Tuesday 25 December 2012

Merry Christmas 2012

"Merry Christmas to ALL my Family & Friends"

I still have the flu, however it is not as bad as the first 12 hours had been.  I am hearing it has been hitting many people everywhere !

"Rob had dropped around to my BFF's home Yesterday to drop off my gift to her.  I opened her gift to me this morning to find the sweetest little Crystal Christmas Tree inside.  I love it,  it makes me *smile*."

"In the mail Yesterday, I had received 2 "direct swaps" from people on Post Crossing.  The first from Southampton, England (pretty cool since I was born and raised in Southampton, Ontario), and the other from Kieov, Russia.  Lovely Post Cards both are."

This morning Rob left early to pick his friend up, as he was joining us for dinner today.  Thank goodness for lots of Ham and Scalloped potato leftovers, as I would never have managed a full Turkey Dinner the way I am feeling today.  The guys were busy while I took it easy all day.

"Rob was a "happy camper" as they got lots of wood loaded from the wood shed into the basement.  So much nicer  and appreciated when one has help, is it not?

"The Apple tree out front got a really good "hair cut" too."

"Dinner must have been good as the goodie plate I set out after was barely touched.  Lots of  snoring is going on around me at the moment "let me tell the World" !"

"In Celebration of Our Lord Jesus."

"This expresses how happy I am to have all my caring Family and Friends with me, even though it might be in thought only."

I hope everyone had themselves a wonderful Christmas with friends and family, as everyone has been my thoughts this Christmas Day, "Just North of Wiarton & South of the Checkerboard".


  1. We are sitting here stuffed from lunch time. So know how you feel,


  2. Sorry to hear you aren't feeling so well Cindy ....wishing you a very happy Christmas with all your family

    Amanda x

  3. Merry Christmas to you and yours! Take it easy and hope you feel better soon !- Irma

  4. Feel better soon!! Don't want a repeat of last year

  5. Hope you feel better soon Cindy. So sorry it's at Christmas. x


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