Wednesday 30 September 2015

Too Early Is It Not?

Too early is it not? to be as cold as it was today.  I am certain it wouldn't be as cold as it is if not for the North East winds.  Thank goodness there was sunshine!  I sure hope there is no frost in the air any time soon as I still have plants to bring in.

I didn't get much sleep again last night.  I was also downstairs letting Lexus out at 4 am and cleaning up her mess as she had gotten into a bag of food yesterday .... need I say more? I think not.

I was updating some Facebook pages this morning when I came across Caframo's update announcing they were having an Open House this upcoming Saturday:

Wow ! I had no idea Caframo had been in business for 60 years.  That is quite the milestone in the little community of Wiarton.  Need to know more about Caframo? then just *click* HERE, and drop on in this upcoming Saturday to get the "inside" story.

We actually have one of their JOI Lanterns and a small heater.

I really should be going for a walk this evening, however I can't seem to peel myself off the couch.  I just had a couple here who was having a wee visit with their Puppy.  It is nice when people are close to be able to visit, however not so nice for the couple in Sudbury who has only seen their sweet girl in pictures.  Thank goodness for text, as it is much easier for me to transport photos by text then email.

The puppies, as well as Portia and Lexus, go to the Vet next Friday.  Thank goodness I have help with them all, or I would never manage on my own.

Last week I had briefly stopped into the Chamber's Business After Hours at the New Leaf Health Center in Hepworth.  Geraldine is also a friend of mine, so I hadn't not wanted to make an appearance.  I had taken a few photos then left.  I found out I had won a Door Prize, which just happened to be a "massage" at New Leaf Health Center .... I will certainly look forward to using that gift certificate in the near future.  More about New Leaf Health Centre? just *click* HERE.

This evening? this is all she wrote, Just North of Wiarton & South of the Checkerboard.

Tuesday 29 September 2015

A Tad Grumpy

This is what happens to me the odd time when I have not had a whole night of NOT sleeping.  Yes I was feeling a tad grumpy today.

Regardless of what I tried I could not sleep.  Yes I even went to another bedroom !!!  Yes I even had a hot bath at 2:34 am !!!  Yes I even tried some medication !!!  Yes I tried it ALL, short of a rubber mallet.

Needless to say other then the bed made, dishes done and a few bills paid, nothing else got down today.

Four years ago a few of us girls from Southampton starting getting together for lunch in the Spring at the Walker House, just to get together and "catch up".  Since I had been busy with my son's wedding this Spring it had been put off until this Fall.  We are getting, or those who are able, together this Saturday.  Looking forward to putting my ears on and catching up.

I did manage to have a couple of winks of "light" sleep this afternoon, but upon getting up I am sure I felt much much more grumpier then when I had layed down.  *Sigh* good thing Rob was on the road, however I am sure Bandit heard a bit of it while he quivered at my feet.

I HATE feeling Grumpy, don't you???

I am going to try to get a walk in this evening before The Voice airs at 8 pm, so I am off and running, Just North of Wiarton & South of the Checkerboard.

Monday 28 September 2015

A Big Job

Today Rob got a very big job done, despite the humidity of the day ....

We had purchased this for one of our vehicles, however Rob erected this 20 foot structure at the back of our house to put in wood for the upcoming Winter.  It is getting too much for us to go out across to the Woodshed in the bad weather.  Hopefully this will simplify things by having it closer.

My morning was spent in the Emergency Room at the Wiarton Hospital seeing my Doctor.  The new meds I was trying out over three weeks ago have not been agreeing with me.  It is awful feeling buckets of sweat pour off one's body, along with the clammy feeling of clothes sticking to your skin.  This morning was the last straw when I couldn't make our bed as it was drenched on my side.  Oh and did I mention crying? that I could do on a dime without even having to think of anything *sad*, and never mind the weight I have put on because of meds the past year !!!!

Sigh ....

Short of the long of the story I am weaning off the meds.  He is also going to send me to a specialist to see about my "not sleeping" problem.  I really think if I slept better I would feel better then usual.

The past Year has been a life changing battle for me to the point I have given up things I used to love doing.  I barely cook, and never bake, anymore.  The thoughts of getting organized overwhelms me, but at the same time makes me feel ill.

I am hoping the Year ahead of me sees positive changes going forward; this is my prayer for myself, and others as well.

This afternoon I had to head over to Owen Sound.  I was able to meet up with my Niece who went to Sears with me to shop for new running shoes.  Sears had 35% off some of their footwear, however I got a great pair of Saucony's for a great deal.  We browsed through the Mall then had a cup of coffee before I headed back home.\

After puppy duty and grabbing something to eat the day was pretty gone.

This evening?  The Voice has begun a New Season so of course Rob and I cannot miss one episode, Just North of Wiarton & South of the Checkerboard.

Sunday 27 September 2015

Taking Care Of A Few Things

Since I had to purchase a new laptop yes I have been ....

I have been trying to find myself around the new operating system of Windows 10, with my biggest challenge having been figuring out how to download photos from my SD card and/or Apple Iphone.  I think I finally, after much frustration, figured it out a little bit.  I am sure there is LOTS more for me to try and figure out.  Trust me this figuring out things is much more time consuming then I care to put into something at times.  I would love should someone show me then having to figure it out on my own, but that kind of help there seems to be a shortage of so me it is.

Thanks to a couple of good friends who helped steer me in the right direction on Facebook today made it all a little bearable. 

The day flew by with not much getting done but for a load of laundry, the kitchen sink and bathtub being cleaned.  Being in the business of raising puppies can be very time consuming.  A person came this morning at 10 am for a duration of almost 2 hours.  I am happy to say all our amazing puppies have found their Forever Homes.

This afternoon a family came to "visit" their puppy which was almost another 2 hours.  Needless to say the day was pretty much gone.

After dinner Portia and I went for a walk down to Colpoy's Bay, which is about 1/2 walk from our place.

I never tire of the scenery within my surroundings

By the time we returned home, did puppy duty and adult duty, we got the dishwasher loaded and going to sit down to type off a few lines here this evening.

Should anyone be watching the Lunar Eclipse this evening if the cloud cover dissipates?  I hope to see some of it about 9 pm.  More on that can be found HERE.

That is all she wrote, Just North of Wiarton & South of the Checkerboard.

Saturday 26 September 2015

Dropping IN

It has been a few days since I last did a blog post, but seems like months ....

Since the last post we have been gone on a Holiday in our RV to Six Mile Lake for 9 days, returning back home a week ago this past Friday.

We had a pretty good get away with stellar weather.  We managed a few day trips to Sainte Marie among the Hurons, and on the Island Queen Cruise in Parry Sound, and to Casino Rama where Rob and I blew a whole $15.00 between the two of us (big time spenders).  We also made the trip into Barrie to have a dinner out at the Mandarin Restaurant .... yummy.

Rob relaxed by watching lots of movies while I put in 5 miles a day.  We also went fishing one day and I caught a baby pike, which I threw back in.  Rob threw it back so fast I never even got a photo of it !!!

My last morning walk I came across a Heron on the Beach.

Returning home I came down with some viral thing and have been sick since.  I slept a whole day and a whole night which was wonderful to have the sleep, but without the virus would have been much better.  Finally today I have been feeling better then earlier in the week.

Our puppies have been growing leaps and bounds, as puppies do.  Portia's single pup looks as it is 10 weeks old instead of the 6 weeks he is.  Lexus' puppies began solid foods when I returned last Saturday.  All our doing well.  Photos and a video can be viewed by *clicking* HERE.

This week I had to go out to replace my old laptop as after three years of MUCH use it gave up the ghost.  It hasn't been too much effort to get used to the Windows 10 operating system but for a couple quirky issues.

Today Rob and I took advantage of the beautiful weather, him cutting the lawn (for the 2nd time since our return as it had been a hay field when we returned), and I doing some laundry and being on puppy duty.  This evening I felt well enough to actually go for a walk with my niece.

For today, that is all she wrote, Just North of Wiarton & South of the Checkerboard.

Monday 7 September 2015

Test Drive

A busy day getting last minute things ready and packed into the RV before our "trip".  A well deserved mini holiday long past due.

We had the RV out for a wee test drive this afternoon over to the garage we go to in Sauble Beach, then back home.

Bandit most certainly enjoys being a co-pilot.  I am pretty sure I have everything we need and organized.  If I have forgotten something it will not be the end of the World.

Our house sitter is all ready to come stay with Lexus, Portia and the pups.  I am very grateful to have someone to come stay at the house for the whole time we are gone.  As I said before Bandit will be going with my brother, and Buddy will be coming with us.

Another humid day we had with just a bit of rain which never cooled anything down.  Lots of bumper to bumper traffic past our house heading home after the Labour Day Wknd.  School for some, and work for others tomorrow.

For me now? hopefully a good night's sleep despite the humidity, Just North of Wiarton & South of the Checkerboard.

Sunday 6 September 2015

Home Again

I returned back home from my son's about 4 this afternoon.  I was tired as sleep still does not come easy for me despite all my efforts.

I had left yesterday at 4 pm to go down there.  The reason of my visit was to get my VW Passat serviced with new brake discs all around.  My son's childhood friend, Blake, worked for Crosby VW as a mechanic, in Kitchener, so he looked after me today getting the work done at a considerable less amount then taking to a dealer.  Trust me I was and am very appreciative.

Back home I was busy getting things done, and feeling like a tired chicken with her head cut off.

Rob and I took Buddy over to Owen Sound to the Doggie Wash.  Check out the photo of that by *clicking* HERE.  There is also new photos of Portia's "tubby" puppy.

Tomorrow I have another busy day ahead of me, Just North of Wiarton & South of the Checkerboard.

Saturday 5 September 2015

Not Tonight

With my  family in New Hamburg tonight

Not tonight am I blogging away from home Just North of Wiarton and South of the Checkerboard

Friday 4 September 2015

Too Busy

Yard sale tomorrow.

Too busy to blog ... Just North of Wiarton & South of the Checkerboard.

Thursday 3 September 2015

Just Now

We just now got home from a long long day ....

The fridge in our RV went kaput, at the most inopportune time of course.  I called everywhere last night, Sears, Best Buy, Home Depot, etc..., to find the cheapest 24" wide  fridge would be $649.00 plus taxes, plus delivery.  YIKES ! there was no way I was wanting that to happen.

My friend, Vicki, checked for Scratch & Dent places on Kijiji.  I found two when I went on the Owen Sound site.  This morning I called both; the one in Owen Sound had nothing, however the one in Durham just had one come in yesterday afternoon.  What were the odds of that happening???? and he had never had one in that size before.

The best part of the whole story is the grand total was $187.50 !!!!

I also might add when crossing the street on the walk light on my way to the bank in Durham, a van whipped around  the corner missing me by a foot after he finally noticed me.  Yes my Angels were with me today, as most days I am certain.

After getting the fridge we headed down to Kitchener as Rob had ordered spare tire for the RV as well, and they had came in.  That was at 5 pm we got there, then went to Costco for much needed dog food.

Yes it has been a long day .....

When I was out with my friend, Lynn, the other night I was gifted a Cactus.

It is HUGE ! and I really really LOVE it.  The flowers are amazing.  I hope I don't kill it and it continues to do well.  It didn't even blink when I moved it home, and immediately began blooming; lucky me.

On that note I am going to soon call it a night, Just North of Wiarton and South of the Checkerboard.

Wednesday 2 September 2015

Time Out

I was lucky if I got three hours sleep last night.  Finally at 3 am I got up and started cleaning.  It has been a long busy day with a dent in a couple of things.

I need a "time out", and hope I get it at bedtime this evening, Just North of Wiarton & South of the Checkerboard.

Tuesday 1 September 2015

Getting It Ready

This morning was no joy when I got up with a Migraine.  I had been to bed early, sound asleep when my Son called me, then again when Rob called me, then once more time when Rob came in .....sleep was well past me at that point.  Dribs and drabs are better then none I suppose.

It was a busy day both Rob and I as we have been preparing the RV and getting it ready for a road trip soon.  A much needed one for both of us I might add.

We have friend coming to house sit and look after the Moms and pups, Bandit will go to my brothers, and Buddy will be coming along with us.

Rob had to dig out stuff stored in the basement from our other trailer.  I was cleaning and sorting most of the day long.

Yesterday Rob had removed the bucket chair so we had room to put in a crate for Buddy.  It worked out real well where we put it.

It sure is a lot of work to go somewhere before you get going.  I suppose once it has been set up the way we want it, much can be left in there for the next time around, but or perishables and bedding.

Late this afternoon I went for a pedicure ... a treat from a Gift Certificate I had.  I enjoyed it immensely.

Dinner? BBQ'd sausage and green/yellow beans.  Very yummy.

This evening I did more laundry and more cleaning in the RV.  I am sweating buckets, so much for the shower I had this afternoon !

I have actually begin reading a book again, after a very long time of not doing so, once being an addicted reader.  I am presently reading Still Alice.  I would love to also see the movie as I do so love Meryl Streep.

Nothing more to write this day, Just North of Wiarton & South of the Checkerboard.

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