Friday 2 November 2012

Bittersweet Memories

I sit here looking at the screen of my laptop feeling quite "blank" on where to begin.  It is seldom I am wordless, as those who know me well.

Today was quite a bit different from any of the days I have had this past week.  Today I attended to a funeral for my long ago best friend, Heather's brother.  I was deeply saddened for the family's loss, as I would for anyone who has a loss of their loved one.

The funeral was at 11:00 am at the Anglican Church in my Hometown of Southampton, Ontario.  I thought the Minster to be awesome, especially since she had never met Doug in all of his 65 years.  Doug's children spoke, who all did amazing, as well as his brother-in-law, and friend of ours, Bill.  I was happy to have ran into an acquaintance who I knew going in, so I sat with her and her husband.  This was good, thanks Joleen.

Afterwards a luncheon was put on at the Southampton Legion for everyone who had attended.  Wow ... times like these are like walking down "memory lane" from many Years long gone by.  I was thrilled to see my old friend, as we had not seen each other in what I am sure has been 25 Years.

Ha ! I had told my friend, Heather, when I had moved back to Bruce County that her younger brother, Gordie, had a "crush" on me way back when (he is 7 years younger than I or more), so he had confessed to me.  She had a laugh and said everyone had a "crush" on me way back then as I was such a looker and still am.  Well flattery got her everywhere, as I then realized again why we had been such best friends back then.

She was laughing when reminicing about her and our other friend, Debbie, both being 3 years older then me,  dragging me about with them everywhere they went way back when.  BAD INFLUENCE she said they had been on me, but they always looked after me, if my memory serves me correct.  Funny after they had gotten married it wasn't long after we all drifted apart ... they both had relocated down in London, Ontario.

Heather also touched down on some pretty *sad* memories of how times had been for me growing up.  I am happy her and her family had been there in my life throughout those times.  Funny you think you get over some of those things after many many years have past, but they still can sometimes feed into your emotions.  All I can say I became a Caregiver at a very young age ... maybe some day I will be able to express it all and be done with it all as a memory, keeping it exactly where it belongs ... way back then.

Hahaha... I had some laughs with her one brother, as he used to share a drive with my Dad and others way back when the Nuclear Plant first began at Douglas Point ... now called Bruce Power.  It was like "oil" had been found in the jobs being offered to an area that had little industry other to speak of much then Furniture Factories back in the late 70's.

I also was able to meet old friends I had grown up with, and even a couple Mother's of old school friends.  I even had someone I used to babysit for when I am sure I had been 13 years old, come to me to say "hello" and ask how I was.  She was from a family who used to live not far from my Mom and Dad's home.

Today had held many "Bittersweet Memories" for me.

Leaving the house at 9:45 am I never returned back home until after 3:00 pm, as I had also met up with "Crabby Cabbie" at the Southampton Tim Horton's for a coffee together.  He is a sweetheart, and I do LOVE him so much.  How many people get to marry one of their best friends in their lifetime ... it took awhile but I really have never regretted us finding each other.  Wow ... I am feeling pretty melancholy today, with so many old memories being stirred up within me I suppose.

On a "lighter" note I found a "chit" in my Mailbox for a parcel to be picked up downtown.  After I cleaned the bathroom, made a couple of phone calls, and sent a fax off, I headed on downtown to claim my parcel.

I was so excited as it was the gift box from the Secret Sister Swap Carla over at My 1/2 Dozen Daily had organized for a bunch of us gals .....

"Check out all the wonderful "goodies" I received ... and chocolate, out front and center if no one noticed !  Lots of wonderful teas to go in a beautiful Mug that says, "Forget Love I would rather fall for chocolate".  Thank you for all the thoughtful gifts you packaged up for me Kelly !"

"Not only did Kelly have my Name as her Secret Sister, I had also had her Name !  I couldn't show what I had sent off to her before now, but this had been my Secret Sister Gift to her.  Kelly's favourite Holiday was put down as being "Christmas" so Christmas she got with homemade bath salts & soap, some Natural remedy books, a Handmade Chocolate Christmas Tree, Ornaments for her "real" tree, and a couple of other goodies for good measure.  I sure hope she loved her gift too, and by receiving the Thank You Card along with my gift from her, I am certain she had !"

This all brightened my day.  Really considering I have not been feeling the best this past week, I have still received an abundance of Life's Rewards in so many wonderful ways.  I am grateful to have so much in my life in way of Family and Friends.  Thank you for all being in my life ...oops I think I am getting all "wishy washy" again, but dang it all that is just "me", and emotional "puddle" some days !

"Just to let the rest of Bruce County know, we did get a little bit of snow in and around Wiarton today, with this photo being my proof of this."

"...and really it was snowing here as I was almost back into Wiarton this afternoon."

Funny I have so much more inside I want to say, but for some reason it is all stuck down within myself somewhere.  Regardless, I am here, I am happy and it is all good at this present moment, "Just North of Wiarton & South of the Checkerboard".


  1. So sorry to hear of your loss Cindy, it is very difficult:( and the older we get the more frequent this seems to happen, Melancholy is ok... good for the soul to reflect on who we have known and where we have come from usually takes you back, but without those we lose, we would not be who we are. They are at peace and I am grateful for having known all of my losses as they are all very precious, each in their own way! <3

  2. Thank Angie .. you are very spiritual xx

  3. (((Cindy))) I'm so sorry for your loss... :( I hope tomorrow is a better day for you.

    The Secret Sister gifts look wonderful!! Such wonderful & thoughtful gifts!! :) Thanks for the photos!!

  4. Sorry to hear of your friends passing Cindy...tomorrow is a new day - hoping it is better for you.

    Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal.

  5. Sorry to hear of your friend's death. The only upside of funerals is meeting up with old friends.

    The parcel looks great.

  6. Great parcels and lots of useful things inside of them.

    Losing a friend is always hard. I agree with Susan Heather, that funerals is a way to catch up with friends and I am sure your friend was looking down on all of you and smiling. I know I will be at my funeral.


  7. So sorry for your loss and your friends family. Hugs for you, hope next week will turn around and be better!! Love the secret sister gifts you received and sent. Us ladies need a feel better gift every now and then!

  8. Sorry to hear about Doug, but for someone who worried about expressing her feelings, you were very eloquent.



How nice of you to drop around to have a wee visit with me to see what I have been up to from time to time. I look forward to your comments as they add much brightness to my each and every day to know there are such wonderful people out there.

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