Tuesday 3 April 2012

Just That Kind Of Day Along With A Few "Tips"

"Really now, who would you say "spoils" little Missy Mercedes around here?  I am of the opinion someone lets her away with pretty close to "murder" at times !"

I am tired.  I have been this way all day long ..... it's just been that kind of day.  I am certain I have expressed my tired *sigh* all this day long.

This morning was pretty usual, until Rob and I had a 10 am appointment which ended up last a tad over two hours.  I pretty much "zoned" out, so hoping Rob had his antennae up and activated, as mine sure wasn't.

Lunch was easy, since we had One Pot Macaroni & Beef leftovers, with Rob having a couple pieces of fried up Bologna to go along with his.

I suppose it wasn't a total "write-off", since the sky was clouded over I took advantage and cleaned the patio windows, otherwise with the Sun out they are near impossible to clean with the heat on them.

"I will be able to tell how good they actually have been cleaned once it gets a little darker with the light on them to show, if any, the "tell all" streaks.  Lovely until the next bout of rain splashed against them on the outside."

Cleaning the outside had been quite the challenge, as Mercedes was in the inside following my clothe on the other side with her wet nose and slobbering little mouth.  Needless to say, touch ups had to be done on my return inside.

"The tomato plant I had been "gifted" a couple of weeks ago, actually now have tomatoes on them.  Wow I can almost taste the BLT's sandwiches, slathered with mayo, now ....drool. "

"I am really hoping my Great Niece does not read my blog, as I wanted to show off the Tutu I had bought for her daughter, my Great Great Niece, "Deja."  Isn't it adorable?  Oh for a girl .... but wait maybe not, as that still could be costing me dearly?  LOL .... but a Granddaughter close to me would be nice I am sure ... *sigh*"

The day was not a total loss, as not only did I wash the patio door, Bandit had a wonderful combing out, much to my delight, and his despair I am sure.  He still needs his back end done, however I need Rob to hold his front end for me, as he keeps sitting down on me.

"Handsome boy with his winning smile."

"Yes, I surly would like one of those treats."

"Would ya give up the treat already????"

My "awesome" boy did get his treat ... lol.  Then there is the matter of the "diva" dog who I believe actually poses now when she sees the camera coming her way ....

"How's this stance Ma?"

Recently I have came across a few, what I think to be, good "tips" I would love to share. 

This link will take you to Spring Cleaning:  Naturally Spring Cleaning Tips for the Bathroom ~

This link will take you to The Only Spot Remover You Will Ever Need ~

And this is ~

"Make your own cleaner - Orange peels, vinegar in a quart jar, let sit for 10 days or so...strain out the liquid and use as an all-purpose cleaner. Easy, cheap, natural, smells good! (Homestead Survival on Facebook)"

~ Photo Credit Homestead Survival ~

I do enjoy popping over to my Pinterest Account, Cindy@NorthofWiarton, from time to time to see what new ideas I can "pin" to my Boards".  Some pretty great ideas and fantastic stuff out there to browse through, as this is where I came across the above links and ideas.  What was your take on them?  Helpful?  Useful? Interesting?

I was really pleased with the response I had by pre-advertising the up and coming new "Checkerboard Aussie" 2012 litter.  It was just posted on Kijiji last night, with two email responses of interest and one phone call today.  I am getting so excited !!!  Trust me though it entails lots of work looking after puppies until they are sold, and responding to peoples inquires.  Not a walk in the park by any means ..... a whole new adventure to be told.  I just hope I don't drop the camera I have now into the dog's water dish, as I had last Year !!!!

A little bit of this, and a little bit of that, along with a little bit of sharing, as this is "just the kind of day it has been", "Just North of Wiarton & South of the Checkerboard".


  1. I really like your orange peel and vinegar idea! I was actually peeling an orange last night thinking about how I can reuse the peels for something...but I came out without one idea...and ironically, here's an idea! Thanks! I'm going to do it since I have 3 more oranges left!!! :) I LOVE NATURAL ideas!!!

  2. Want to come and do my windows, Cindy!? ;) I looove your dogs.. they make me want one SOO MUCH! lol!!

  3. Ah, windows. I knew there was something else I needed to get done this spring. Lots of dog and baby slobber on mine. You have motavated me to get a start on that today as we will be having family in for Easter dinner that might not understand the druling that goes on around our place


How nice of you to drop around to have a wee visit with me to see what I have been up to from time to time. I look forward to your comments as they add much brightness to my each and every day to know there are such wonderful people out there.

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