Sunday 9 December 2012

Oh Son Of Mine

Before I get going on the "highlight" of my weekend, I must share a bit about my "Crabby Cabbie's" and my friend, Toni with an "i"'s highlights too.

"My Rob had called me yesterday to tell me one of his regular accounts had gave him a card signed by all the girls there.  What he hadn't told me until had brought it home was they have also gifted him a bottle of Disaronno.  Wasn't that sweet of them ... telling him he has been the "best"! They also told him this is the very first time they had all gone together to "gift" any Taxi driver who had been doing service for them before.  A wonderful "highlight" for my "Crabby Cabbie" Rob."

My friend, Toni with an "i", had prepared a huge meal for a Club her husband, Bob, belongs to.  This is just one of the "highlights" of the party I am sure.

"Check out these cute Santas made from Strawberries and Whipped Cream.  Toni had used a piping bag for the body and a Ziploc bag with a corner cut out to apply the buttons and hat tops.  The eyes were made with long sprinkles stuck in the cream.  They are too cute, are they not?  Thanks for sharing my friend, Toni with an "i" they "rock" !"

I have been so "Over the Moon" excited the whole past week with the anticipation of my Son, Paul, arriving for a visit.  I can't remember the last time I had ever had him ALL TO MYSELF !!!!  so you can understand how difficult it had been for me to contain my excitement.  Last night around 9 pm headlights pulled into our driveway.

"Here is my 29 year old baby boy, Paul.  I wasn't the only one totally excited to see him, as Bandit was way "Over the Moon" too."

We were both pretty tired, so we really didn't have such a late night.  The Candy Cane Pie Kisses I had made him yesterday were a "huge" hit with him.  Today was another day, and we were going to make the most of if before he had to leave later today for home.

"Best friends these two boys are .... "

"Here we go off on a Road Trip down through Wiarton, Sauble Beach, Southampton, until we arrive .... "

"... in Port Elgin at the Beachin' Store.  We had gifted Paul some GCs for his Birthday in July so we were checking out if there was something he wanted to get today.  Unfortunately they had no jeans in his size in stock, so we left it for another day."

"We still had a fun in the store together while I stalked him with my Camera and he tried his best to avoid it.  Ha ... he didn't do that great now did he?"

Paul was taking Rob and I out for lunch today.  I am pretty sure this is the very first time ever he has taken the both of us out for a meal, and we were not going to pass up the Golden Opportunity by one iota.  We were going to lunch at the King's Buffet in Owen Sound; Rob's choice of course.  We made a couple of "Pit Stops" on the way there with the first one being the Falls on the Sunset Drive going into Owen Sound from Springmount on Hwy 21.

"Boys will be boys, right up on the rocks he headed."

"The river and falls themselves are absolutely beautiful."

"Back out we headed."

"I was pleased as "punch" we had a photo of the two of us together, something we have very few of.  Hoping the next time we can get one of Rob, Paul and myself, as I do not think we have one of those since we were married 16 years ago."

We then headed out to do the shopping circuit of Giant Tiger, Staples and Deals before heading on over to the King's Buffet.  All good things eventually have to come to an end, and it hardly seemed the weekend had begun when it was time to say our "goodbyes".

"Really now could a Mother expect any better "Goodbye" from her Son then one with him sporting her scarf?  I think not ... ha !"

"Oh Son of Mine", you made my weekend a fun and loving one.  I can't wait until our next time together as the last two have been totally spectacular and I do so LOVE being your Mother.

It just so happens since Paul knows I am going to blog our time together that I am guaranteed he is going to be reading his Mother's blog post tonight, aren't you Son?  *Wink*Wink* Big Smile*

By the time Paul went his way, and Rob got ourselves home with the few things put away we were for some reason both really really tired.  Rob had a huge nap, well deserved with the major hours he puts in, and I surprised myself by having myself a mini nap.  I really needed one, believe you, me.

Wow looking up at the clock, here it is almost 8 pm already.  I think I will get our "Checkerboard Aussies" rounded up shortly for their last romp out and about for the evening and call it a night myself, "Just North of Wiarton & South of the Checkerboard".


  1. Oh, I'm so happy you had such a fun day with your son!!

  2. Looks like you had a fabulous time Cindy. Happy Christmas!

  3. Congrats to your cabby on the nice gift. What a wonderful gift you too recived by having some time with your Son!!!!!

  4. Good times with our kids are the best memories!! Dropped a line to your friend at Tok Tok Place :D Have a great week...if I could find my crochet needle I would definitely do some squares too for Lynn lol...

  5. As always, nice pics! Looks like you had lots of fun.


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