Sunday 15 April 2012

A Feeling Pretty Weary Day It Was !

I was feeling pretty weary all day, with yesterday day being such a "full" day I pretty much could figure on this happening.  You most certainly know how weary and tired you are when you get up to make yourself a coffee, and you have already done so with it sitting right beside you ..... lol, now that is pretty bad, is it not.  Let's just hope I make it through today's post without too many problems ....

It took me a long time to get motivated this morning.  When I finally did, I managed to get downtown to pickup a new curtain rod for the curtains in the spare bedroom we have been redoing, and get two loads of laundry done, as well as a sink full of dishes.  The day wasn't a total "write off", but it didn't start out as such.

Yesterday after I had posted about the Maple Syrup Tour, I went downtown to meet up with my walking friend, Sharon.  Down through the park, we came by a lady and her little pooch.  I had called out that she seemed to be getting more exercise then her pooch, and we got to talking.

"Wherein she explained her little girl was blind, and had been a rescue dog.  What a little bundle of sweetness this pooch is, I even got a couple of kisses.  The lady explained how over the Years she and her husband had been rescuing little dogs saved from Puppy Mills.  I wish I had more time to "chat" with her, but we had to get on with our walks."

After our walk, I got back home and uploaded all the photos I had taken in groups of where they had been taken, and entered them, via email, to the Photo Contest put on by the Churches hosting the Kemble Maple Syrup Tour.  I received an email back from them today telling me since they had such a "huge" response to the Photo Contest, would I please pick the "best" one from my selection and submit it within the next week.

I really dislike making decisions like these, as I always have such a difficult time choosing which is the "best" one, as I usually like them all !  I sure could use some help in this department, so if anyone would like to assist me in this matter, please check out all the photos from yesterday HERE, and let me know which one you thought to be the "Best", by emailing me at with the Subject line reading "Best Maple Syrup Tour Photo", or just leave a comment under this blog post.  Whichever photo is the most popular "pick" will be the one I submit to the Photo Contest.

Oh yes, and I also appreciate that I received over 90 pageviews on the Kemble Maple Syrup Tour post.  I appreciate the interest and support of everyone, and also to those persons who have publicly chosen to "Follow" under my blog. Sincerest thanks to all.

Back to my today, I suppose I will go ....

I had recently advertised I was looking for a dehumidifier in good condition at a reasonable price.  Well thanks to my friends, Linda & Mike, who had seen my request ....

"...and just so happened to have one they no longer needed, with a price of "free" on it !  Thanks so much, Linda & Mike, next time I make some goodies and I am back over your way, I will drop some around for you."

Since picking up this item required us to drive to Owen Sound, Rob thought it would be nice for us to go have Dinner at our favorite little Chinese Restaurant while there.

"Where else but the Twin Dragon Restaurant just in front of the Owen Sound Marina."

"I always enjoy when we are able to go here, especially when I don't have to cook !  It was all good."

"Bandit & Mercedes had also gotten to go along for the ride."

"Our "Checkerboard Aussie" boy is just so handsome."

"How cool is this little "Tug" which was parked right down behind the restaurant?"

"A shot out over the vastness of Georgian Bay."

"The scenic route as we made our  way back home, passing by a Cemetary.  The little sign says, "Please do not pick, planted in memoriam."

"Once back home, I was able to admire a bit of our own Spring colours."

I have a houseplant, my friend, Reenie, had started for me a couple of years ago.  We don't know what kind of plant it is, however looks like some type of curly leafed "I don't know what".  

"Should anyone know what type of houseplant this is, with a web link to more information on it, both Reenie and myself would LOVE to know !  Just drop me a line at   Muches and bunches of advance thanks !"

My poor dear Rob is sound asleep, as he has been a pretty busy and tired "Crabby Cabbie" lately.  I am certain I will not be long from my bed myself here.

For some reason I really don't think I have ever fully recovered from the time the "Springing Ahead" came into effect.  This is my story and I am "stickin' to it" !  LOL

I am looking forward to anyone and everyone's input on the Maple Syrup Tour pictures, as well as any information anyone would know on the houseplant.  Once again, thank you in advance !

Okay it is just past the hour of 8 pm, with the "pack" all needing attendiing to once more before I call it a night here, "Just North of Wiarton & South of the Checkerboard".


  1. Cindy, 4th stop 2nd photo, says it all for me......

    here's hoping you have a quiet week this week,


  2. If I must choose, I choose -

    The cross section of a log showing previous maple syrup 'tappings'.

  3. Cindy...Your 5th stop, 5th photo is a definite winner....Bess

  4. You are the busiest woman I know! Holy moly! I thought I was tired until I saw what you did today.
    I love that little blind dog - and the fact you took time to talk to the woman. So nice. I can't stand puppy mills. It's heartbreaking. I have relatives who breed mutts to make money and I can't tell you how horrifying it is... and yet they think it's just wonderful. Pfft.
    I dropped a comment on your photos on yesterday's post. Hope you had lots of yummy syrup!


How nice of you to drop around to have a wee visit with me to see what I have been up to from time to time. I look forward to your comments as they add much brightness to my each and every day to know there are such wonderful people out there.

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