Thursday 12 April 2012

Being "Mindful" Of All !

Thursday mornings are VON SMART Exercise mornings, and another one arrived again today !  That week more certainly "zipped" on by me pretty dang quickly, if I say so myself.

Once I leave here at around 9:15 am, spend 2 hours down at exercise, usually 1/2 hour before, 1 hour of exercise, and the another 1/2 hour or a bit less afterwards, it is going on to the Noon hour by the time I arrive back home.  Rob had a coffee waiting for me when I came in, and also had all the "pack" out and looked after just before I had arrived.

I absolutely love when there are leftovers for Thursdays Dinners, as it sure saves a lot of time and effort for me when there is.

"It took me no time at all to re-heat the leftover Ham, Mushroom & Cheese Quiche and steam some broccoli for our Dinner today."

Then, as always, there was the stack of dishes that needed doing in the sink.  This brings to mind what one of the ladies at exercise had said this morning, "be thankful you have dishes that need washing".  That really had an impact on me today when it was time to do mine up.  This all derived from my VON Volunteer Associate, BJ, whose new word for the week was "mindfulness".

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Mindfulness (PalisatiSanskritsmṛti / स्मृति) in Buddhist meditation.; also translated as awareness) is a spiritual faculty (indriya) that is considered to be of great importance in the path to enlightenment according to the teaching of the Buddha.

I will try to be more "mindful" or "aware" of life or objects which surround me, is what "mindfulness" brings to my mind.

This afternoon brought along with it some paperwork I had to be "mindful" of by addressing, as well as a particular window screen needing a spider removed from it.  

"Rob told me this big black ugly spider was dead, and had been for some time.  This did not make me want to dispose of it whether it was dead or NOT !  He did rid the screen of it, however not before calling me a "Chicken  S**t" first."

Once this little disposal matter had been taken care of, I took myself and Missy Mercedes downtown.  I had a couple of items needing some repair sewing done on them (have I ever mentioned before that I DO NOT sew?).  It just so happens my friend, who had just had hip replacement a couple of weeks ago, lives right beside the lady who sews.  I was able to take my friend a card & plant, as well as have a little visit with her before I dropped of my sewing repairs.  Wow, things never usually work out that smooth for me all at one time, what's up with that "sync"?  LOL

Afterwards, Missy Mercedes and I had ourselves a walk around a number of very large town blocks.  It was and still is such a beautiful weather day out there today.

Back home again, I tackled the cleaning of the screen and the spare bedroom window.  Oh my, the water from cleaning the screen was pretty brown once I had given it a good scrubbing with hot water and a brush.  Shamefully so ..... ewww.  

"One can actually see through this screen now."

"All clean and ready for the side panels of curtains to be repaired and hung."

I had the biggest laugh the other day when I had received our mail.

"I had received a belated Birthday Card from my girlfriend, Colleen, and her sister, which says, "Happy Birthday From Your Two Most Fun Friends", and inside, "Kinda Makes You Want To Broaden your Social Circle a Little, Doesn't It?"  LOL...I most certainly had a "belly laugh" over this one !  Then today I received the other card from my sister, Donna, saying inside, "Dear Cindy, I saw this card & it made me think of you, since I missed Easter.  Happy Spring.  Love Always, Ree."  

Also when arriving home from exercise this morning, there was a package on the table.  Rob had told me another friend, from my Hometown of Southampton, had won a prize through the Heart & Stroke Foundation, and had wanted to "gift" me his winnings.

"Such a beautiful Charm Bracelet he gifted me.  How fortunate am I to have been thought of so dearly by another.  Again another blessing I am grateful for."

I am forever "mindful" of how blessed I truly am with family and friends who love me so, and who I can love back.  Thank you for all of you who are always there for me, near, dear, close and afar.

Love or caring never has to come in the form of gifts or always being told you are loved.  Love has many forms .... the slightest gesture of acknowledgement or kindness, a phone call to say "hello, how are you", a simple card, or a listening ear .... there are so many "quiet" ways to show love and caring is there not?

There is still lots of daylight left in this early evening.  I am going to take advantage of the still warm evening and the Sunshine, by taking my Prego Lexus girl out for a romp in our back field, as I think the exercise will do her a World of good.  

Very shortly here, I will be off and running, once again, "Just North of Wiarton & South of the Checkerboard".


  1. You truly have wonderful friends!

  2. Aww, I love happy mail!!! Dead spider or not I do NOT do bugs!! Glad your cabby took care of that business for you!!! I too enjoy washing dishes by hand, nothing better than sticking your hands in warm soapy water while looking over the yard. But I do love the dishwasher is for large crowds!!

  3. Aww..beautiful charm bracelet!! What a gorgeous & thoughtful gift!! Love the card too! Spiders don't bother me, it's the snakes that do me in!! Haha!! ;)


How nice of you to drop around to have a wee visit with me to see what I have been up to from time to time. I look forward to your comments as they add much brightness to my each and every day to know there are such wonderful people out there.

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