Tuesday 30 October 2012

Really? More Spiders !!!

The "Frankenstorm Sandy" was not as bad as it was thought to be, at least not here on the Bruce Peninsula is what I mean by that statement...with there have been some pretty high winds and power outages in and around our area.  Nothing even close to what the emergency situations have been in New York City and other places which have seen much devastation.   

"The Canadian Red Cross has a Hurricane 2012 Fund in place.  Should anyone like to donate to this Fund giving assistance to the chaos created by Hurricane Sandy, you may do so by *clicking* HERE
Before I get going onto my Today, I had forgot to share my Happy Mail from Yesterday ...

"This is the Post Card I received through Post Crossing all the way from Belarus.  The card depicts "The First Frost".  Lovely, is it not?"

I also was able to "scoop" a photo off of Facebook of one of our "Magnificent Seven" Checkerboard Aussies from the 2011 Litter.  

"This would be Boston.  Now just over 1 1/2 years old, belonging to my Cousin's daughter, Erin and her husband, Mike.  What a handsome well groomed fellow Boston is."

It really is so nice to still be in contact with person(s) who have purchased one of our "Checkerboard Aussie" puppies.  

Now back to my Today.  

"Once I had came in after taking Lexus and Missy Mercedes out this morning, Rob was so kind to have gone out in the early morning light to give Buddy his first thing in the morning walkabout.  It was a really nice little break for a change.  Thanks Honey.  You can tell by the garden how much rain we have gotten, and it is still coming down now as I type away here."

For some dang reason I am still not feeling quite up to par, this of course I am still blaming onto the weather changes.  Regardless the one thing I wanted to get accomplished today, which wasn't overly strenuous, was some Homemade Bath Salts.

"I tripled the "recipe" for the Homemade Bath Salts, which yielded me nine Jam Jars.  Once they had been filled I got to decorating their lids with some Christmas material and ribbons my Auntie Gladys had given me.  Thanks Auntie !  I know have these nine jars all ready to go as gifts on hand when needed.  Homemade, thoughtful and for a wonderful use."

Recipe/Method please?  PRINTABLE RECIPE HERE.

Once I had finished up with the Bath Salts, it was after the lunch hour and time to head "North of the Checkerboard" as Rob and I had an appointment with the Good Doctor to get our Annual Flu Shot.  This flu shot by the way was not the one on the News last night that has been on "recall", so we were safe to go.

With our appointment over with, Rob and I took advantage of the RBC Bank and Foodland grocery store while we were in Lion's Head.  Once we had attended to our needs we took a little drive down towards the Lion's Head Marina.

"We had noticed a couple of trees down and up rooted around town.  A crew had been there cutting this one up for its removal."

"There had been quite the show going on with very high waves coming in and smashing against the breakers."

"The high winds and waters were equally intimating as well at the shores edge."

As I had stood outside our vehicle taking photos, I could not imagine the force of a Hurricane, as truly it would be overpowering and tremendous, or so I imagined it would.  I am very thankful we live where we do.

Finally we made it back home late this afternoon, where I got our Supper prepared right off the cuff.  Today I was trying a "new" chicken recipe I had recently came across (there are a never ending supply of recipes only a keyboard away, you know?).

"Another Easy Peasy as 1-2-3 Recipe added to my ever building collection.  The flavor was all in the "toppings"! "


Since I do LOVE Halloween so, you can imagine my delight when a fellow Member on "Cindy's Recipe Exchange" submitted a recipe they had "tried, tested and made true" for our exchange.

"Really?  More Spiders?  Ha... not that Member, Delynn, knew how much I detest Spiders.  What a wonderful job she did of these, also commenting that all the Adults and Kids at her Day Group today loved them !  Way to go, Delynn, they are totally awesome, spiders or not."

Recipe/Method please?  *Click* HERE

This has pretty much been my day thus far in a "nut shell".  I have promised a friend I would go meet her at 7 pm this evening as there is some Halloween activities she thought I would love to be at (can you believe I am going out for an evening?  I am not sure yet that I can myself).  I am off and running, once again, "Just North of Wiarton & South of the Checkerboard".


  1. those spider's are cute and I bet tasty....


  2. Look at those waves... wow! You're right, I'm so glad we live in a relatively weather moderate area...

    Love those spiders!! Have a great night tonight, Cindy! :)

  3. I don't know if the storm was mild in your side of the world looking at those trees pulled out of the ground! I'm glad it wasn't any worse!

  4. What cute cupcakes, I have Halloween cupcake making on my To Do list today. Glad the storm wasn't so bad for you guys, what a mess the east coast is dealing with


How nice of you to drop around to have a wee visit with me to see what I have been up to from time to time. I look forward to your comments as they add much brightness to my each and every day to know there are such wonderful people out there.

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