Friday 19 October 2012

I Heard It Through The Grapevine !

"I am so very grateful for all the "well wishes" I received for me to have a speedy recovery from that dang ole' Stomach Flu Bug I have had the past few days, as well as all the encouraging comments on carrying on with what I have always done !"   Everyone's comments I receive here, as well as on my Facebook page, do mean more to me then maybe anyone could understand, and would never ever go without be appreciated.  Thank you."

Honest to goodness I really felt so much better then I had the last couple of days.

Surely there isn't people out there who actually enjoy having their lives interrupted by being sick, is there?  Oh man, if that would be the case then here has to be some pretty "sick" dudes out there ... as I HATE being sick for any reason.  Takes way too much of my time up, and surely we can't be having that happen.

Speaking of sickness and Doctors, today was the day I head on up "North of the Checkerboard" for my weekly allergy shot in the arm.  Really after 2 years of shots you would think mold and dust mites would have had about enough of attacking my immune system by now, would you not?  Regardless until they do, I am not giving up my shots to end up again how I was back then with "no immune" system, as I was SICK ALL OF THE TIME, spending days on end in bed as it had been getting that bad.  Happy happy happy someone out there figured out how to combat some of these allergy problems some of us suffer with, or we would most certainly be in a real "pickle".

"My breath was taken away when I first walked out the door to head towards my Van.  Our Manitoba Maple trees had not changed colour  until a couple of days ago.  Look at them all in their glory now ... stunning and beautiful they are."

"Once I had been well on my way "North of the Checkerboard" I couldn't help but take in what a state of frenzy these Seagulls were in while following this Farmer along as he turned up the field.  Breakfast was being served up, or should I say being "turned up" for them."

I did make it to my Doctor's office right on time for my 9 am appointment.  It was a bit of a wait as the Good Doctor had been running behind schedule this morning as he had been off sick himself this past week.  I think some Doctor's patients tend to forget our Doctors are also human and not invincible from life's "hills and valleys".  Unfortunate at times I am certain, but true .... but some Doctors, on the other hand, being human as the next person, can probably be a bit on the "tardy" side too maybe?  Hahaha .... just saying.

Before I headed back "South of the Checkerboard" once I had my appointment, I made a quick stop in at the Garden In Thyme to see if Molly still had any "jalapeno" peppers left.

"Garden In Thyme is located on the road off Hwy 6 at Ferndale going into Lion's Head on the right hand side.  Lots of goodies and home preserving to be found here."

Molly had yet a few peppers for me, so lucky this day I was when we picked a few together.

I believe by the time I had stopped downtown Wiarton at the local Foodland store for some corn, I finally made it back home to the delight of our four Aussie around 11:00 am.  They kept me busy for the first 1/2 hour or so of arriving home, then it was on to getting done Today what I had began Tuesday with hopes of completing Yesterday.  Ha ! did that all make sense to someone other then myself?

"Finally the very last of the Tomatoes were going to be done up this day if nothing else got done."

"Trust me with still not feeling 100% nothing else did get done (other then the bed made of course), by the time I was done chopping and dicing everything for the triple batch of ...."

".... Black Bean and Corn Salsa I did up."

"I can officially say I am done !!! "

Was it the end of this Month I normally get that bushel of Spy Apples to do down????

"What a surprise I got today when I received this beautiful Post Card in the mail from my friend, Diane.  I knew she had mentioned she was going on a Holiday with her sweetie a week ago but  I had no idea where.  Is it ever nice to be thought of ... thanks Diane, I can't wait to hear all about your trip to New York City."

"I just had to share a photo of these cute little Christmas Gift Boxes I picked up the other day.  Aren't they just the perfect size for what I have planned to put in them ... that is a surprise."

It is amazing what I sometimes hear through the "Grapevine" and I don't even have to go anywhere....

I heard my Auntie Gladys bought my "Crabby Cabbie" a coffee over at the "Loose Leaves" Tea Room in Southampton this afternoon.  Can you imagine that ... could she spoil that guy anymore then she already has???

Where might you find the Loose Leaves Tea Room in Southampton in your travels, you might ask?  it is located at 178 High Street, Southampton, Ontario (that would be my Hometown by the way).  Open Hours:  Monday-Saturday from 8 am to 5 pm, and Sundays from 12:00 pm to 4:00 pm.  Any further inquires, please contact them by Email at   Really I haven't been back down there myself since this past Spring, thinking I am long overdue and should maybe stop in with another "hello" to Co-Owner, Joleen Nickel.

I can't believe where and how quickly my days go by most days.  Here it is going onto 8 pm, with my "pack" needing all out, about and in for the evening before I, myself, call it an early night, "Just North of Wiarton & South of the Checkerboard".


  1. just be careful as you will end up being sick again if you do too much too soon,


  2. Glad you are feeling better...horrible to get stomach flu, especially as life carries on and you still have to feed the animals, let them out and take care of other stuff. Have a relaxing weekend.

  3. I've been hit with a stomach bug too. Not nice at all. Had a rough night, now my whole body is aching. Good old FM has flared up with the antagonist.

  4. So pleased to hear you're so much better! x

  5. Glad you are feeling better - I missed a couple of your posts as you somehow disappeared from the list of blogs I follow. The centipede I got for my hubby is actually made in America.


How nice of you to drop around to have a wee visit with me to see what I have been up to from time to time. I look forward to your comments as they add much brightness to my each and every day to know there are such wonderful people out there.

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