Sunday 18 November 2012

It Never Goes Away That ****

"A Vicious Circle that Never Ends !"

I believe I will never in this lifetime, ever have my whole house clean at one time.  I am always behind with something or another.  Really I wish those dust bunnies could put themselves "on hold" while I am out and about trying to enjoy my life a little bit .... and that whole dog that is constantly floating around on my floors? could he just not get up and walk out the front door himself when Bandit does, with the only difference being that he stays out !  *Sigh* "it never goes away", that housework ... NEVER !

What a beautiful day with the Sun in full force, feeling almost like a warm Indian Summer.  Imagine a whole week of Indian Summer mid-November? would that not be totally "wicked"????  Maybe if I hold my breathe long enough it will happen.

Once I did up a few dishes this morning, I then got going on some Christmas Cards.  I managed to get 15 signed, addressed and stamped.

I also got together a few recipe books I don't use or want any longer to go to the Cookbook exchange/swap I will be attending on the 2nd of December.  I am pretty excited about getting together with a few girls, as I think we will also be making a Christmas Wreath each.  Anyone in the area who would like to join us, please let me know .... as you do know, the more the Merrier and Christmas is just around the corner.  Even if you have Cookbooks you no longer want, bring them along as you are not required to take any back home with you ... can't go, just let me know and I could take your unwanted Cookbooks along with me !  Just email me at to let me know ahead of time please, or to find out more details about going along.

"Set  here with hopes I do NOT walk by them and forget to put in our Van, along with the Cards to be posted."

Three loads of laundry were done, along with the comforter and shams taken from the bed and hung on the line to "air out".  Vacuuming and dusting (always) done a bit here and there.  It is amazing as an hour later I can look behind me to see more "dust bunnies" and "a hairy dog" still following me around the house.  And around and around and around I go .... where will I end up?  hopefully not in a padded room.  Ha !

I did take a bit of "time out" to check what I am going to make up in the jars I have been collecting the past couple of weeks..  This is one I have been contemplating on doing ...

"Bread in a Bottle.  I sure wish we still had Milk come in glass bottles, like it used to when I was growing up, instead of the now plastic bags or cartons.  I found the idea for this if you should *click* HERE."

I am hoping after I get some MORE housework done tomorrow, I will have a chance to try at least one jar of the Bread in a Bottle, and to check out a couple more different ideas on Pinterest.  Are you on Pinterest? it can be quite addicting you know?  I can be found on Pinterest myself at this link by *clicking* HERE, come join me whenever you might find a minute hours to do so.

One of my blogger friends has been under the weather with a pretty bad virus bug the last few days.  I took a few minutes out of my day to call Lena on the phone to wish her and her family a "speedy" recovery.  Since we had never spoken in person before, I am certain I had also taken her by surprise.  Sickness gets a person down sometimes, so it is always nice to know there is always someone who cares when you are feeling ill and not so cheery with being under the weather, so to speak.

Sometimes it only takes a minute or two to put a little "sunshine" in someone's day..  Have you picked up the phone lately or made someone's day a little brighter lately? even by way of a *smile*?  Try it sometime, as it always seems to make me feel better too when I do so.

I had found a set of tires on one of the Swaps last week that will fit the "Crabby Cabbie" vehicle, and the people were going to be down this way today and stop around with them for us.  They arrived ... I felt terrible !  Here I had misread their ad, thinking it was $50.00 for all four tires (too good to be true, right?) with them actually being $50.00 each !  Well this lady was kind enough to give us a deal of $100.00 for all four of them on the spot.  Thank goodness there are still nice and understanding people out there.  Thanks Lisa ... the funny part is we just had found out too that my Uncle Basil, who is married to my Auntie Gladys, is her first Cousin.  The older I become, the smaller the World seems to be.

The past couple of weeks or so Rob and I haven't seen to much of each other.  This shows I am sure as I haven't really been posting too many dinners, or photos of my Rob lately either.  He is one of my best photo subjects at times you know?

Today he decided he was going to take me out for Dinner.  It almost felt a bit like a "date" as it has been so long since had spent this much time together.

"Off we went, even taking the scenic route on our way to Owen Sound.  These back roads were some Rob used to snow plow when he was a Plow Operator for Georgian Bluffs a couple years ago.  Man oh man that is one of many steep hills on these back roads.  Pretty treacherous according to Rob with some of the Winter months there had been."

"We finally arrived to our favourite Chinese Restaurant, the Twin Dragon in Owen Sound.  My plate was the top one with mostly veggies, fish and chicken on it, with the "piled high" with Chicken Wings one below being Rob's of course.  It was a really nice "treat", having dinner out and being together."

Tomorrow I will be drawing for the Give Away ...

"... for these 3 lovely Vintage Notebooks and 2 lovely Ornaments, and announcing the Winner of all.  Details on the Give Away can be found HERE."

Speaking of a Give Away, if you will notice up in the right hand corner of my Blog there is a Give Away going on over at Sandi's Rose Chintz Cottage.  Just *click* on it to see what wonderful things she has to offer for her Give Away.  Thank you Sandi for also joining me here.

A warm welcome also to 4rya for following my daily roaming and rantings here from time to time.  I do enjoy knowing there are new people in my midst from time to time, and always enjoy the ones who are here daily with me.  Thank you.

I am going to take the opportunity of calling it an "early" night by wrapping things up here, taking my four "Aussies" out and about for their last time today, before I call it a night myself, "Just North of Wiarton & South of the Checkerboard".


  1. I like that bread in a bottle idea. I am wondering if it will also go in a large mason jar? I need to look into that, as that would be an ideal filler for someone I know.


  2. You definitely brought sunshine into my day even though it took me a second to realize that it was you :) I like your date with your sweet Hubby. We all need dates like this once in a while:)

  3. The date with your hubby sounds wonderful. Another busy,busy day for you though and a caring one.

  4. I have seen soup, cookies, and other baked goods in a jar but never bread. What a cute idea. Date night with hubby I know was a real treat for you both. It's hard having your fella on the road all of the time

  5. What a lovely post, Cindy. You are further ahead than me with Christmas chores. I'm still in Thanksgiving mode. I'm so glad you got to have a date night. It sounds like you had a great evening together. I hope you have a great day. Blessings...Mary

  6. Hi Cindy,
    A woman's work is never done! Our Island is very dusty because we have little rock in our soil so dusting is an everyday chore around here. When we lived in NB I noticed right away there was less dust to 'dust.' Now that I'm getting the Christmas decorating done, there is endless dusting and dust bunnies to sweep up. Of course once the snow arrives, there is not as much. I would much more prefer to dust!
    It's nice to go out on a date with your Sweetie. Thank you for posting about my Giveaway and have a wonderful week.


  7. Housework - blargh... do we HAVE to do it? Do we halfta? *whining here*


How nice of you to drop around to have a wee visit with me to see what I have been up to from time to time. I look forward to your comments as they add much brightness to my each and every day to know there are such wonderful people out there.

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