Tuesday 9 December 2014

Pleasure In The Little Things

I was so ticked that I fell asleep watching The "Voice" last night only to wake up a couple hours later to remain awake the rest of the night.  Geez I need to catch a break tonight as it will be determined who will be voted off with only 3 remaining.

I was very happy with myself this morning.  I did not get any cleaning done, but I did get two months of Crabby Cabbie paperwork organized and ready to be entered on the "books".  That is half the battle in my books !

After lunch I made a trip down to the Chamber office to drop off some paperwork from the Santa Claus Parade.  There will be one more meeting (hopefully) to wrap up things from this Year, recording what we did and what we won't do next Year.  This Thursday there is also a Director's meeting.  Hopefully that will be that for the next few months of running around, other then the once a month meetings.

Whoopee !  I can then concentrate on getting my Spring/Fall cleaning done from this Year.  Just a wee bit behind, and never mind a new litter of puppies arriving in 2 weeks time, and then there is the matter of the basement needing a good cleaning .... ah no rest for the wicked is there?

Today I was also thrilled I got a deal of a lifetime, as well as a good dinner cooked (or my Crock Pot did).

Dinner was store made Garlic Sausage on a bed of Strub's Sauerkraut in Wine with a side of sweet peas.  The deal of a lifetime was this sheet of plywood to redo the bottom of the whelping box which cost me "zilch", as it had been pulled apart from a structure and was thrown in a scrape bin.  I do love scoring a free deal !

I truly can't believe that Christmas Day is only 2 weeks away from this upcoming Thursday.  That is crazy !!!  Since the kids will not be coming up to celebrate in the New Year it will just be Rob & I Christmas Day.  Rob is "tickled pink" as he won't have to share any of the Turkey.  He does love his Turkey.

I won't be doing much if any Christmas Baking this Year.  No sense when we will only eat it, and we most certainly don't need to be doing that.  

Here I was getting all excited about having all this time to myself to get things done when I just remembered I have 2 meetings next Monday, a MRCP Tuesday, and a Colonoscopy (3rd one this year dang it) also the same week !   Considering the dreaded prep the day before this means my whole next week is gone before I even get there !!!  Thank God Rob is around to hold down the fort and be here for the Aussies, or I would really be in a pickle.

Rob and I have also been very happy the wood stove in the basement is now functioning again since the new stainless steel chimney liner went in on Saturday.  The upstairs floor is toasty warm on the feet now,which is much easier on the arthritis.

Truly it is a good thing that I can take pleasure in the little things like a simple Dinner or a deal of a lifetime, otherwise I would go stir crazy, more then I already am, with all the other things in life that goes on with us from time to time.  If you ever feel a little stir crazy, please take some comfort you are never alone as long as I am around.

Time to clean up from Dinner, have a shower, then try to stay awake to enjoy tonight's espisode of The "Voice" at 8 pm, Just North of Wiarton & South of the Checkerboard.


  1. That dinner certainly sounds delicious!

  2. Christmas is rushing towards us too damn fast Cindy! I wish I could get round to that cleaning but there's always so much other stuff to do. xxx


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