Monday 8 October 2012

Thankful Every Day Of Our Lives

What a day that was !!!  Two loads of laundry done, a trip over to get our Van back from the Mechanics, to the tune of $630.00, and the most of that went into new part, but I do now have piece of mind which is most important (hope Mr. Murphy is through with me for awhile...Jeez), a Birthday gift drop-off to my BFF over in Sauble Beach, a trip over to Port Elgin to drop of some Hummingbird Cake to my Auntie and Uncle, a stop at my girlfriends to pickup to fresh turkeys, and finally back home again to lots of cooking and of course never ending dishes.  It only took us from 10:00 until just before 2:00 pm to accomplish all of that !

"The last Holiday Weekend before the streets of Sauble Beach get "rolled" up for another Year.  Lake Huron isn't looking too inviting is it?  Brr....."

When dropping around to Aunties and Uncles, not only is Auntie still recovering, Uncle has been ill with a fever just breaking today.  Let me "tell the World", drop of the Cake and run !!!!  I don't want to be SICK !

I was so happy when we stopped in at the Port Elgin's Giant Tiger store, as they had the 14 oz cans of Pumpkin Puree for $1.00 per can (difficult to find at any other time of Year).  This smaller size sure beats opening a huge 28 oz can for a recipe, then finding the remains spoiled a week or two later in the fridge.

"Rob was "tickled" pink, or maybe "blue" for guys, as he had found this at RS Liquidators for the awesome price of $10.00.  He has been looking for one for the "Crabby Cabbie" vehicle for some time."

Making our way homeward bound, my friend sent me a text letting me know Foodland had their Fresh Turkeys on for 1/2 price today, would I like her to pick us up a couple?  YES please, had been my answer. Fresh Turkey for 99 cents a pound, you can't even buy a chicken for less then $1.99 a pound on sale anymore !!!

"Almost home now, just up ahead and around the bend.  The traffic was heavy with the last of the Cottagers heading home from their Thanksgiving Weekend.  Many having had closed up their cottages until May 24 2013."

"Check out the Turkeys we got for $26.00 total for both !  Wowsers .... love those kind of deals."

"There was no way Rob and I had been planning on doing a Turkey, as we had our plans with Doug and Vicki yesterday, and were too busy today.  But it was way to tempting to have a Fresh Turkey and not cook one ... 2 pm into the Oven one went, and the other into our freezer."

Rob busied himself outside getting some truck tires ready for my brother, they had wheeled and dealed on, while I got busy in the kitchen with what else other then more TOMATOES !!!  Ha...surprise !!!

"Chopping and dicing began the process which ended up to be 24 Pint jars of  Black Bean & Corn Salsa."

I had such a wonderful compliment today.  I had not only sent along a piece of cake with my Niece, Stacey, yesterday, I had also given her a Pint jar of my Black Bean & Corn Salsa.  She sent me a message today thanking me, telling me how good it was and how good my cooking is,could I please send her the recipe for the Salsa.  Compliments do not come any better then that one.  That was the first one today.  The second came from Rob when he said to me, "I love this stuff", after having Salsa and crackers for a snack; can't get a better compliment then that either.  I was feeling pretty good about both compliments !

Oh yes, almost forgot, when my brother Al stopped over, he brought his grandson, Riley, my Great Nephew, along.  Riley came in the house to bring two dinky cars he wanted to leave for Aiden (our grandson).  I treated him to a huge piece of Pumpkin Loaf.  He was quick to respond with, "this is really good."

Three compliments in one day !!!  What a great Thanksgiving Day this was for me ..... and then some !

"Once I had the Salsa all together in the pot there was still some Tomato Sauce I had made the other night remaining.  Into Ziploc bags it went, then into the freezer.  Handy and ready for the next dish calling  for sauce as needed."

With the Salsa all done and cleaned up from, I had time for a really quick cup of Java before it was time to get the Turkey ready to be served up.  Rob is always right there to give me a hand with these preparations.  He carves the Bird and takes out the stuffing while I am making the gravey.  He also helps with the setting of the table.  It sure goes easier when there is another pair of hands helping out at the best of times.

"A Turkey doesn't look much better then this, does it?"

"Truly it tasted as good as it looked.  The steam rising from both our plates full of all that goodness.  Mine (above), and Rob's (below) being smothered with gravey of course.  There had been no time to prepare, or room on the stove top to cook Turnip, and we didn't have any coleslaw either, since it had been such a last minute decision.  What a great last minute decision it was though!"

Unplanned, but a most wonderful Turkey Day it was !  Sometimes those unplanned events can turn out to be some of the best.

"Last Friday I had been very pleased to receive this lovely Post Card from Belarus.  I am really enjoying Post Crossing, or I would never have even known Belarus had existed!"

A busy day, however one full of people and things to be thankful for .... and really thankful for Rob's Cousin Joyce for sending me this email today:

"Ever walk into a room with some purpose in mind, only to completely forget what that purpose was? Turns out, doors themselves are to blame for these strange memory lapses.
Psychologists at the University of Notre Dame have discovered that passing through a doorway triggers what's known as an event boundary in the mind, separating one set of thoughts and memories from the next. Your brain files away the thoughts you had in the previous room and prepares a blank slate for the new locale."
It's not aging, it's the door!

Wow, you can imagine how relieved and thankful I was to find out it hasn't been "moi" all this time !  Ha .... thanks Joyce !

Before I forget, which isn't too difficult for me to do at any given time, Carla over at My 1/2 Dozen Daily is having another Give Away.  Check it out by *clicking* HERE.  

Also ....

Please don't forget ...

Hoping everyone in and outside my life finds something in their everyday to be thankful for, as I try to do in my every days, "Just North of Wiarton & South of the Checkerboard".


  1. great prices on those turkeys. I am in town tomorrow so may call in at Foodland to see what deals they have. Would like to get a ham cheap for the freezer.


  2. Oh my what a busy busy time for you!! Every thing sounds so delicious!!
    Happy thanksgiving :-)

    Amanda xx

    1. Thank you, Amanda. Yes time to harvest & preserve is always a busy time.

  3. I've never been to Sauble Beach, but have heard lots of good things!! :) Great deal on the turkeys! Yum! We cooked ours today & had lots leftover! Enough to send guests home with lots too! :)

    1. Rob loves leftovers. Such an easy way to meal plan for the next two days with turkey leftovers. I prefer Southampton Beach, much sandier.

  4. Happy Thanksgiving to you!!! I have got myself in a pickle with no room in the freezers for turkey when they go on sale. We still are more than a month away from Thanksgiving in the US, hope I can find a way to stock up as you have

    1. Thanks Debby! Oops have the Family troops in for more meals to make room for the Turkey.

  5. Happy Thanksgiving, busy girl!! Nice deals on turkey and this salsa looks amazing. And thanks for telling me that I can blame all my absent-mindedness on a door. Now I feel better :)

    1. cindy
      as usual your blog is like reading an enjoyable magazine on a rainy day!

    2. Thank you John, your comments are always looked forward and ever so kind.


How nice of you to drop around to have a wee visit with me to see what I have been up to from time to time. I look forward to your comments as they add much brightness to my each and every day to know there are such wonderful people out there.

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