would like to go back to my May 25th blog to the picture I have there showing Diane's dinner creation, as well as showing her Heritage Bear as her dinner Mascot.  After asking where she had it made, Diane has so graciously shared the website where we can view and read about where these "Handcrafted Hugs" are actually being created and made.


How pleasing to know here is another "creative" person, once again, in our own backyard of Durham, Ontario.  This site is well worth checking out, even if only to "oh & aw" over the beauty and creativity of this gal's artwork.

Last night's supper was a "smash" hit with Rob, and so easy for me to make!  I took the leftover Tuscan Pasta, from the night before, put it in a casserole dish, topping it with Kraft's 4 Italian Cheese, and popping it in a 375* Degree oven until it was bubbly & heated through. 

Served alongside a Caesar Salad, Rob rated this meal a 10 * Star.  Yummy, yummy, yummy .....

Since I really enjoy making people laugh and/or putting a smile on their face, I think this video I received yesterday will do both:


Much better manners then some people I know.......LOL.

I actually have company coming tomorrow from the City.  My very best friends, Bob & Tim, will be making an appearance here for the day.  They haven't been here since we moved in eight years ago I am sure. 

I hardly can contain my "excitement", but in the meantime I have so much to do, before their arrival, "Just North of Wiarton & South of the Checkerboard".

Thursday 26 May 2011

American Idol Is Over For Yet Another Year.

Congratulations goes out to the newest American Idol, Scotty Mcgeery, for being "in it to win it", as per Randy Jackson, and winning it all!  Even though James Durbin was my first choice, I am still happy about Scotty winning, as I really thought, as most did, Lauren was going to take it all after the song to her Mother on Tuesday night.

I love "American Idol", watching it from its very first Season, with the exception of two Seasons when I was working an afternoon shift.  It was very sad Canadian Idol did not have the same flair to keep the viewers interest, as does the American version does.  There is so much talent right here in Canada.  The newest and youngest Canadian music star being, Justin Beiber, who is from our very own Stratford, Ontario.  Yeah !

With the days longer now, and the weather getting better, sooner then later, I hope, we all will be spending more of our evenings outdoors then stuck in-front of a TV screen.

I was so happy I had not taken to heart what the Wiarton weather forecast stated yesterday; other then being a little cool, the sun was out most of the day with a light breeze, with no rain until after suppertime.  I took advantage of  it not raining by stripping, washing and hanging out our bedding.  I even managed to get the bathroom cleaned yesterday.  I was on quite the roll.

Rob cleaned out the "Crabby Cabbie" van and our car.  This was certainly a very time consuming job, however he did make time to cleanup the stack of old plastic flower containers I had stacked just outside our door, plant a couple of plants in the pond garden, and spread a little mulch around the Solomon's Seal & Peony plants for me.  These few chores made me happy (for the time being, lol).

With all this rain and moisture we have been getting, I don't ever think we will get our vegetable garden tilled and planted.  Wet, wet, wet, and then more wet !  I must say though, the flower beds having been filling in and up quiet nicely.

The Solomon's Seal has begun producing flowers, whereas a week ago there was none:

These Straw Flowers, have started filling in the Iron Bucket quite nicely:

The Hydrangea, Mother had received for Mother's Day, has even flourished since being planted outdoors (Mother had put it out for the trash, but I nabbed it):

Speaking of Hydrangeas, it just brought to my mind of a video I had come across awhile ago on the Care of Hydrangeas:


After listening to this video, I had better get out there and purchase some mulch for my own Hydrangeas.

The plants around the Pond have started to flourish as well, with the Bee Balm up a couple inches now.

Rob told me the our Garder Snake has returned.  I was delighted to hear that, as Garder Snakes really keep the field mouse population down.  This is a picture of our summer resident Garder Snake I was so fortunate to "snap" last summer:

Isn't he a "beauty", with the colours blending all together?  Garder snakes are pretty much the only snake I care for, as they are not harmful.  As for the rest of the snake population, well........they can stay where they are.

I was also so excited yesterday, as I prepared a recipe from the Easy Home Cooking Slow Cooker recipe book I had been gifted just this week.

Tuscan Pasta

1 pound boneless skinless chicken breasts, cut into 1-inch pieces
1 can (15 1/2 ounces) red kidney beans, rinsed and drained
1 can (15 ounce) tomato sauce
2 cans (14 1/2 ounces each) Italian-style tomatoes
1 jar (4 1/2 ounces) sliced mushrooms, drained
1 medium green bell pepper, chopped
1/2 cup onion, chopped
1/2 cup celery, chopped
4 cloves garlic, minced
1 cup water
1 teaspoon dried Italian seasoning
6 ounces thin spaghetti, broken into halves

Place all ingredients except spaghetti in slow cooker. Cover and cook on LOW 4 hours or until vegtables are tender.

Turn to HIGH, stir in spaghetti; cover. Stir again after 10 minutes. Cover and cook 45 minutes or until pasta is tender. Garnish with basil and bell pepper strips, if desired.

Serves 8 ~ Calories 272 per serving.

Rob put the pasta in the slow cooker for me when it was time to do so; I think he went a little overboard, but it turned out just fine.  Rob rated this meal an 8*Star out of a 10* Star.  Lots leftover to create something for tonight's supper.

Is "IKE", my Kitchen Cat not looking very dashing in this picture?  He had a hot soapy bath through the dishwasher yesterday, coming out of it all smooth, sleek and shiny!  Can't have a motley looking cat in the household, now can I ?  LOL

By the sound of the rain coming down outside my windows right now, I could have just as well put him out there for a "shower", but then there would have been no soap factor, lol.

I suppose this is what the weather will be the remainder of the day?


Drizzle changing to showers this morning. Fog patches dissipating this morning. Wind becoming northeast 20 km/h late this morning. Temperature steady near 8. UV index 3 or moderate.


Cloudy with 40 percent chance of showers. Rain beginning before morning. Wind northeast 20 km/h becoming light late this evening. Temperature steady near 7.

Yes, people there it is....another "balmy" rain day in Bruce County.

It is feeling quite damp in here this morning, so I am thinking a "little" fire in the woodstove would  be the most logical thing to do to get rid of it.  Down right chilly I would say !

I would just like to put it out there, once again, how "much" I enjoy everyone's comments on how  "much" my "blog" is being enjoyed.  I do realize I am not as educated as some people..... not hoping to impress, however having "fun", poor grammar, style, quotations and all !

I am off and running to get the woodstove "fired" up and put some warmth back into my bones, "Just North of Wiarton & South of the Checkerboard".

Wednesday 25 May 2011

A Show Of Kindess Goes A Long Way & Then Some.

It is still a bit chilly outside this morning, but then again it was only 5:15 am when I was out with Bandit, Lexus & the "One & Only".  I am sure it will be warming up more then it is now.


Increasing cloudiness. Showers at times heavy beginning late this afternoon. Risk of a thunderstorm late this afternoon. High 17. UV index 6 or high


Showers at times heavy with risk of a thunderstorm. Amount 10 to 20 mm. Low 10.

Yes there it is a high of 17, along with more rain.  That is alright as Rob managed to get the whole lawn cut yesterday.  We can just sit back and listen to it grow again, as seemly it has been growing that fast with all the moisture we have been getting.

Since it was a overcast and cold morning yesterday, Rob and I decided we might as well go to Owen Sound for some shopping, since all the better then Wiarton stores are located there.  In better I mean Walmart, Canadian Tire, No Frill, Giant Tiger, etc., etc......you know, the big box stores.

Before we were on our way I had a stop at the Wiarton Hospital first. 

A couple of months ago, I had an Ultra Sound done at the Diagnostic Imaging department at the Wiarton Hospital.  Me being the talker I am (either from boredom, nervousness, or just me being me), the gal doing the Ultra Sound and I struck up a conversation, if memory serves me correct, the subject was Menopause.

I can't quite remember why, maybe because I had just started "blogging", however she shared some information with me, and I shared my email address with her, emailing my blog link to her on my return home.  Lo & behold and must to my surprise, Miss Diane has been reading my daily blog every since, as well as us both keeping in contact here and there the past couple of months through emails.

Through an email over the weekend, Diane and I shared some thoughts over garden and plants.  This being the reason of my dropping around to the Wiarton Hospital as I was dropping off some perennials to share with her.  This would be the first time we had seen each other since our first meeting.

What can I say.....meeting her again, for the second time, was as pleasant as our first meeting.  Chatting just went along in a most natural comfortable fashion.  I was taken back when she told me she had a "little" something for me as well.  My spirits rose and my heart was touched with Diane's thoughtfulness, as her gift to me couldn't have been more appropriate:

The surprise and delight on my face must have been one of sheer ecstasy.  Not only did she gift this recipe book to me, but also sent along something for my Mother, that had belonged to her Mother:

An Easter egg decorated pendant from the "Joan River's Collection".  This is where my heart was so touched by Diane's generosity and caring soul. 

Thank you so ever much, Diane, you absolutely "made" my day, and I am sure many more whenever thoughts of your kindness and generosity come to my mind.

Much to my delight as well, Diane has also tried several recipes I have made and posted from time to time.

 This is a picture of Diane's "creation" of the "Slow Cooker Honey Garlic" Chicken, that she had emailed me May 7th:

Is this not a "Classy" picture with Diane's Heritage Bear, (created from her Mother's fur coat I might add), as her mascot....and a glass of wine.  Diane, thank you, once again, for your kindness and sharing.

The trip to Owen Sound went very quickly for me, as I was deep into reading the recipe book Diane had gave me.  I have already a couple of recipes picked out to try in the very near future, so stay tuned !

As we all know, a by the time we return from a shopping trip, return home to unpack all the purchases, we are pretty much done for the day.....ho hum.  However, after a bit of lunch and a coffee to boost our energy, Rob went out to cut the very tall grass that was not going to resemble a lawn for much longer, and I set out to get the kitchen floor washed, as well as completing a couple of other unsavoury jobs, like clean the bathroom toilets.  These things just "have" to be done.

For last night's supper, I had wanted to use up some of the leftover cottage roll ham, so I found a recipe for a Ham and Cheese Quiche:

9" pie shell
6 eggs beaten
1 c. shredded cheese (I used marble cheddar)
1 c. chopped ham
1 - 4 oz. can of sliced mushrooms, drained (I used fresh)
1 c. Half & Half creamer
2 tbsp. minced onion
1/2 tsp. salt (I omitted)
1/2 tsp. dry mustard
1/4 tsp. pepper

Brush pie shell with a little of the beaten eggs; prick bottom and sides of pastry with fork.  Bake in a preheated 450* F oven for 5 minutes; remove.  Reduce oven heat to 375* F.

Stir together cheese, ham and mushrooms; arrange evenly on pie shell bottom.  Add remaining ingredients to beaten eggs and pour over cheese mixture.

Bake in a 375* F oven for 30-35 minutes, or until knife comes out clean.  Leave stand for 5 minutes before serving.

From beginning:

To the end:

Was this ever good !  The best I have ever made yet.  Rob & I both rated this a 10 Star Plus, it was that good.  Another tried, tested and true recipe to be added to my collection of favorites.

I received an email from Jane and Jed the other day, the new owners of the female Red Merle puppy, "Scout", on Monday.  They reported the ride home Saturday was not a very good one with a bit of car sickness from all ends, however there has been successful travels since then.  I am confident "Scout" will fit right in in no time at all & be running her new owner's "hearts" in a heartbeat (pardon the pun).

So far the sun is out in full force here, so I am somewhat confident it will be warming up here today.  Maybe I will try to sneak a load of laundry outside to dry on the line before the forecasted showers arrive, "Just North of Wiarton & South of the Checkerboard".

Tuesday 24 May 2011

Don't Tell Me We Are Going In Reverse? Brrrrrrrr.....

I certainly hope we are not about to go backwards into Winter, as it certainly felt like it when I was out with Bandit, Lexus & the "One & Only" this morning.

Brr.....a balmy 7 degrees Celsius without the windchill factor.

I suppose I should not worry too much about it being a "tad" chilly this morning, since I am sure there will be days in the, hopefully, near future, people will be complaining about the heat once again.  Since I have been planning my days around the weather lately, I best be checking in with the Wiarton Airport right off the bat:


Cloudy. Clearing late this afternoon. Wind west 20 km/h becoming light this morning. High 13 with temperature falling to 9 this afternoon. UV index 4 or moderate.



Clear. Low plus 4.

I like that word "clearing", and look forward to the time of day when it, or if, it occurs.  There are still four more flower beds to be tackled, not to mention a vegetable garden yet to be tilled and planted, as well as numerous outdoor "Spring" cleaning chores yet to be completed.  Phew.....bring on the good weather will ya please?

Everyone was making the "mad dash" home yesterday in the rain, either from a weekend of camping out or cottaging.   Rob took me to Sauble Beach to check out a garden center, and we only ran into a bit of traffic backup from our place until we turned off at the top of the North hill at Wiarton.

By the time we arrived at Sauble Beach the rain had subsided, thank goodness.  Sauble Beach wasn't too busy at all for a Holiday Monday, as I am sure the weather must have been a large factor in everyone making an early beeline for home.

This guy appeared to have the whole of Lake Huron all to himself, as we stopped to watch:

You certainly wouldn't catch me doing something like this.  I can imagine the amount of muscles this guy must have in his arms.  Mine would be pulled right off if I attempted such a feat.  LOL.

By the time made our way back home, the rain had stopped completely with the return of the sun. 

While I planted my annuals we had the "One & Only" out for a romp with his father, Bandit.

It is funny how they can be full of "piss & vinegar" one moment:

.....and so innocent the next:

By the time he settled down for this picture, I am sure Bandit had quite enough of him, and made no bones about telling us about it:

Ha,ha,ha.....I love the "smile" of my "Aussie" !!!!  It almost looks like he is saying to Rob, "will you get him off my back now?  I have had quite enough already" ! 

I don't know if it is the weather, lack of sleep, or overtaxing myself, but I have been feeling drained and exhausted the past few days.  I think I will go with the "weather", since us Canadians are notorious for blaming everything on the weather......lol. 

Since today is Rob's day off work, I will be at least be able to make the bed this morning.  That will be a plus for me, as I hate going into bed at night in an unmade bed.  Funny how we all have our little quirks about ourselves, is it not?  I think I should also try to tackle my kitchen floor before my socks start sticking to it as bad a fly sticking to flypaper.  That would be quite the sight I am sure.

Now that I have decided on those two things to do today, I am too exhausted to go any further with the rest of my day.  I think I will have another cup of Java to see if that will  give me the boost I need to carry on, "Just North of Wiarton & South of the Checkerboard".

Monday 23 May 2011

"Pass the Biscuit" Please...I Want to Embrace Life To The Fullest !

Another "Victoria Day" Weekend is coming to an end.....

I would think everyone should have been pleased if they were at their cottage, as the weather cooperated better then most years.  However the tenters had to deal with quite a downpour Sunday morning and evening....thunder and lightning with a driving rain....and the "hydro" going out for a "little" bit around 9:00 pm, at our house anyway.

The "calm" before the storm:

A "lighter" sky and rain with the storm gearing down:

Today is one of my very "best" friend's Birthday.  Happy Birthday Dear Tim!  I don't think he is into reading "blogs", so I must remember to call him at a "descent" hour, as I suspect this might be a "tad" too early for him to be up yet. 

It is "nice" to remember friend's birthdays; I also try to remember to send Birthday Cards a week or so earlier then the actual Birthday date, so they may be enjoyed up to the "big" day....since "after" the big day who wants to be reminded they are headed towards another number....lol.  I don't anyway!

My sister, Jeanne, forwarded me an email the other day that I have seen before, absolutely loved, and was "happy" to have it sent to me again since so many years have passed since I last seen it.  It, once again, reminded me to remember to "embrace" life on a daily basis, and also what is "important".  There is so much meaning and truth behind what this email had to say to me, so "Pass the Biscuit" please:

When I was a kid, my mom liked to make breakfast food for dinner every now and then. And I remember one night in particular when she had made breakfast after a long, hard day at work.. On that evening so long ago, my mom placed a plate of eggs, sausage, and extremely burned biscuits in front of my dad. I remember waiting to see if anyone noticed! Yet all my dad did was reach for his Biscuit, smile at my mom and ask me how my day was at school.

I don't remember what I told him that night, but I do remember hearing my mom apologize to my dad for burning the biscuits.. And I'll never forget what he said: "Honey, I love burned biscuits."

Later that night, I went to kiss Daddy good night and I asked him if he really liked his biscuits burned. He wrapped me in his arms and said, "Your momma put in a long hard day at work today and she's real tired. And besides... a burnt biscuit never hurt anyone!"

You know, life is full of imperfect things... and imperfect people. I'm not the best at hardly anything, and I forget birthdays and anniversaries just like everyone else. What I've learned over the years is that learning to accept each others faults and choosing to celebrate each others differences, is one of the most important keys to creating a healthy, growing, and lasting relationship.

So...please pass me a biscuit. And yes, the burned one will do just fine! And please pass this along to someone who has enriched your life... I just did!

Life is too short to wake up with regrets... Love the people who treat you right and forget about the ones who don't.


No matter the circumstances of our lives, if we could only focus on trying to "Enjoy Life Now" remembering it does have an "Expiration Date". 

We have the honour of a Killdeer returning to the exact same spot, at the end of our driveway, where there was a "nest" last year.  Going out on our Motorcycle on Saturday, I looked down and there she was sitting on her nest thinking she was "invisible".  I wasn't so lucky by walking out there yesterday, however did manage to get a couple of good shots in:

These "eggs" blend right in with their surroundings:

Mrs. Killdeer feigning a "broken wing", trying to lead me away from the location of her eggs:

How "smart" is nature?  Pretty darn smart in my books, I would say !

Many years ago I read somewhere that "boredom" is a sign of being "self centered".  Surely I must have been either self centered or lazy yesterday then, as I didn't feel like doing a "darn" thing.  Ha,ha,ha....I did manage to pull the "plug" out though once the whole morning of rain came to an end, by getting outside to scrub down Lexus' kennel and weed the Hosta bed.

I must have been in a "mini" rut in the morning, as I carried right on by putting supper together for the three of us as well....lol.  Um mm, cottage roll, russet potatoes and bean casserole:

 I have "loved" this bean casserole for years, never making it, as I was sure Rob once told me he didn't like it, and I didn't want to make it just for myself.  My Aunt served it at a meal she had us to not so long ago, and there Rob was eating it up like "no tomorrow".  Questioning him on that, he told me that he had meant he wouldn't care for it "all the time", and "would eat it" occasionally.  I certainly didn't hear any complaints from him as he took a "second" helping at suppertime last night!!!  *Sigh* Men !!!!  Do I need say any more?  Not !

Ha,ha,ha....and to the "men" who read my "blog", I do know it has been known you also say the same about women, "Women" !!!, and then some I am sure.

Should anyone like a copy of the "Bean Casserole", please feel free to drop me a line at:


...or you can find me at Cindy's Recipe Exchange on Facebook.

After thirteen years our Dehumidifier gave up the "ghost" and died.  It served us well all of those years, running and running and running, mostly every day some Summers.  I went online to Owen Sound Kijiji, lucking in by finding an advertisement for a good used Sahara Dehumidifier for $60.00.

It just so happened that my most "favorite" Crabby Cabbie had a fare over in Owen Sound last night giving him the opportunity to purchase it  and bring it home in his "new" chariot the company had to get him a couple of weeks ago (since the one he had been driving had also gave up the "ghost"):

Nice, shiny and almost new, as well as being blue.......fit for a "King" or a "Crabby Cabbie"....LOL.

I suppose I have lots of stuff I could be doing today, since I was being such a "slacker" yesterday.  I best be seeing if I will be doing "stuff" inside or out by checking out the Wiarton Airport Weather Report first:


Cloudy. A few showers beginning this morning. Risk of a thunderstorm. Wind southwest 30 km/h gusting to 50. High 22. UV index 3 or moderate.


A few showers ending late this evening then cloudy with 40 percent chance of showers. Risk of a thunderstorm this evening. Wind southwest 20 km/h becoming light after midnight. Low 7.

By the looks of this weather forecast, it appears I can do some inside "stuff" and then sneak outside to do some outside "stuff" inbetween showers. 

Since my "Crabby Cabbie" didn't arrive home again until the time I was taking the "One & Only" puppy out at 5:15 this morning, I am thinking whatever I plan to do today it I will be doing it Solo, "Just North of Wiarton & South of the Checkerboard".

Sunday 22 May 2011

We Made It To Today & The "Puppy" Made It Through The Night !

Here I sit at 5:42, sipping on my coffee, almost twelve hours pass the "apparent" Judgement Day.

Those poor souls caught up in such a "crazy" frenzy of believing....believing all the "wrong" things.  We don't know what is going to happen in the "next" second of our lives, how can we know down to a date & time.  ....and just think of all the money wasted right along with it, which could have been helping so many "less unfortunate".  Such is the "World".

Not only did I make it through the night, I made it through the night in "quietness", as our little unclaimed boy went his first night alone with a "huge" success !!!  Once put to his bed at 9:00 pm, there was only 1/2 hour of sorrow, and not another "peep" until 5:15 this morning.  Not one little "accident" in his crate, I might add.  Wow, I was certainly impressed, as I can remember walking up the lane with his Mother at 3:00 am many mornings.

He isn't too happy now, as he is back in his "crate" until a more suitable hour to be placed outside.

The last little girl "puppy" was claimed by her new owners at 10:00 am, yesterday, as well as being given her new name of "Scout". I am curious on how well she did on her first night alone without her siblings.  I am sure she will be getting lots of love and attention in her new home with Jane & Jed.  They left with promises of emailing me the occasional update & pictures.  Hopefully so, as I am curious on how "our" puppies are doing.

When I woke up this morning, just after 4:00 am, noticing Rob was still not home from work, I gave him a call around 5:00 am.  He had just dropped off another "fare" and was going to call it a day.  He was home by the time Puppy & I were heading outside, with a Tim Horton's coffee in hand; I was so looking forward to that coffee.....thanks Tim Horton's, once again you have messed up the order !  Yech it was a double, double coffee, and I only take double cream in my coffee.  Rob will be double fisting coffees when he wakes up later today.

Here it is at 5:25am "Just North of Wiarton & South of the Checkerboard":

I can hardly wait until the "clematis" fills in, with the lights coming through the leaves.  It should look pretty awesome.

Speaking of awesome, I had such an "awesome" day yesterday!!!  The weather was "wonderful" and the company couldn't have been "better"!

Our friends, Doug and Vicki were unable to bring their motorcycle this time around with them, however dropped in for a quick visit before heading up to Stoke's Bay to setup their 5th Wheel trailer for a weekend of camping out.

Rob & I headed out for a "toot" going down to Wiarton's newest French Fry place for some lunch.  I indulged by allowing myself a single piece of fish with chips.  Very good french fries.....  Then we made off to Hepworth where we stopped at a store there that sells reclaimed goods; Rob bought two shirts & I made a find of three "delightful" snowmen, and all for the cost of $7.00.

Here they are with my kitchen cat, "IKE":

Best be behaving yourself, IKE, as you don't want to be replaced by these "three" guys come Christmas time......LOL.

We were just gearing back up to take our leave from the store, when our neighbours, Doug & Connie, happened by on their motorcycle.  We all decided we would take a "tour" up to Stoke's Bay to see how Doug & Vicki were making out on their setup.  We had a another great ride and visit once we arrived there, stopping for coffee before our return home at 6:00 pm.

Once home, we attended to Bandit, Lexus & the "puppy" before I whipped up a Caesar Salad for our supper to complete what I thought to be a most "fantastic" day.

I can not believe I didn't take my camera with me on our "tour" !!!  I am really slipping these past few days.....or has it been the past few weeks?  LOL, who knows ?????

Oh I almost forget, I did get my "Herb" garden started with the planting of Basil, Thyme, Rosemary, Oregano, Lemon Balm and Parsley:

I also managed to have a few minutes to look at my "new" old Crockery Cooking The Easy Way book, and found one recipe that drew my interest for a Parisienne Chicken:

Chicken Parisienne ~ Crockery Cooking The Easy Way

6 medium chicken breasts
Salt and pepper
1/2 cup dry white wine or vermouth (optional)
10 1/2 ounces cream of mushroom soup, undiluted
1/2 cup mushrooms
1 cup dairy sour cream

Sprinkle chicken breasts lightly with salt, pepper and paprika. Place chicken breasts in pot. Mix white wine, soup, and mushrooms until well combined, stirring in sour cream. NOW if you will be cooking on LOW, Pour over chicken breasts in pot. Sprinkle with more paprika. Cover and cook on LOW 6 to 8 hours. (HIGH: 2 1/2 to 3 1/2 hours with sour cream added during the last 30 minutes.) Serve chicken with rice or noodles, and pour sauce over all. Serves 4 to 6.

I am going to be sure to try this recipe out in the very near future....sounds good to me.

Let's see what the Wiarton Airport forecast has to say about the weather being cooperative for May 24 Firework Celebrations this evening:


Cloudy. A few showers beginning this morning and ending this afternoon. High 20. UV index 5 or moderate.


Cloudy. Wind becoming south 30 km/h before morning. Low 14.

Hopefully they are right, and the showers are ended by this afternoon in time for this evenings Firework festivities at Wiarton's Bluewater Park; I am hoping I am right about the Fireworks.  It is amazing that we can view the fireworks from our dining room window, or weather and black flies permitting, from our outside deck.

Let's see what am I going to do with my day today, taking into consideration my "Crabby Cabbie" husband will be asleep until at least the noon hour, and there is a huge "chance" of rain this morning.....ummm, maybe if the rain holds off I could take Mother along for the ride & see if there are still any "Garage Sales" out and about town.

For the time being, I think I will make a "beeline" for my kitchen for that second cup of Java, "Just North of Wiarton & South of the Checkerboard".
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