Wednesday, 11 April 2012

Slowly But Surely It Is Almost Done !

It was a pretty good start today, although I have been feeling a little on the "sluggish" side.  Um, could I call this feeling a bit fatigued, dragged out, or maybe laziness?  I really think I can scratch the laziness part, as I really don't see myself as being too much on the lazy side, although there are those days you know?

Talking on the telephone some days can take up quite a bit of one's time.  This week I had a couple of business related phone calls which had to be made, I am sure totaling at least a couple of hours between the four of them.  That is a lot of productive time lost when I could have been doing dishes, making the bed, or doing laundry  Never mind the "personal" calls between my sisters, or other family members, or friends, and myself !!!  I am not going to disclose how time consuming those phone calls can be at times.

I have also been putting off doing the bookkeeping for my "Crabby Cabbie", having found myself behind with most of March needing done.  In all fairness, the Accountant did have them for three weeks, so I have not been completely "shirking" my duties in this department.  I am thinking if I set aside a morning at the first of next week, I will have it all under control again.

Once I was through with this mornings two phone calls, I did get right to making the bed and tidying the kitchen.  Rob kept himself busy with cutting in the rest of the carpet and putting back the trim in the spare bedroom we have been working on .... for how long now?  It is so difficult when Rob really only actually has one day off a week.  To get such a big project in one day done is near impossible, in order for patching and paint to dry properly.

Before I knew it, it was time to get our Dinner cooked and on the table.  I really do believe, as I have said before and will again, that time does fly !!!  ...and really now, it isn't all when we are having fun, now is it?  LOL.

"We had lots of potatoes leftover, Zucchini in the fridge needing used up and some tenderized beef I made up into a schnitzel for our Dinner.  It was pretty dang good, if I say so myself."

I got to getting the dishes done up right after we had Dinner, as we wanted to get the bedroom set up before Rob had to put his "Crabby Cabbie" hat on for the day.

No worries for me, as it is pretty much done with the new mattress and one dresser out of our hallway, the other dresser and trim has been removed from the other spare bedroom, and it all placed pretty much where it is has been now put.  Once I vacuumed the carpet, Rob and I got 'r all moved in ....

There is just a little bit of trim work to be finished up, a light to be hung, along with a couple of pictures, curtains decided on, then the screen taken out of the window to be cleaned the same time I clean the window, but...

"...when I went to take the filthy dusty screen out to clean it, I just happened to notice this really huge "spider" behind it and that ended this project real quick for me.  It is not only big, it is hairy, black and ugly.  This project will be waiting until Rob is home to first remove the creature.  Yuck, trust me I was glad the screen was between me and this ugly thing!"

Since I couldn't get this done, I did take myself downtown to pick up those little coasters with the carpet underneath them, to go under the metal wheels on the bedroom dressers to prevent them from rusting and staining the new carpet.  While I was down there I just happened to take a "peek" in the Salvation Army Store to find they had jeans on sale for 1/2 price today.

"Oh man, did I ever luck in as I got two pair of almost, if not brand new pairs for Rob, and one pair for myself, totaling the unbelievable price of $7.50 !!!  What a score !!!  "

I also had to stop into Saddler's Home Hardware store to pickup Rob a "passport" for the Kemble Maple Syrup Festival Tour, which is this upcoming Saturday, the 14th of April.  I was thrilled to death when Rob said he would go along with me on it !!!  Happy, happy, happy, I am about this.  I am so used to doing everything by myself the past 8 months, it will be "fun" for us to do this together.

There is still plenty of time to purchase a "passport" for this event with all pertinent information at the following link of where to do so, and so forth:

I absolutely love when the clocks "spring" ahead in the Spring, as I sit here at 7:20 pm with the Sun still shining brightly over in the Western skies.  How nice.

I went on over this morning to read one of my favorite "blogs" on my reading list, over at Nanny's Place, to find out I had won some of her "Blog Candy" in the form of a set of her "handmade coasters".  I can not believe I once again won something.  For someone who has barely won anything all their life, I have been on a "roll" this Year !  Wowers .... thanks Debby !  I can't wait until they arrive in the mail so I can first off, show them off, then secondly, start using them ....

Carla over at My 1/2 Dozen Daily is having a Give Away.  Carla possesses an amazing talent with her sewing skills, who also does "Custom" orders for quite of a variety of pretty cool stuff.  You will have to "click" on the Highlight to see for yourself.

Oh to be creative as some of these gals all are, my own two sisters, and some of my friends .... *Sigh*,  I lost out in the "creative" department somewhere along the way, I am sure of that.

Something is going on with "Blogger", as the content from the side of my post is no longer where it should be, also when I "publish" a post, I go back and find some of it has gone missing.  When doing a little investigating I seen where they made a statement they are working on having the "widgets" problem fixed soon.  Hopefully before long this will all be back to "normal".

Whist there is still daylight out, I think I will take a very pregnant Lexus out to our back field for some one on one time.  I have so bonded with Lexus, more so then with Mercedes yet.  Funny how we bond so differently with certain animals or people, is it not?

I am, once again, off and running, "Just North of Wiarton & South of the Checkerboard".

1 comment:

  1. Dinner looks yummy! I am in need for new jeans as well, maybe I will ceck out the local goodwill store to save some cash. Good luck with the ugly spider, I don't do bugs!!!


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