Tuesday 30 October 2018

Twenty-Two Months Later

Yes it has been 22 months since I did my last blog post, after 5 Years of daily blogging.

I have been missing my time blogging, with it on my mind for some time now.  What happened to me? my Mental Illness got the best of me leaving daily coping seemingly impossible for me... no let me rephrase that, daily coping was impossible for me all this time.

I am hoping I can get back on this blogging post, as the old cliché goes, just like getting back in the "saddle" (I hope I have that right as my brain is a bit on the fuzzy side today).

I have had so much on my mind lately, so much I have wanted to say for so long, I am struggling to where I should begin?

Should I go on about my struggle with my Mental Illnesses ? should I go on about how busy my Life has been since last Spring? should I go on about how I have been feeling about Life in general the past to years ?  So it goes I will just begin with today, and if the Spirit moves me I will go back to where I have been in future posts.

Today I am exhausted with no sleep last evening, nor the evening before.  The first evening was up with our new Aussie boy, Bentley, who we got last November, as we had to put down our beloved Bandit a Year ago this past Thanksgiving.  The past 2 weeks Mazda (another new addition which you will be sure to hear about in future posts) had a bout of illness with the runs & throwing up.  It lasted 24 hours (thank goodness).  The following week it was Buddy (everyone who has followed me should know who our Buddy is) who had the very same "bug", again for 24 hours.  The night before we were awoke with poor Bentley with the runs at midnight …. needless to say it was a very long night and day ahead.  This morning the throwing up began with him, hopefully the 24 hours will be the end of it for him as well.  Regardless of no disturbance from the Aussies, or anything else, my insomnia hit me, denying me of Mr. Sandman.

This morning I left the house at 6:45, not returning home until 12 noon.  Is my brain in low gear, you darn tooting it is.  This afternoon I am going to try and rest, as today I have decided it is the day I am going to begin walking again.  I have made plans with a friend to begin at 6 pm this evening, so yes a rest is imperative to not only my Mental Health, but my body as well.

Did you know yesterday was National Cat Day?  I didn't either until a friend had posted it on her Facebook page along with a very amusing photo of her kitty.  Of course that was that, I also had to share our two kitty furbabies ….

Our sweet Calico girl, Paisley, along with our newly acquired rescue, Davidson, (who we rescued last November 2017).  Davidson is an Alpha Cat, believe it or not even over the Aussies.  Lots of amusement goes on with this two, more so with Davidson as Paisley became more subdued with his arrival on the scene.

Oh man I am finding myself quite rusty at this blogging gig again, certain it is going to take me awhile to get myself back in that "saddle".

Tomorrow is one of my most favourite times of the Year, as you well know Bess, as do most of my family members.

I do not want to overdue myself with my first, in a very long time, post, so I think I will call this a wrap.  In the meantime should you want to know a bit about where my "head" has been for a very long time in a Guest Post I had done a Year ago for my Girlfriend, Lynn's Blog, check out her Blog as well by *clicking* on her blog name as it is delightful with so much goodness you will see when you go there, Turnips2Tangerines, excuse the spelling/grammar errors as yes there are a couple)

To go there you may *click* on the following link:


That is all she wrote, "Just North of Wiarton & South of the Checkerboard"

Post Script:  I can not express enough & thank the people in my Life who supported me through my darkest moments, and still do today, with my daily struggle & learning to live with Mental Illness.

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