Wednesday 31 December 2014

The Night Before

Here it is the night before the brand new year of 2015.    Lots of parties and get togethers with huge celebrations.  Lots of good food.  Maybe a quiet evening snuggling in with a good movie and popcorn.  The last day of 2014, how have you been spending it?

Me?  I am doing this evening what I have usually done the past couple of Years, which is spending it at home with my Aussies, while Rob goes out to earn us a living driving people who are smart enough to take a cab home from New Year's Eve parties.

Other Years Rob and I were the ones who usually rented movies and snuggled in with a bag of popcorn for the night, seldom making it to midnight.  We usually finished watching the movies New Year's Day.

How did this last day of 2014 play out for me?  Well ....

Rob cleaned off our snowy vehicle first thing this morning in the frosty cold so we could head downtown Wiarton to do a few errands.

Rob headed out on calls on and off most of the day, however that didn't mean I was left alone, or had been afforded any privacy to myself by any means.

I was very pleased with myself that I managed to clean the WHOLE bathroom today, and get the kitchen window back the way it had been since Rob had painted the trim.  Since this photo the curtain has also been put back up.  Another job completed with many more ahead of me.  Of course I did the usual as in make the bed, etc, etc ....

The newborn Christmas baby boy I had asked for prayers the other day is now back home.  He is to return back to Sick Kids in Toronto in 4 months time as he has a blocked valve in his Heart.  Since our Paul is coming up this weekend, Rob took me back downtown this afternoon so I could pickup a gift for the baby for Paul to take back and deliver for me.

When we returned back home my beautiful Niece Stacey, along with her son, Logan, had been at our door.  I was so happy I hadn't missed them, as they are up visiting her father.  They had been up visiting Mom, along with my other Great Nephew, Riley.

Stacey sent me the photos she had taken with Grandma at the New Year's party they had this afternoon at Gateway Haven.  They had so much fun !! and what great photos.

Rob made us a great Dinner of Pork Loin Chops this evening.  Have to love a man who is not shy about cooking, don't you?  I didn't even mind doing up the dishes afterwards.

From Our Home, North of Wiarton, to Your Home wherever You might be, Rob and I wish You a very ...

Do not forget to Call a Taxi to avoid the other 3 ways home available New Year's Eve.

I am looking forward to a great New Year ahead of me, Just North of Wiarton & South of the Checkerboard.


  1. Good about that baby. The Aussies will be good company to see the new year come in with you.

    Happy New Year!

  2. Happy New Year Cindy! Hope you get to slow down occasionally in 2015!!

  3. We too, had a peaceful New Year's Eve. I admire your ambition in redecorating your home! I hope to get my bathroom done!
    Happy New Year!


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