Wednesday 10 October 2012

Not Too SMART !

"Look at that face ... how could I ever do without my Bandit face on any given day.  Why he is in the bathtub you might ask?"

The last couple of months, we had thought Bandit had incurred "Hot Spot" again, as he had last Year.  Antibiotics, creams, salves, everything under the Sun, and Moon, had been tried to no avail getting the nasty itchy spots, loss of hair and open sores to heal on our poor boy.  I thought to myself "this is nuts and has gone on way to long for "Hot Spot"."  I made an in depth  inspection on every area of his body to finally come across at the rear end of our boy, right by his butt area, to find none other then "Flea" dirt !!!

OMG, all this agony to come to the realization it has been fleas making Bandit's life so miserable .... we had even gone over this possibility when we had been at the Vets just last month, none being found by the Vet or us at that time.  Sneaky nasty little critters monsters.  Thank goodness none of our other 3 dogs has gotten them...all my body parts that can be crossed, have been crossed in this respect.

"Flea medications have been applied, furniture, carpets thoroughly vacuumed with the necessary sprays also applied to those areas.  Then came the "flea" bath last night.  The tub had already been filled, shampoo rubbed in ... this was when the tub had been drained with more rinsing taking place, hence Bandit resorting himself to just laying right down to make himself most comfortable in the tub.  Good boy !  Hoping this will be the solving solution to our little problems  quickly , which had amounted to a much "bigger" problem ... "

I am sooooo happy I hadn't cleaned the bathroom, waiting for tomorrow to do it.  Nothing worse then doing the same job two days in a row is there?

Today was Wiarton's VON SMART exercise program.  I had to dangle before it was time to head on out  downtown for it as I was expecting company for lunch.  After SMART is over I usually don't get back home until around 11:30, so this was the reason for getting a "dangle on" before I left.

Just a few dishes in the sink needed washed up, the bed made (always), and a little general tidying up, nothing too serious mind you, as who would ever want their home to have a "NOT lived in look"?  Ha, no fear of that one ever happening to me in my lifetime .....

"The mushrooms I had in the Dehydrators last night had to be jarred up.  They look so nice.  I find Mushrooms are my most favourite veggie to dehydrate, as they are the easiest by far that I have done.  They are going to be doing some soups and omelets justice this upcoming Winter, this is a fact I am looking forward to."

We had a fantastic turnout for today's SMART Program.  After today I have came to the conclusion I am not too SMART myself, as I found myself sweating bullets at today's program, considering there was a lady in her 80's right beside me who was walking through the exercises as if they had been second nature to her, without even breaking a sweat.

Why I am not so SMART? because I allowed myself not to continue with an exercise program for myself this past Summer, hence becoming grossly out of shape !  Shame, shame, triple shame on me .... now mind you I am generally most active and busy, however it is not the same as setting aside 150 minutes of Cardio aerobics each week for one's self.  This is most important for our Hearts and general health.  Boy oh boy oh boy ... I think I best be getting myself back up on that SMART wagon real soon, as I do not want to continue being shamed by some who are 20 years or more my age !!!

Watch out SMART bandwagon, I will be jumping right on again !!!

I did make it back home just at 11:30.  Rob had been busy in my absence by bringing firewood into the basement, making Buddy a doggie shelter in his outdoor kennel run, and even taking the time to vacuum up the living/dining room floors for me.  Thanks Honey !!!

I got right to getting some lunch fixings started ....

"My friend is also a Tea drinker, so I broke out the "Tudor Rose" Tea Cups for the occasion."

"I also made ready the table before I began making a lunch of Turkey Salad Sandwiches."

My friend, Toni with an " i " , arrived right on time for lunch.  Toni is also an Exchange Member on "Cindy's Recipe Exchange" on Facebook.  This morning there had been a bit of kidding going on in the way of comments back and forth about me only bringing out the "good" China for "good" company.

"Toni had not arrived "empty" handed; she had brought along her own Royal Albert Tea Cup. Ha !  Good one Toni, why was I not surprised you had done this ?  Is it not beautiful?  I even got to keep it ... wonders never cease when friends are involved."

We had been so busy visiting over our lunches, I hadn't even thought about my camera sitting behind me on the buffet.  I must be getting a little "soft" or something in this area lately?  Ha, no mind to that as I just went on over to Toni's Facebook page and helped myself to one of her photos ....

"This would be my friend, Toni with an " i " peddling her wares at the Keady Market this pass Summer."

We had so much fun together over lunch, I am already looking forward to another get together with Toni.  Thanks Toni !!!

"How true is this small statement of life?"

You would not have believed what a crazy weather day it had been ... really I am certain, if it had been just a tad warmer, that we had almost experienced 4 Seasons all wrapped up in one day.  Not an unusual happening for Bruce County I would say as it has happened many times in past Years and will again in future ones ...

"Hail .... "

".... heavy rains and high winds."

"To bursts of Sunshine and overcast skies."

Regardless it has been very cool most of the day, not without a fire "stoked" up in our wood stove here.

After Toni had left for home, my "Crabby Cabbie" headed out the door, with me cleaning up from lunch and  in and out with our "Checkerboard Aussies".

"I then  settled myself in for a bit to address two Post Cards via Post Crossing.  One going to Ukraine and the other to Germany this time around."

Also it is almost that time of Year to once again to be thinking about ...

"Filling a "shoe box" for Operation Christmas Child."

For anyone in and around the Wiarton area, "Shoe boxes" may be now picked up at our local Salvation Army, located directly across from the Wiarton Propeller Club, at 576 Edward St, Wiarton, ON N0H 2T0, or by contacting Tess for more information at 519-534-0353.

It is always a Season for giving and sharing ... is it not?

Already it is already just after 7:30 pm, with my "Checkerboard Aussies" requiring my undivided attention, with darkness and cold invading the space outside our doors, "Just North of Wiarton & South of the Checkerboard".


  1. lucky you getting that cup and saucer. Our wood stove is now on every day. It was nippy cold here as well.


  2. We use a once a month medication called Frontline Plus that is applied on the neck just behind the ears for flea prevention on Denny - twice a month in grass tick season -

    1. Yes, here it is called Revolution, however we haven't had ever any problem in this area for years !

  3. Nice china you got there! And I"m so glad you found the problem with poor Bandit. Hopefully, he'll feel better from now on!

    1. Thanks Lena. Bandit is acting much more like his old self already !

  4. Oh no, fleas are awful to deal with. Touch wood we haven;t had them for years. I use that stuff from the vet that they swallow...revolution I think it is called. We had a very bad case once with a husband is allergic to flea bites and swells up horribly. Poor old Bandit. I bet he feels better already.

    1. I know Chania, we have had none since ones Bandit had on him when we brought him home the very first day, which we took care of immediately ! Yes, Bandit has shown a huge display of happiness the past couple of days.


How nice of you to drop around to have a wee visit with me to see what I have been up to from time to time. I look forward to your comments as they add much brightness to my each and every day to know there are such wonderful people out there.

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