Tuesday 27 November 2012

A Much Better Day

"What a beautiful day it was ... is it not beautiful?"

"Today I had to get some baking done for tomorrow.  One of our favourites that brighten up a plate, and the fact how good they taste, are these Lemon Bars of my Aunties.  I usually use bottled Lemon Juice, but happened to have some "fresh" Lemons on hand so I used  "fresh" juice and zest instead."

Never mind looking light and bright on a Christmas tray, these Lemon Bars would go over any time of the Year .... "yummy", who doesn't LOVE Lemon ???  never mind how Easy Peasy as 1-2-3 they are to make !

"I had almost thrown the Lemon peel into the compost bucket then caught myself ... into the Swan on top of the Woodstove it went.  Fresh Lemon smell as it simmers away."

I had made plans with my friend, Jessica, a week or so ago to meet up for a cuppa tea together.  She was driving up to Wiarton this afternoon where we were meeting up at ....

"The Berford Street Tea Room on Wiarton's Main Street.  Not only do they serve up a variety of Teas, Light Lunches and a select variety of goodies can also be had ... all Homemade of course."

"Here Jessica and I in at the Tea Room.  What was Cookie Monster doing there with Jessica, you might ask?  Ha ... my Grandboys have outgrown him, so he is off to live at Jessica's house with her 2 Year old son, Zachery.  The photo of the Tea Cup?  I loved it as it is so pretty, but not quite as pretty as Jessica is."

After we had our time together, Jessica headed out while I stopped off at the Post Office to mail off our Christmas Cards.  That was another "check" off my List in my head.

While I was downtown Wiarton I could not help but admire the store front of Home Designs ....

"Lovely is it not?  located on Berford Street (Main Street).  If my memory serves me correctly, I believe they are open every Wednesday to Saturday."

By the time I returned home, it was time for me to get our Dinner prepared as my "Crabby Cabbie" was going to be coming home this evening with me !  Hooray !!!!

I had taken some Skinless Boneless Chicken Breast out to defrost this morning, so What's For Dinner ?

"Tonight it was Knorr's Chicken with White Wine & Cream Sauce."

"Served along with a side of Long Grain White Rice."

"It is not only a "keeper" to be added to my every growing Recipe Collection, it was also very Easy Peasy as 1-2-3 to make."

Recipe please?  Knorr What's For Dinner?  *Click* HERE.

I must admit I did not make the rice, as if I had it would have been "sticky" and/or "lumpy", not "light" and "fluffy" as it was.  Trust me my dear Rob gloated bragged about how wonderful the rice he makes is, and I heard all about it a few times tonight, as anyone who knows him can well imagine.  Ha !

I had myself "a much better day" today, as I had NO date with Mr. Insomnia last night and the Fibromyalgia flareup has seemed to subside for the time being, returning to its dull and constant state once again for the time being.  

I am looking forward to tomorrow, also looking forward to hopefully having yet another good night of sleep, as my usually waking time of 5:30 am comes early, "Just North of Wiarton & South of the Checkerboard".


  1. So happy to hear you had a good night!
    Mr. F sure is a devil we can do without. I have arrived home from Peterborough. Hoping I sleep the whole night through and wake up refreshed now that I'm back in my own bed.
    Enjoy that snow. Not to much up home yet though I did drive through some interesting squalls along the lake. Thank goodness for big heavy trucks with four wheel drive!

  2. Yay for feeling better!
    My first thought when I turned to your blog was "HOLY CRAP, LOOK AT THAT SNOW!" We've only got a dusting at our place - yours looks like a beautiful Christmas card!
    I am definitely going to try your lemon square recipe and the Knorr's one looks yummy, too.

    Tell Mr. Insomnia to take a hike again tonight, deal?

  3. Hurray for a good nights sleep!!! Your lemon bars and dinner look so yummy. It was leftover for me tonight, love an easy meal!

  4. Glad to hear you had a much better day today. Yummy lemon bars and dinner!


  5. I enjoyed seeing you too! You are too kind! Cookie Monster has been "giggling" quite a bit since last night! Zakary definately appreciates the gift! Jes xo

  6. Hi Cindy! Lots of the photos in this post have disappeared saying 'sorry this person moved or deleted this image', so I have missed a lot of it, including the lemon bars I'm afraid. They sounded great....

  7. Hi Cindy, I'm your new follower and you have a lovely blog.
    You can visit my blog at http://cake-cookie-pie.blogspot.com/


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