Wednesday 24 October 2012

Welcome Back Kitchen (For Now)

A little continuation of my Yesterday ....

I had still been in the Market for another Food Dehydrator since the one I have has been only borrowed.  I really don't like to keep something "borrowed" even if they say they never use it anymore.  Once someone says, "I never use it but you can borrow it" I am not of the opinion I should have to be asked by them to have it back.

How many times I have "lent" something and not had it returned?  Many !  I have even asked for the items to be returned, and still have NOT had them returned ... I have even asked a FEW times with still not having MY item(s) returned.  After asking a few times and a few Years later, I have finally given up.  You think I would have learned better not to have lent to those same people over and over again, would you not?  I think I have finally learned now, especially since the last time I had lent them something, that had been lent to me, just for them to "look at", with even that not ever being returned.  Now that had been embarrassing on my part ... thank goodness the "other" person had been more then forgiving.

My Rob says I can't expect other people to be like "me" ... is "common courtesy" not to be expected from someone else, which I try to have for others.   Really now ..... oh yes, back to my Yesterday and away from that "tad" of an outburst.

"I can return the borrowed Dehydrator, as I was able to purchase this from a Swap on Facebook for a, what I thought to be, reasonable price of $20.00."

Actually I hadn't made the "actual" purchase, another gal on the Swap who I had never met before, but bought a few items from (my "Crabby Cabbie" had been the pick up guy for those items), had seen I had a "Wanted" post for a dehydrator for some time.  She messaged me and told me she had made the purchase on my behalf ..... sweet !!!  How nice to have something "Payed Back", as in her message to me she was happy to do a "Pay Forward" as someone else had recently done something nice for her too !!!  Happy days are here to know there are still some of us of the same frame of mind when it comes to helping each other out !!!!

I, of course, when picking the dehydrator up from her and meeting her for the very first time, I could not go "empty handed" in light of her kindness.

"I had taken along some Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies.  I received a message back later from her telling me how much her young girls loved the cookies and could she get the recipe for them .... hahaha, that was messaged back to her."

The next stop was for ....

"... a Pampered Chef Mandolin Slicer.  I am thinking I did really good on this for the price of $15.00.  I had been very grateful when the gal who sold it to me had "tagged" my name on it, as I believe she told me she had paid $70.00 for it, and I had been next in line."

"Check out all this beautiful Parsley my Auntie had given me last night !  I haven't yet decided whether I will freeze it, or try out the new dehydrator and dehydrate it?"

That had been the remainder of my "amazing" Yesterday.  Wow it certainly had been an all around "amazing" day !

Today being Wednesday, it of course was the VON SMART Exercise program in Wiarton this morning.  Off I went, really not feeling much like it as my stomach has still been acting up somewhat and my neck pain has been giving me much grief as well lately.  I was happy I did go after all, as I do so love all the ladies who attend the program as well as the ones I Volunteer along with.  I also get to keep up on a bit of a Social Level of what is going on in and around Wiarton too .... Mark your own Calendars for the following two upcoming events:

"Yummy ... who can go wrong on by attending a Turkey Supper put on by the local Church ladies (and gents) ?  I am pretty sure some of the Gents might do a few home deliveries of a meal or two for those who can't get out themselves.  Hope the "homemade dessert" stands out to everyone, as it sure spoke to me!"

"This Social Event I personally attended to myself last Year.  It was wonderful with the participation and sponsorship of a few Wiarton Churches coming together.  Nice touch to have them all under one roof I thought."

I am really happy the Wiarton Church Christmas Bazaar is on the 17th of November, as the following weekend on the 24th of November is the one at my Aunties Tolmie Memorial Presbyterian Church in Port Elgin which I have attended to three years running in a row and would hate to miss out on it this Year !  I was happy to have dropped off 4 Jars of Black Bean & Salsa and 2 Jars of Homemade Bath Salts at my Aunties as my donation to be contributed this Year, the first time I have done so.  It feels good to give and help out when able !

Oh yes, before I forget The Patch has their Annual $20.00 FILL A BAG DAY Sale going on over in Sauble Beach right now too.  For further information on this just *click* HERE.

I LOVE being involved with my COMMUNITY and surrounding area, as well as being there when I can for my FAMILY and FRIENDS.  This is what LIFE is suppose to be all about, is it not? or a great portion of it anyway.

Wake up every morning with the idea that something wonderful is possible today. – Smiling is a healing energy. Always find a reason to smile. It may not add years to your life but will surely add life to your years. A consistent positive attitude is the cheapest ‘fountain of youth.’ You’ve got to dance like there’s nobody watching, love like you’ll never be hurt, sing like there’s nobody listening, and live like it’s heaven on Earth. ~ Marc & Angel ~

When I had returned home from exercise I was happy there had been leftovers for our Dinner.  It couldn't get much easier then that for me.  Rob had leftover Kentucky Fried Chicken Uncle and Auntie had sent along home with him, and I had leftover Chili with a Cheese and Leek Scone.

After lunch and the dishes were done up I had a bit of a rest as I have been feeling "tuckered" right out this day.  Really it has been a very dreary grey day out there, so this is what I am contributing my "mood" to.  Eventually I did get my butt off the couch and in to making up our bed before I "tackled" the kitchen.

"The other day I had washed up each Dehydrator really well with hot soapy water, letting the racks "air dry" before I put them all back together.  Today I wrapped each up in a garbage bag with a piece of tape to identify what they are before they were transported down to our dungeon of a basement (a nightmare I really want to tackle this Winter)."

"Then I got to tidying and wiping down the Kitchen.  With the canning officially all done from the garden produce I can now say, "Welcome Back Kitchen" (for now until the Christmas Baking Adventure begins in there, if there is not an Apple Adventure happening before then).  Bandit is even happy he has his little corner back with no jars or boxes piled around."

Ha ! Good thing for closet and cupboard doors that can be closed, it is not?

Really though with the tomatoes finally done I hope I can now concentrate more on the rest of the house and as my friend, Debby over at Nanny's Place calls it, some DEEP cleaning, along with the 100 Item Challenge I joined in on along with Carla's at My 1/2 Dozen Daily.  I know they are both way ahead of me, but that is "okay" I will get done what I can and know there is lots of support out there for me while I am doing it.

I was also excited to learn today that four more of my favourite "crafty" friends are going to be participating in their very first "Craft Show" !!!  Anyone over in the GTA (Greater Toronto Area), more specifically Milton way, please do drop in on the Craftmates by finding all about it HERE !  Really had we still lived in the Kitchener-Waterloo area it would have been only a hop, skip and a jump for me to go from there.  Lots of luck girls !  I can't wait to hear how you all made out !!!

Another exiting tidbit I read about today was my friend Mrs. Thrifty, along with her Hearing Dog, Zena, having had recently met up with Princess Anne.  Wow that would have something to be really excited about, especially when it had been said how "nice and lovely" Princess Anne is.  Please drop over HERE to find out more about all that excitement.

Ha !  really all this excitement has "tuckered" me out all the more.  Spelling or Grammar errors? really I am too tired to worry about any of that at this moment.  And "NO" my dear John Gray, I am not on Speed when awake at 3 am, just a little female hormone problem I am thinking; would you care if I shared with you? Hahaha ... xx

I am planning on staying HOME the whole day tomorrow.  Please wish me luck this happens for me, as there really is so much to be done here, as always, "Just North of Wiarton & South of the Checkerboard".


  1. I am glad you're having a day at home, it's going to be a lovely day weather wise tomorrow,


  2. I so know what you mean once you get the kitchen back after canning season. My canning ended early this year do to my foot problem but I just got all the equipment and jars stored away this week,Ahhhhh so much more space!! Enjoy your day at home, I dream of a day of going no where. It has been to long.


How nice of you to drop around to have a wee visit with me to see what I have been up to from time to time. I look forward to your comments as they add much brightness to my each and every day to know there are such wonderful people out there.

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