Wednesday 3 October 2012

Books Books Books !

Thanksgiving is just around the corner from us now this upcoming weekend here in Canada.  Last Year on the 8th of October I attended to the 1st Thanksgiving "Open House" at the DeJong Acres Farm.  You can check that out by *clicking* HERE.  I enjoyed it so much last Year, I believe I am going to attend again this Friday.  I am really excited about going, as I will able to see Sheep being sheared in person !  How exciting will that be?

~ Open House ~

Sweet Things From DeJong Acres

Pick Up Fresh Thanksgiving Turkeys (Limited availability, book early)

Friday, October 5, 2-6pm

Refreshments, Lucky draw
Sheep Shearing!!
Get a head start on your Christmas Shopping!

Joined by Guests Rosemary Peer- Fifth Avenue Jewellery, and Sunny Sandy Houlgrave- Mary Kay

463028 Conc 24, Georgian Bluffs

What a great Family outing this will be.  Mark your Calendar it is this upcoming Friday !!!  Of course, like most other time when my "Crabby Cabbie" is working, I have to go Solo again.  But that is okay as I am always made welcome by Brian, Anita, Rayleen and Nicole anytime I have gone to DeJong Acres myself, or with Rob.

On to my day at hand ...  it sure wasn't very exciting here today.  I had to cancel going to the VON SMART exercise program this morning, as last night I thought my neck and headache were going to send me through the roof.  Regardless I can't do everything, so today I had needed to hit the Books !

"Books! Books !  Books !  Bookkeeping Books that is !  It is the 3rd Quarter of the Year already and the "Crabby Cabbie" books needed doing.  This took me at least a good 3 hours or so, and believe you, me ... my neck is feeling the repercussions of it."

Thank goodness for my Slow Cooker.  I do LOVE my Slow Cooker as it has saved me lots of time at the end of a long day when we needed something hot and nutritious in our bellies.

"First thing was a layer of chunked carrots (oops forgot the onions now I think about it), a cheap cut blade steak I had gotten for under $3.00 reduced 50% off, a few shakes of Montreal Steak Spice, a layer of chucked up celery, a package of mushrooms I also chunked up, a dash or two of Worcestershire and Soya Sauces.  By the time I was done the book work it was already for us to have Dinner at 1:00 pm.  It was full of flavor with the meat fork tender.  Yummy...."

I received four pieces of Happy Mail today through Post Crossing !!!

"This card came from Almere, the youngest City in The Netherlands."

"This cool Post Card came all the way from Lithuania."

"This arrived from our neighbouring Country, The USA."

"This Post Card came from Germany.  It is an oil painting done by a local artist.  The writer attended school with the Artist's son, possessing 2 small oil paintings from the Artist herself.  It is beautiful."

Getting these four pieces of mail today added some brightness to an otherwise very wet drizzly rain day.  It is really foggy at the moment with it almost enclosing our whole bush as I glance out towards our Bush line.  It is all good though, as I would rather this then a raging Winter Snow Storm any day !

I don't know about anyone else, but this has always put a *smile* on my face.  I can remember when two of our boys were about 12 Years old or so doing a little performance for us while singing this ....

Wonderful job in my books these four did !  I love this ditty.  It will probably be going through my head the rest of whole week now.  Really that can't be such a bad thing now, can it?  Hahaha ...

I am off to give my neck a much needed rest.  Maybe propped up with some pillows along with a little bit of TV to rest it some after a nice hot shower.  Oh dang, I have celery in the sink I was going to slice and dehydrate tonight.  I best be attending to that before anything else, "Just North of Wiarton & South of the Checkerboard".


  1. make sure you take it easy for the rest of the week.

    It has been as foggy as heck here as well all day.


    1. It went from a morning of darkness, dusk like, now to a sky full of Sun and light just after lunch.

  2. Have some rest, my dear friend! I love all the cards you are getting. Do you save them?

    1. Yes, Lena, I have been putting them in an album so I can look at them from time to time.

  3. Hello Cindy
    oh! don't talk to me of the books.....THE BOOKS how I hate it at the end of each quarter when I do the tax for my daughter's school...its so tedious. I can think drillions of things I could do instead of that ...sigh!
    Sorry to hear you are not feeling so good....did you do something to your neck or is it a flare up of an old complaint? We're back to sunshine now and as if there was never ever storms here but for the sad families who have lost loved ones and two still not found in the floods.

    take care now

    Amanda :-)

  4. Sorry about your neck! I know what a "pain in the neck" it can be!!!

    What on earth would we do without Montreal Steak Spice?

  5. I love my slow cooker too. It's had the summer off but I'll be using it on Sunday!


How nice of you to drop around to have a wee visit with me to see what I have been up to from time to time. I look forward to your comments as they add much brightness to my each and every day to know there are such wonderful people out there.

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