Tuesday 30 September 2014

Not Too Much Of Anything

Yes it has been a not too much of anything kind of a day, however it has been nothing but busy ...

A meeting at the Wiarton Chamber Office this morning.  A meeting afterwards that Rob towed me along to.  Another small get together on meeting of the minds back at the Chamber office this afternoon, and thank goodness a "cancelled" meeting for the Santa Claus Parade Committee this evening.

Truly I think I am feeling  a bit wrung out by meetings, and then some.

It has been quite a rainy drab sort of day here all day.  I did manage to get my dishes done, and bed made.  I always seem, if nothing else, to get those two household chores done.

Oh yes haven't mentioned about driving Rob back and forth to the garage twice today, had I?  thought not.

I made a brief call to the Southampton Hospital to find out my Auntie Gladys is still there, and probably until tomorrow if not longer.  For some reason her blood pressure spiked to heights that it should not have been at last night.  All was put under control, however she did not sound all the best when I spoke to her, but then again one wouldn't be in the Hospital should they be at their best, now would they.

Rob has been running around in and out most of the day.  This is not a bad thing, but does cause for some interruption the times I did manage to be at home.

Oh yes I did most of the Crabby Cabbie billing at some point today, not certain at what point but do know there is two more to bill out tomorrow morning.  Not that it is a real biggie, just one more thing that has to be taken care of ... *smile*.

A bit of excitement in a way of a gift from my friend, Diane.  Thanks Diane !!!

Lots of benefits from Diatomaceous Earth (Food Grade) with Diane having our Bandit in mind with his Mite / Allergy problem.  Lots of Health advantages to both our pets and ourselves.  I will be reading up on it in the book Diane has lent me, and have already started giving it to Bandit with yogurt this day.  

Warning:  Be careful of inhaling its fine powder

For more information please read by *clicking* HERE, or further research yourself on google or library books.  For more information on using for your Dog *click* HERE, or further research yourself on google or your local vet.

I will be blogging more on my own personal findings, etc as I go along either by reading or using Diatomaceous Earth (food grade) myself and/or on our Aussies.

I know tomorrow morning I need to dangle, as our new mattress is being delivered at some point tomorrow, and we need to get the other one wrapped up in plastic and out of our room.  Then I need to give the carpet a good going over underneath the bed while there is no mattress on it.  Busy, busy.

Yes indeed not too much of anything however a whole lot of something, Just North of Wiarton & South of the Checkerboard.

Monday 29 September 2014

Damn Beavers !

I am doing great since I got at least 4 hours sleep last night.  Is that why I still have no energy and feel like going to sleep once I actually get out of bed before 6 am?  must be the reason.  Really though it has been getting better then pulling an "all nighter".  I am getting too old to pull those off, am I not?  Ha !! not always.

First stop of the day was the Wiarton Hospital.

Rob has broken his clavicle bone 4 times, and lately it has been giving him more grief then not, especially with a seat belt that pulls into it.  Off to see our Doctor who is "on shift" Mondays at the Hospital.  We were there right before he was so the wait had not been too long.  Some new meds to replace the Ibuprofen and some old ones to relax the muscles at sleep time.  Once would have been more then enough to fracture my collar bone, but Rob obviously thought 4 times was more then enough !

Little Portia is not so little anymore now that she is over 3 months old.  She is getting to be, let's say ... double the trouble.  I have to admit though today was her very 2nd day ever she did not have an accident in the house.  Good Girl, Portia !!! 

After lunch I collected my neighbour, Pari, and we headed up to another hospital this afternoon.  This time it was the Southampton Hospital where we went to visit my Auntie Gladys.  She had high levels of something to do with her Pancreas, however by today they came down to almost normal.  They will be keeping her one more day I believe, and she will be off for a scope as soon as it can be arranged.  Fingers crossed they find nothing to serious and it is something that is a "quick fix", as our family surely would be lost should we not have our Auntie Gladys at the helm keeping us all straightened out on who is who.  We can not afford to have her laid up and sick.

By the time I returned back home there had been a delivery again by UPS.  How exciting this was for me.

Today I received one package from Apple in California containing some Apple "stuff" in the way of a thermos cup, water bottle, journal and pen ... I felt very honoured to receive such nice Apple "stuff".  Thanks for the awesome Apple Customer Service by Christine at Apple.com !!!

The other parcel contained a pair of Teva Orginal Sandals I had won in a contest put on by Teva a month ago on Facebook.  Thanks Teva ! my new sandals "rock" !!!

On my way back home from Southampton Rob had called me to tell me he had something to show me when I arrived back home.  

Rob loaded me up behind him on the ATV and we headed on out to the 2nd field behind out house to where he discovered a damn Beaver's dam !!!  Damn Beavers is right !  The tree we had thought came down in the last big storm?  nope it was not the storm at all.

Totally amazing what those damn Beavers can do to get a Dam made, is it not?

Needless to say the Dam those damn Beavers have made have begun to flood out our back field, and will soon be flooding out not only our front fields but our neighbour's pond.  They also have a damn built two properties up from us.  

Since our neighbour, Ed, who had owned the Farmer's Market beside us for years and years until the new owners took over last year, had always been on top of the damn Beavers and their damns there had never been a problem the 11 years we have lived here until now.  We will have to get figuring on what to do between our new Farmer's Market neighbour, Mike, and ourselves very very soon.

After Rob and I had our Dinner of leftover homemade Bean Soup, we headed out for our evening walk.

Portia and Rob bonding and doing a little schmoozing with each other.  

Rob was called out when I sat down to get started here.  I am soon going to be taking the baby Portia and the Bandit boy out before I call it a night, and Rob will take care of our Lexus girl and Buddy boy once he returns back home.

It was a lovely weather day today, with rain in the forecast tomorrow.  I could keep days like we had today forever, Just North of Wiarton & South of the Checkerboard.

Sunday 28 September 2014

A Most Amazing Dinner

I was happy that last night I had finally gotten more sleep then I had have for weeks !  every extra minute helps with a renewed outlook on a new day ahead.

I called my Auntie this morning, as last night she had asked me how the Gall Bladder attack I had experienced had felt, as she was having awful discomfort in her right hand side..  I told her to get to the hospital to be checked out.  This morning Uncle had answered the phone letting me know they had kept her, and by this afternoon they had thought maybe a gall stone has obstructed a duct.  She will be remaining in the Hospital for a couple of days of rest, and to determine anything further that might arise.  Really it does cause much discomfort and I hope all settles much sooner then later for her.

Today I was able to get a bit of laundry done, however not too much of anything else done.  Rob got the lawn all cut, being a good thing as it is to rain tomorrow.  We also had someone stop in to check out what we need to replace a steel liner in our chimney so we can utilize our wood stove in the basement this Winter.

First thing in the morning Rob had called out to me that a Hawk was back at our field.  I ran out to the van to gather up my camera.

Fortunately I captured him before he took flight.  I wonder if it had been the same one I had seen in the Spring?

I did also get some Lily bulbs dug out of the planter to dry out before they are put in a brown paper bag to await for next Spring to arrive.  I am not quite sure what the bulbs are that I had found inside a couple of the lily's deadening blooms, if anyone could enlighten me I would so appreciate it.

Late this afternoon I had an errand to run into Owen Sound and back.  By the time I had returned home Rob had a most amazing dinner ready for us.

Steamed Cauliflower, Baked New Potato, Fresh Sliced Beefeater Tomato, and BBQ'd Pork Tenderloin grilled to perfection.  After Dinner Rob and I took ourselves, along with Portia, down to Bluewater Park for a bit of a walk.  What a lovely evening it was, never mind what a superb day!

Now we are back home it is time to put our feet up, take in a bit of TV and relax before bedtime, Just North of Wiarton & South of the Checkerboard.

Saturday 27 September 2014

Legion Dinners Are The Best !

The last two days have not been the best, however they are now past and I am starting to bounce back from probably overtaxing myself (once again) this past Thursday.  

The past two Fridays in a row I have had a terrible bout with gas and stomach pains that took my breath away both times almost sending me to the Hospital I had been in that much discomfort.  The Gall Bladder attack I had experienced hadn't even seemed as bad, and these attacks happened two weeks after having that removed.

I put it together, as both times I had eaten an apple and the time line for the attacks were approximately 4 hours after eating it.  Rob had to rush home last night as he thought he was going to be taking  me to the hospital.  It seems like for some reason my apple eating days are over, and I LOVE Gala apples eating one or at least three a day.  I do not understand how this works this way, however I will not risk going through that much discomfort a third time.

My handsome loving husband, Rob, Friday morning patiently waiting for me after we had been briefly at the Wiarton Farmer's Market.  He is indeed my Hero, and has rarely ever let me down when I have needed him.  Thanks Honey you are the best always (mostly of the time) in my eyes and heart. 

I awoke this morning with another severe headache.  I took two extra strength sinus pills, which didn't work, and two T2's and 1200 mg of ibuprofen afterwards, ending up laid out on the couch from first thing this morning until 3 pm this afternoon.  I was not having a good time.  

All that rest did me some good when I did finally get up, as after I had a coffee I was ready to head out two hours later for the Fish Fry at the Hepworth Legion.  I picked up our neighbour and was off ...

First photo is of Rob's first Cousin, Joyce, who is the Treasurer (& Chief Organizer as I see it) at the Hepworth Legion.  I absolutely love Joyce as she is always down to earth and I have always been able to talk to her very easily at most any time.  Then our party of 9 with my Brother-in-law, Cecil, Sister Jean, Cousin June, Uncle Basil, Cousin Bill, Auntie Gladys, Rob and my neighbour who had been cut out of this photo.  The Whitefish Dinner was Out of this World Delicious !  and there had been a band playing too !!!

The Legion had been packed with people there for the afternoon of music which went on until 7 pm, with many more arriving, including us, for the Fish Dinner.  The band had us all stand after the Dinner to sing Oh Canada all together.  I managed to capture my Uncle Basil who is a very dedicated Legion Member of the Port Elgin Legion.

Legion Dinners are the Best !!!

Rob had to leave before anyone, with our neighbour and I leaving shortly thereafter.

My Auntie had given me this beautiful Rose as she had said she hadn't seen me since I had my surgery.  She had also bought a Solar "Turkey" for all of us ladies who had been in our party for Dinner ... is he not cute?  Auntie Gladys you are always so thoughtful xxx.

After all of that rest I have had the past two days you would think I would be all bright eyed and busy tailed would you not?  Quite the contrary, as I am feeling still pretty sleepy with hopes I can finally get some sleep this evening.  I might have to break down and take something to help me sleep all night, as I really could use the sleep.

This past week the weather has been exceptional with hopes the week ahead will remain the same.  Lots of outside work still to be done before Winter arrives here, with hopes it all gets done.  The lawn is in dire need of being cut, so I am hoping it gets done tomorrow.

I am signing off for yet another evening, Just North of Wiarton & South of the Checkerboard.

Friday 26 September 2014

Pain In The ....

I woke up with a Migraine headache this morning, and anyone who suffers with Migraines, or headaches, know what a pain in the "you know what" they are.  To the point of debilitating is exactly what they can be.

The bad news is I still have it and the good news is Rob is very understanding thank goodness.

Despite the pain, as the meds didn't barely put a dent in the pain, I still managed to get our bed stripped, washed, hung on the line and made back up fresh again.

I also picked Rob up after he had dropped off our one Crabby Cabbie vehicle to the garage, and later back to get it picked up.  The other day it had gone in to get a new alternator.  Unfortunately some times the new ones can be faulty, and this had been the case, so back it had to go today to be replaced with another new one.  Fingers crossed this one is good to go for the remaining life of the vehicle.

I have been in and out with Portia all day, and Bandit, while Rob has looked after the other two for me.  Rob also had a headache today.  Rob managed to get an afternoon nap in, whereas I almost did until the phone rang twice.  Good old Murphy's Law.  Part of the headaches I am sure is due to sinuses and allergies, as right now the pain is in the whole left side of my head from behind my eyes, in my teeth, jaw, ear and down the side of my neck, along with a sore throat.  It throbs.

Thank goodness we had leftover homemade bean soup, and lots of Beef Eater Tomatoes for sandwiches as that was what was on the Menu for today.

Tomorrow I am planning to attend a Fish Fry at the Hepworth Legion with a friend and some family members.  I am really hoping the headaches have left by then.

Tickets are available by calling ahead or at the door with information as follows:

Nothing like a good Dinner in support of a local Legion, is there?

PS.  Lori, happy your hubby had a chuckle when he seen the Crabby Cabbie vehicle at the Elmira Mennonite Thrift Store.  *smile*

On that note I believe I will give my eyes a rest by getting off my laptop and calling it a day, Just North of Wiarton & South of the Checkerboard.

Thursday 25 September 2014

Shop Til You Drop

I was awake at 3 am, but made sure by the time 4:50 am rolled around, I rolled out of bed as I was up to do my Aussie duties, a coffee into me and out the door by 6:30 am.

Today I was meeting up with my friends, Abby & Liz, as we were heading on down South to meet up with friend, Vicki, to do a Shop til you Drop day at the St. Jacob's Farmer's Market and Costco.

We made very good timing meeting up with Vicki shortly after 9 am.  Then the walking began.

At the Market we pretty much checked out every Nook & Cranny, from Quilts to every fruit & veggie.  The purple heirloom peppers looked pretty cool in the arrangement of colours, yes?

There was a tasting of this and that.  I sampled some very good 3 year old white cheese that I am now kicking myself for not buying some as it was soooo good.  Next time maybe.  I did however by a huge 6 litre basket of Beefsteak Tomatoes which I must say by the sandwich I had for Dinner they are full of flavour, so no regrets there.  The price for the basket? only $5.00.

It had been around 11 am when we approached the Homemade Fritter booth.

First Liz caved, then Vicki right after her.

Abby & I were very strong resisting the very tempting fresh Apple Fritters, to have ourselves fun by finding some very heavy, very real Rye Bread.  Abby had no problem demonstrating how "heavy" it really had been.

Next stop was Borealis Grill & Bar for some lunch.  This is very close, almost across from where the Kitchener Costco is located.  Very nicely decorated inside, and all foods are mostly sourced locally.

Liz & I ordered the Fish & Chicken Tacos which came with a side of salad.  We switched up so we could each tasted one of each.  Our preference was the fish, which had been pickerel, as the chicken had been very bland.  Abby had a homemade Ravioli which she loved, and Vicki the French Onion Soup, which she had to add salt to and the fresh Beet Salad, which she did not care much for their homemade Tarragon Vinaigrette (which I enjoyed personally).

Personally I enjoyed the food I had, other then I had wished we had just chosen the fish.  Price? $17.00 with tax and I had a water.  A tad pricey for lunch but more of an upscale restaurant with a local sourced menu.  Would I go back? I think so.  Should you like to see the Menu for Borealis Restaurant, just *click* HERE.

Next stop was Costco, where we really did the Shop til you Drop by covering almost the whole store.  According to my Steps App on my iphone I did 4,428 steps today from the time I left the house until I just sat down not long ago.  Not too bad when you consider that was almost 2 1/4 miles of almost all shopping.

After dropping off the girls to back to their vehicles, I arrived back home at 6 pm.  Eleven hours of being out and about, no wonder I am tired.

You might notice I had not many photos from our day, that is because we were having way too much fun together to have time for me to be snapping photos ... *smile*.

Here is is now barely after 8 pm, and I am pretty much ready for my bed, Just North of Wiarton & South of the Checkerboard.

Wednesday 24 September 2014

Spring & Fall

No I did not sleep any better last night then any other night, but I am hoping tomorrow night I will have a great sleep.  I will divulge why tomorrow.

Every Spring and Fall we have a visitor who returns each Year, seemingly without fail, and one I look forward to seeing at these times.

The Blue Heron stayed almost the whole of the day in the same area in our first hay field directly behind the house.  I love gazing out at him/her.  It must be their first place to land before deciding where they will be living for the Summer, and their last place before they migrate each Fall.  Regardless I enjoy seeing it time after time ...

I managed to get two load of laundry washed and hung out on the clothes line.  What a gorgeous day it has been.  Summer finally arriving on the 2nd day of Fall perhaps?  

I saved the water from what I had cooked the Cottage Roll in the other day.  This morning I retrieved it from the fridge to first skim the fat from the top then strain it through cheese clothe before I put it on the stove top where I added to it carrots, onion, celery, garlic and mixed beans.

Lunch and Dinner were both a flavoured filled bowl of Bean Vegetable Soup.  Very delish if I say so myself with Rob wholeheartedly in agreement.

This afternoon I had to return a binder to the Wiarton Chamber of Commerce offices, and while I had been gone my Rob had been indeed very busy in my absence.  He took advantage of the balmy like weather with barely a wind to ....

... put the winter cover we had gotten over top of the Gazebo.  This is great as we can leave the patio furnishing right inside for the winter.  Still with windows on either side of the now shelter it still can be used by us until the weather gets worse.  I truly hope it serves its purpose well this upcoming Winter, as the westerly winds are prevailing and very strong out on our deck.

Rob and I managed to get out for a 1/2 hour walk this evening with Portia.  It had been very enjoyable.

I am going to call it an early night for myself.  I am finding the Cymbalta is not working as of yet with now 2 weeks gone by and I am going to have to resort back to taking Ibuprofen to give me some relief for my Fibro ridden muscle pain, along with some Tec 2's.

I have a very long day ahead of me tomorrow, so I think this will be a wrap for the day, Just North of Wiarton & South of the Checkerboard.

Tuesday 23 September 2014

More Packages !!!

It was a rough day today in the way that it started with barely being able to get out of bed first thing as my Fibro has been flaring with my muscles seemingly out of control trying to escape from my skin.  Truly it does feel sometimes like a "Mack Truck" has ran over me.

Upward and onward though as time does not wait for you to catch up with it.

Rob had his follow-up Doctor's appointment today, as he had x-rays of both his hips done two weeks ago.  Results? no surprise with his back, pelvis and both hips full of arthritis.  Fine pair we make, don't we?

Rob is to keep walking 20 minutes a day, also cutting back on high sugar foods minding his portions and food intake.  I have to admit he has cut back his coffee to a double double from a triple triple.  It is a start, and any start is better then no start in my books, however there is always room for improvement with both of us.

As I have said before, and will probably again, walking has to be about one of the best exercises one can do for themselves.  When one sits the majority of the time the body compresses, whereas walking gets all the joints and muscles going and lubricated.  

Even three 10 minute intervals of walking  a day is better then a whole stretch at once if one cannot manage it.  Begin slowly with any exercise and work up to gaining momentum at one's own pace. 

Nobody is out to win a race when trying to get motivated and somewhat fit.

I was unable to get out for a walk today, as sometimes my life lately had not been accommodating a daily walk, however I am out several times, if not more, a day with the puppy and adult dogs.  That counts for something, however still a nice straightforward stroll is much better in my books. However today I was unable to do too much of anything, with the past Saturday and Sunday being much the same.

It is without fail that I never go without a kiss or a *smile* when out with our Lexus, as this pretty pretty girl bestowed both on me today.  This always brightens my days.

This afternoon my doorbell dogs started barking alerting me that someone was here.  In pulled a UPS truck and with more packages.....

2 packages arrived from Apple containing a Jabra Bluetooth headset, and a leather case for my iphone 5s.  I also got an email with a tracking # today letting me know the Teva Sandals I had won last month have been shipped and I will be getting them on the 29th of Sept. !  
Wow it has been that kind Month in the package dept. for me.

Why the packages from Apple?  I had an issue with my iphone which took me over 5 phone calls and the misfortune of my credit card being placed on hold for a new phone not required and being returned back to Apple.  For all the troubles I had experienced I was offered $200.00 in product from Apple.com with a few exclusions of iphones, ipads and such.  I didn't even ask for anything to receive such a generous offer.  

Since then I was place with the highest level of customer service Apple supplies with a lovely young lady contacting me to keep me abreast of what was transpiring all the way from Austin TX.  I must say when they sent me a survey on their most recent customer service experience, I gave her all top marks !  Thank you Apple.

Other then the Teva sandals I had won, I am expecting one more package from Apple with a new lightening charge cord for my iphone.  I think that might be it for a run of packages for awhile.

Today was a most beautiful weather day, as the whole of the upcoming week is going to be.  I sure hope this is not our Indian Summer !!!  or I will really feel ripped off since we had no Spring, or much of a Summer to speak of, so I have been hoping for a lovely Fall.

I am tired, however think I will wait up until my Rob gets home.  Maybe the pup out one more time and a bit of TV will be the order until he does arrive back home, Just North of Wiarton & South of the Checkerboard.

Monday 22 September 2014

A Most Pleasant Surprise

This morning was a morning where I could have finally went back to sleep until the Sun had long risen.  This morning I could have stayed in bed until the cows had came home.  This morning I got up long before 6 am .... wish I may, wish I might, my wishes were all in dismay.

After all the Aussies had been in, out and about, with Portia more times then I care to mention,, I hit the books.  That would be the Crabby Cabbie books.  I took the time to organize July and August, with September to follow in another week's time.  At that time I will enter it all onto the books if not before, and definitely before the 15th of October when the 3rd Quarter of the Year is due.

I also had to drive over to get Rob from where he dropped his one Crabby Cabbie vehicle off as it has gone in with a mechanical issue to be looked after.  Never ending when one has a home or a vehicle(s), is it not?

After lunch I dropped down to see my Mother and take her a Tim Horton's coffee.  They had entertainment in the common room, and I had asked her why she wasn't going down to listen to the music.  She told me she doesn't care for music.  Really ? my mother not liking music? that is a first.

Life changes with time, some good some not so good, but time waits for no one as changes take place.

After visiting with Mom I next stopped down to the Wiarton Chamber offices to meet the new girl who had been hired as a JCP (Job Creation Program) for Marketing.  It was a pleasure to meet Grace, and great to now have 4 great staff members in the offices hopefully contributing to the growth of the the Wiarton Chamber and its lobbying for the town.

When I returned home Rob had left a parcel for me that had came in the mail.  I was surprised as I was not expecting a parcel, however found it to be a most pleasant surprise.  

Not too long ago a friend had posted on her Facebook page that the first 5 people to comment on her post would receive something from her within the Year.  I did this same "pay it forward" a year ago sending 5 gifts out to five different people.

A beautiful card with a note had also been enclosed from Jeanette.  Thank you again Jeanette for your thoughtfulness and careful thought in choosing something to send to me.  I do feel special to have received your package.

A journal, a camera charm, and a Survival Kit, Lord knows I need a survival kit on many an occasion.

How nice to receive something, whether it only be a kind note, in the mail unexpectedly.  Kindness goes a long way.

After Dinner Portia and I went for a 3 km walk down through Bluewater Park and way down past the Wiarton Marina.  Portia apparently loves water having the time of her life playing along the shore.  The beauty of the landscape never ceases to enthral me.

My girlfriend, Vicki, and I, are always entering in some kind of contest or another on Facebook.  The most recent one was offered by a photographer in Alabama, Starla Doud Photography.  Starla was offering a T-Shirt in support of Cancer for the person who was her 700 person to like her Facebook page.

You guessed it, I was number 700 !  Since my girlfriend, Vicki, has not just one Wiener Dog, but two, I had to gift the T-shirt to her.  She just received it in the mail from Alabama today and sent me the photos ....

.... "Wieners love Boobies too.  Vicki with her Weenie, Sam, and Weenie, Beanner.

Thanks to Starla Doud Photography for the Contest Give Away !

Tomorrow is a busy day.  A busy day calls for an early night, especially after such an eventful day, Just North of Wiarton & South of the Checkerboard.

Sunday 21 September 2014

Stamp Of Approval

Sleep came easy me last night, however was broken from the time Rob arrived home at 2 am until I finally got up after 6:30 am.  Poor Rob was out the door by 7 am this morning, and running around until well after the lunch hour today.

We had decided that today Rob would go back with me over to the Sears store in Owen Sound to check out a different mattress.  It was a great day to be checking out things as the weather was drab with heavy to light rain showers all day long.  Off we went about 2 pm.

Yes the mattress I had checked out yesterday received Rob's stamp of approval today.  

The only problem we came up against was the bottom did not appear to be in stock, which is odd since it is a brand new item to the store only a couple of weeks ago.  The sales person wondered if we would take a base 3" less in height, however we have a sleigh bed which would make it look totally ridiculous with a base and mattress with no height to it.  They are to call us back tomorrow once they have looked into the situation further.  It is always something, is it not?

Out by myself yesterday I had got to browse the store a bit finding something I liked very very much.  I had the sales lady put them on hold for me until today.

I fell in love with these 3 Season boots as soon as I had set eyes on them.  The size 8 had been a little tight, so I opted for the size 9 which will give just a small bit of extra room for a heavier sock.  I scored these babies for a cool 50% off !  and they only had the one pair in my size ... almost like it was meant to be.

Want a pair? you can also order online by going HERE.  I could have gotten black, however loved the taupe as it will go with any colour I wear.

It was very late afternoon by the time we had arrived back home.

Dinner was easy with us each having a leftover cottage roll sandwich on rye bread and some cantaloupe.  Nothing much but something to hit the spot which was very yummy.

Rob is tired, I am tired, and the dogs are all quiet so they also must be tired.  It was just that kind of rainy kind of weather day, Just North of Wiarton & South of the Checkerboard.

Saturday 20 September 2014

Changing Up

I believe I got more sleep last night then I have for sometime, but still laid awake most of the wee hours of the morning.  I don't bother getting up anymore (other then to the washroom) as I figure as long as I am laying there my body is resting even though my mind isn't.  

We are going to be looking at changing up our mattress that we purchased in January under the comfort satisfaction guarantee with Sears tomorrow.  I went over to Sears in Owen Sound this morning to check out the Tempur-Pedic mattress, on the referral by Chania of Razmataz.  On checking out the Preference Tempur-Pedic Mattress, that had just came in the Owen Sound store, I found it was firm however gave into the pressure points of weight when I laid on it.  I thought I was going to go through the roof last night between the pressure points in my hips and shoulders.  Rob is having the same issues with his hips.

Rob figures since he picked out the new mattress in January that I should pick out the replacement.  Still he is going back over with me tomorrow as I want him to also try it out also, just so he knows what it feels like prior to us making our last purchase, as it will be our last purchase.

Just a few highlights of an otherwise drab and quite tiring day for both myself and Rob.

Bandit was not too pleased that he was not allowed to be up with Rob on the chair last evening, however finally quit staring Rob down.

I was cold this morning.  Our house was colder then outside was later today.  

Rob got a fire going for me to take the chill out of the house and my bones.  Portia looked on experiencing her first Wood Stove fire.  Yes I am quite comfortable now, and hopefully will not have to wear a pair of socks to bed again tonight.

I am very grateful to my friend, Cathy, who had gifted me the quilt for the couch, as it seems that is where both Bandit and :Portia think they should play at times, right beside where I am sitting.  Portia has tried getting up a couple times only to been shooed right back off.

To watch both of them at times can be very amusing.

While I had been in Owen Sound I had stopped into Food Basics to pick up a nice Cabbage to go along with the Cottage Roll Rob had put in the Crock Pot after I had left.

Cottage Roll that fell apart along with new potatoes, cabbage and carrots really hit the spot for our Dinner this evening.

I was planning on going down to Hepworth this evening from 7 til 9 pm to attend the All Candidates Meeting, however my body is aching from top to bottom.  Really I think it will be best for me to get into my bed and under the blankets to try and ward off the effects of more rain that is to come.

Truly I am upset that I did not go, however I have to listen to my body at times, otherwise it can and will get worse then I will loose more then one day, more then likely end up being two days lost of doing not much of anything.

I have been quite busy the past few days and really needed a day of not doing to much at all, Just North of Wiarton & South of the Checkerboard.

Friday 19 September 2014

Happy Birthday Mom !

Today was no different then any other day around here other then Rob was first out of bed before I was at 4:50 am, with me following shortly afterwards.  Rob had a customer who had to be in Toronto this morning, so that put them there just about the time the morning "rush hour" was at its worse.

Me?  when am I not every busy.  I have a million and one things piled up waiting for ME to attend to them.  The top of the priority is the past 2 months of bookwork to be entered onto the Crabby Cabbie books .... baaaaaah !  I could cry as here I am behind AGAIN !

No matter as much as the books are priority there wasn't something much more important.

About 10:30 am I was in the kitchen whipping up a cheese and pickle tray, along with a large plate of egg salad sandwiches, as today company was coming to celebrate our Mother's 87th Birthday.

I like having the table set before everyone arrives.  I put the trays on just 5 minutes before my brother, Allan had arrived with Mom.

Not long after Allan, and his wife, Nancy, had arrived with Mother, my sister Jeanne, and her husband, Cecil, had arrived.  Time to have a Birthday Lunch together.  Of course there was cake for Mother after lunch, with the rest of us opting for Apple Pie.

I am pretty sure Mom had a great time coming over for her Birthday Lunch.  

Unfortunately, but fortunately after he had finished eating, Rob was called back out on a call.  The rest of us had a nice visit before they all left around 2 pm.  It had been a good Birthday luncheon.

Right after everyone had arrived, a UPS truck had pulled in delivering our new leather recliner chairs.  Rob had been happy my brother had been here to give him a hand getting them upstairs.

They are most certainly a lot bigger then I had every expected.  Rob really likes his new chair.  And me I can lay right back .... wayyyyy back in them.  Being so new they are very stiff, but I am sure they will be broke in soon enough.

My friend, Judy, who lives in Port Elgin had a book she wanted to lend me, so our driver had picked it up for me today and passed it along to Rob when he had seen him today.  

Not only did I get the loan of a book, I also got a jar of Judy's Homemade Chutney.  Thanks Judy how so very thoughtful of you on both accounts ! xx

It was a pretty good all around day and the weather had been also superb.  Once can not complain about having life just so.

Rob had another call late this afternoon.  This person wasn't having such a great day.  Rob went quite a few miles to pick him up for this person to realize their pay hadn't been deposited into their bank account.  It was decided this person who was going to get a rental car in Owen Sound would be taken there anyway and trusted to pay Rob later.  Not long after Rob had returned home he received a call from this young person saying they were in Wiarton and had the money to pay for his cab fare.

Rob made someones day, and they made ours by being honest.  It is refreshing to know some people are still honourable, appreciative and honest, is it not?

I am happy Mother had a great Birthday Luncheon with 3 of her 4 children, and wish her many many more to come.

Time for this gal to hit the showers then call it a day, Just North of Wiarton & South of the Checkerboard.

Thursday 18 September 2014

These Boots Are Made For ...

Yet another sleepless night South of the Checkerboard.  If I do not get any sleep tonight I swear I am going to scream as this subject is getting rather tiring, is it not?  I think so, heavy on the "tiring".

This morning I spent picking up the chunks around here, and I mean literally picking them up.  It is an endless battle trying to be organized when one has no routine to speak of.  At least it is not to the point of embarrassment now should someone drop in unexpected, nor to have my Mother over for her Birthday lunch tomorrow.

I also put a call into Sears about our mattress we had purchased back in January.  We purchased a mattress pad from Sears so we would have the "Comfort Guarantee", meaning if you were not satisfied with the comfort of the mattress you purchased you could return it within the first year for your money back or a replacement mattress of your choice (money difference either paid or returned on the new mattress purchase).  The mattress we had chosen is way too hard for my pressure points, even after we were told it had a gel top, which I believe we had been misinformed.  I am going to need the one down from the extra firm this is for sure.

When one spends well over $1000 on a mattress, one should expect comfort.  Yes?

Not sure when Rob and I will have the time to go decide what mattress we want again, but it will have to happen within the next couple of weeks.  He thought originally the firm would be the best for his back, but now I think he has rethunk those thoughts.

This afternoon I had an appointment with our bank lady.  Our lady is going to be retiring in 2 years time, and I really will miss her.  I was hoping she would be there until our mortgage was paid off, but we will still have a couple more years for that to happen once she has already left.

Appointments last upwardly to and past a good hour.  It doesn't take long for an afternoon to go by.

Everywhere I had gone today I received compliments on ...

.... my boots.  This boots are made for walking, and walking I will do.  Truly I think I should be somewhere in New Mexico with these boots.

Ha, remember that old song by Nancy Sinatra with her Boots on?  back in 1966.

I was 7 years old when that song was released.  I can remember it being performed on the Ed Sullivan Show .... "it is going to be a really really big Shuh".  Really who didn't love the Ed Sullivan Show?

I hope and pray I get a good night's sleep tonight.  I hope and pray the side effects of these new meds pass soon.  I hope and pray for everyone's well being and good health.  I hope and pray I am the best I can be as a wife, mother, daughter, sibling and best friend.  

I am being melancholy so you can tell how really tired I am.

I hope and pray tomorrow is a new wonderful chapter in my Life once again, Just North of Wiarton & South of the Checkerboard.

Wednesday 17 September 2014

Forever Passiing

Today? where do I go with my today?  I am actually so tired from laying awake most of last night I can barely recall the day now almost behind me.

What I did do was head up to see my Mom about 10 am this morning at the Nursing Home, Gateway Haven.  Friday is her 86th Birthday, and Mom loves having her Birthday Cards early as she can enjoy them before her actual birth date.  I first stopped at Tim Hortons to get Mom a coffee as she also loves Tim Hortons coffee as much as ...

.... she loves Gladiolus.  They are her most favourite flower, and my Dad used to get her a dozen of red every year for her birthday (not that I remember, however was told enough to remember).  

Mom loved her cards, loved the coffee and loved the flowers, not to mention the visit with me which I am sure she loved too.

I got back home about lunch time where two others who love me were very happy to see me too.

Both Bandit and Portia were at the top of the stairs to greet me.  Bandit gave me his "award winning" smile.  The photo of Portia? she was helping me with the laundered sheets by hopping into the laundry basket on top of them.

I had barely been home when Rob had to walk back out the door to work.  A hello good-bye all at one time.

I spent most of the afternoon, between in and out with the Aussies, mostly Portia, relaxing on the couch as my body was in too much pain and lacking energy for much else this day.

I did enjoy some of today's sunshine sitting out on the bench for awhile with my Lexus girl.  I absolutely LOVE her as she is such a stunning looking Aussie.

Rob came home with me heading out the door late afternoon, as I was off to meet my friend Abby for a light Dinner then head over to a Chamber meeting for 6 pm..  The light dinner ended up being a sandwich, bowl of soup and coffee at Tim Hortons as that was about all available on a Wednesday evening in town for something light.

The Chamber meeting ended about 8:30 with me returning home, and Rob walking down the hallway to bed.  Forever passing each other this day.

I think I will head off to bed myself and call it a day, Just North of Wiarton & South of the Checkerboard.

Tuesday 16 September 2014

Search For The "Checkerboard"

Another sleepless night North of Wiarton & South of the Checkerboard, finally getting up at 5 am to let Portia out, then Bandit, then Lexus, and finally Buddy.

To add to the early morning darkness is the fear of going out with the dogs with them coming head to head, or should I say, "head to tail" with the meeting up of a skunk.  We have been there a few times i the past, however it has always happened around 10 pm right before bedtime when already to fall into bed.  Take heed when walking out about in the dark at this time of Year, or for that matter in the Spring when the Skunks first emerge.

I was feeling poorly this morning.  About 8 pm I had to go back to lay down for about an hour just to get some energy to carry on with the day.  The hour of rest helped, and I got up to carry on with laundry and other household duties.

Portia did very well today, or maybe I did even better by having her out more often then not, as she had only one accident in the kitchen today.  Hopefully it gets to be none sooner then later.

Rob was busy and off down Country on a call today.  This left me alone to get a few things done around here.  Do you find it is easier to get things done when you are by yourself with nobody in your way or sitting around.  Something about that "other" presence that takes away the feeling of getting stuff  done.

I thought maybe some would enjoy listening to some "local" talent down county from me in Hepworth.

Pretty cute.  I had came across the video shared by a local radio station on Facebook today.

Then there was the article put out by the Wiarton Echo yesterday .... "The Search for the Checkerboard", which you may read about by *clicking* HERE.  

Truly I don't know what the big deal is since I KNOW the "Checkerboard" is due North of where I live, so that settles that mystery.  Oh yes and the Mile Inn Corner is just South around the bend from us.  Easy peasy to figure it all out.

Once I got over my first slump of the morning the day did get better with me feeling a little bit more ahead of the game then two days ago, considering I spent almost 2 hours on the phone with Apple straightening out some software issues with my iphone.

Rob and I got out for a 20 minute walk after our Dinner of leftover Turkey and garden fresh green beans.  What a lovely evening.  I hope the weatherman hold true with the week ahead staying as lovely as today was.

That is all she wrote, Just North of Wiarton & Definitely South of the Checkerboard.

Monday 15 September 2014

Happy Girls

I had company for my sleepless night last night, as Rob joined me since he had been in terrible pain with his back.  Too much moving couches and piling wood last week I am certain on both accounts.  Me? my usual.

No matter how tired we were Rob made two happy girls today by taking us on a Road Trip.

Myself & Portia got to go along to Kitchener with Rob today on some Crabby Cabbie Business, and a wee little bit of shopping on the side.  Portia had her "smile" on despite the bad hair day she was having.

I couldn't have been more  happier when Rob pulled into the Redwood Restaurant in Clifford where I had one of my most favourite meals in the form of the small portion of Liver & Onions.  They make the best I have had I think.  Later in the day Rob also got us a "Smiley" Face Cookie at Tim Hortons along with our coffees.

Support your community by purchasing a Smile Cookie between Sept. 15th and Sept. 21st from your local Tim Hortons!  LEARN MORE BY *CLICKING* HERE.

After Rob had stopped in to take care of "Crabby Cabbie" Business, we headed on out to the Costco Store at the far end of Kitchener.  We got a few essentials, dog food, and a couple of treats.

Healthy Treat Choices for myself, Essentials for both of us, and some unhealthy treats Rob picked out for himself ... but they are nuts and nuts are good for you in moderation, so really not too terribly unhealthy.  I had also got a good deal on Paper Towels, and with a Piddler in the house now, aka Portia, those are essential.

By the time we pulled into Wiarton it had been 6 pm.  Yes another long day behind us, especially since we hadn't hit the road until about 10:30 am this morning.  Regardless it was a day Rob and I got to spend together and away from our regular routine which is always good for the souls from time to time.

Ha ! now that I think about it, Rob and I sleeping out in the RV the odd time after he had purchased had also been good for our souls, as imaginations and pretending we were away and not in our driveway was good for the souls too.  Does anyone else have fun in the same kind of sense?

Brrr .... the dampness gets a little much for some of us with all of this rain and cool weather.  I am hoping to convince Rob to start a small fire in the wood stove to take the chill out of the air house.

OMG, I just realized now why our creamer has been going sour !!!  The new creamer I had used in my coffee this morning had been sour, and Rob bought another new one tonight and it went sour.  The LIGHTS went on ..... ready for this???? the other day I had put Vinegar in the kettle to clean it out and forgot to rinse it and run new water through it.  Now was that a "blonde" moment or what ???
Thank God I can laugh at myself, otherwise I would be crying half my life away.

Well it is getting to be about that time of night to call it a wrap, Just North of Wiarton & South of the Checkerboard.

Sunday 14 September 2014

A Curdling Start

I could not keep my eyes open past 10 pm last night falling fast asleep until Rob arrived home at 3 am.  Five hours of lovely enjoyable sound sleep ... heavenly it was.  I am hoping I have the same luxury again tonight.

I did all my Aussie rounds first thing after I had gotten up at 6 am.  More outside times with Portia more then not.  Finally an hour later I got to make myself my first coffee of the day .... short lived when I poured the not yet expired creamer into my cup for it to curdle before it even hit the hot coffee.  GROSS !!!  

This called for some Liquid Gold in the form of a large Tim Horton's Dark Roast with 1 1/2 cream.  Truly my first sip had been Heaven.

Highlights of my day ....

Travelling to Timmies with Portia this morning for a Dark Roast Java, a ride into Owen Sound turning into a last minute coffee with my friend, Sharon, a Roasted Turkey cooked to perfection by the time I arrived back home, and the Calla Lilies that bloomed very late which I have had the pleasure to enjoy at this time of Year.

Really lots of highlights considering my day got off to a curdling start.

Rob, Portia and I just returned from a 20 minute walk down by Colpoy's Bay.  A lovely evening which feels like it might get cooler by the time Dusk has passed.

An early night for me again, Just North of Wiarton & South of the Checkerboard.

Saturday 13 September 2014

Older Ladies

Holy Moly that was some rain we had last night, was it not?  and most of the day until mid-afternoon.

To make matters worse Rob tells me today that the temperature is to drop this evening to 3*C.  Needless to say the Wood Stove was "fired" up this morning to ward off the dampness, and has stayed on all day long.

Unfortunately I have been have side effects of the new medication.  Along with not sleeping now I have nausea and wooziness.  There is always something !

Today I barely did much other then take Portia in and out all day long.  I have to admit I did move out the one remaining old recliner to sweep and dust under and around it, as well as the few dishes leftover from last night's dinner.

I wasn't the only one in the household with my feet up not doing too much of anything.  Spoiled, spoiled, spoiled !!!  I an the one who barks the order (no pun intended) while Rob sucks everyone up for all the attention as these photos depict.

My Apple iphone 5s has been giving me grief for the past while.  Today I could not hear anyone who called me unless I put them on speaker phone or had my bluetooth on.  I put in a call to Apple Support,  I had tried a "hard boot" which had not corrected the said problem, so they told me they were sending me out a brand new phone under my 2 year purchased warranty.  I should receive it in 3 to 5 business days.  I have to say I was very pleased with their prompt courteous service.  Thank you Apple, I hope it remains as so always, and this new phone gives me no further grief for the price they cost.

Speaking of money, how is everyone doing with the 52 Week Money Challenge?  I will have an update after paying for the new recliner chairs we ordered which should be arriving sometime this upcoming week.  I think after paying for the chairs from what I have saved this far, along with the seal pot and piggy bank money that I should still have approx. $712.00 by the time the 52nd week roles around.  Not to shabby I am thinking.

Not only was I dozy, I felt to lazy even to make us some Diner.  The Dinner solution was downtown's Kgum Bo Restaurant where we each ordered the Dinner Special along with an order of Moo Goo Pan.  It was very good  as any other rare occasion we have eaten there.

Rob got a call when we were almost done our dinner, so he left me downtown to go for for walk ending up being just over 1 km by the time he picked me back up to go home.  It was a beautiful evening to be walking even though it had been a short distance.

Back home again just after 7:30 pm.  The skies were gorgeous this evening.  
Red skies at night a sailor's delight.

I did get a belly laugh today that I just have to share ....are you part of the Older Ladies group? as I am pretty certain I have made it there.

Hahaha ... I LOVED it.  Spunk, Fun and ALL of it !

On that note I will close still chuckling, Just North of Wiarton & South of the Checkerboard.
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