Tuesday 13 November 2012

A Give Away Is Happening !

Another evening of almost "no" sleep here dang it all.  I am thinking a cold is also coming on and I will be paying for not pacing myself the past while.  I find it very difficult to "pace" myself when there is so much I want to see and do some times

Regardless, today I did a bit of cleaning here and there then took it really "easy" this afternoon, as the headaches I experience on a daily basis got the best of me along with total body aches today, more intent then usual.

An acquaintance of mine who also suffers from Fibromyalgia made the comment the other day, "Thank you Fibromyalgia for being a friend I don't need".  Boy oh boy did she nail that one straight on with the hammer !

"Any or All of these Symptoms Can be Present in a Fibromyalgia Sufferer on any Given Day."

~Courtesy of West Clare Fibromyalgia Awareness's Facebook Page~

As with any other illness, anyone with Fibromyalgia does not "ask" to have it.  There can be "good" days and/or "bad" days.  Some can have more severe symptoms then others.  There is never any rhyme or reason to any of it at times.  

People who suffer from Fibromyalgia are still entitled to "live" so please do not be "judgmental" of them.  

This is something my Niece had posted just the other day on her Facebook page, which I had told her I would be "sharing" ....

"REMEMBER THIS TRUTH: We often compare our 'insides' to someone else's 'outsides'. In other words, we see someone who appears to be confident and composed and we feel inadequate because we compare ourselves and our inner turmoil to their external appearance. Everyone is fighting some kind of battle so be kinder then you think you need to be!" - Katie McClelland.

Much "truth" in those words, is there not?  Kindness and Understanding goes a long way for someone who suffers Chronic Pain or otherwise on a daily basis.  

On a much lighter and fun note, where I would rather be any old day, I took the time out this afternoon to put some thought into having another Give Away.  Here is what I have for you ....

"Three lovely Vintage Notebooks along with two lovely Christmas Tree Ornaments."

How could you be eligible to "win" this nice little gift package?  Let me tell you ....

1)  Should you have a "blog", please post my Give Away within one of your Blog Posts, linking it back here, then leaving me a comment on this post that you have done so;

2)  No Blog?  Please share this blog link on your Facebook page, and/or with a friend or two via Email, by copying and pasting my link,  then leaving me a comment on this post that you have done so.

I am so looking forward to YOU participating in the Give Away !

A winner will be randomly picked and posted next Monday, the 19th of November.  I am so excited as I absolutely LOVE Give Aways, do you LOVE them too?  

I have begun a monthly Give Away over at Cindy's Recipe Exchange on Facebook.  It is so much fun and a nice way to encourage members to post "new" recipes they have  "tried, tested and made true" for themselves!  With Christmas not too far away, it has been nice to see a few new Christmas Recipe favourites come to surface too.

I had some really nice "happy moments" to brighten my day when the new owner of Blondie (yesterdays post) dropped on in on their way home with Blondie to her brand new Forever Home.

"Doesn't Blondie look the picture of happiness ???"

"Here is Blondie with her new Human, who just happens to be my first Cousin Jim's gal, Marti."
I am thrilled to death as Blondie is going to have a super super "wonderful" new home with Marti, and Cousin Jim when he is home on the weekends.  Two very happy girls went out from my driveway this day!  

Congratulations Blondie and Marti, I wish you both many years of happiness ahead together !!! xoxoxo

The nice thing about knowing who has given Blondie her new FOREVER HOME, is that I will get updates about how she is doing ... nice, eh?

That is pretty much how my day was, nothing more or nothing less, just what it was.  I am going to make sure I have another early night here with a cuppa tea, a hot Epsom Salt bath and my bed at an early hour, "Just North of Wiarton & South of the Checkerboard".


  1. I am so sorry that you're not feeling too good. Here's hoping tomorrow will be better........


  2. Shared on Facebook,
    Anita Dejong

  3. Hi Cindy just wanted to let you know you are not alone in your daily struggles...I have MS I truly understand where you are coming from!! Stay strong...I shared on FB,Pinterest,Tumblr and all my friends cooking pages :D Sherri Higgs

  4. Take it easy Cindy, and I hope you're feeling better today **hugs**

    I love what your niece shared on her FB page. It is so true.

    I'm so glad that Blondie found a good home.


  5. Blondie is such as sweetheart! I love a happy ending.

  6. Your positivity in the face of adversity is inspiring Cindy. So pleased about Blondie too! Will let you know when I do the next post about your giveaway thing. x

  7. Hello Cindy

    Sorry to hear you are poorly and not being able to sleep....there's nothing worse!
    Please enter me in your gorgeous giveaway I have posted a button and link on my blog.
    Blondie looks a real softiee..... wish I could have a Blondiee like her for my very own too....sigh!!!

    Take care now

    Amanda :-)

  8. I have you linked in my blog post

  9. I have shared your post via email with couple of friends - thanks for the giveaway

    Vesta - MN

  10. I shared your blog link with a few friends via Email. I really enjoy reading your blog and the recipe exchange on facebook.

    Judith Nichols

  11. dorothy looks a good larf!
    ( I am always a friend of dorothy!)


How nice of you to drop around to have a wee visit with me to see what I have been up to from time to time. I look forward to your comments as they add much brightness to my each and every day to know there are such wonderful people out there.

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