Sunday 20 May 2012

Wowsers !!! Another Win !

Before I get going on my day, I would like to welcome Catrina Serra, who has so graciously decided to follow my daily life and ramblings along here with me.  Welcome Catrina !

What a crazy day this was !!!  My "Crabby Cabbie" arrived home at 4:30 am, I got up at 6:00 am, then once I had done the "pack", washed up some dishes, fed and cleaned the "Spectacular Six", it was time to wake Rob at 10:00 am, and we were off .....

"Another "road trip" it was for Rob and I this day, but not with out a Tim Hortons Coffee to go!  Check out my "coffee cozy" my Secret Sister handmade and gifted me !  I LOVE it !"

"Past many rows of Wind Turbines."

"Lots of farmers out working their fields this day with the dust just a flying.  We are in need of rain."

"I do love when we opt for the scenic route, instead of the main highways."

We did arrive at our destination, just on the outskirts of Kincardine, just a tad over an hour and a half drive from our place, "Just North of Wiarton & South of the Checkerboard".

What a gorgeous weekend of weather it has been for everyone, holiday and camper persons included.  Full Sunshine and temperatures in the 20 Celsius ranges.

On our way back home, we stopped in Port Elgin to pickup some food for the "pack".  Rob also checked that our load was plenty secure for the remainder of our trip home.

"The two Kennel Runs all secure with the dog food placed on top.  Another great purchase we happened to come by, this being the kennel runs of course, not the dog food.  Anyone who knows me knows it had to be a pretty super deal for us to make this purchase.  Really now, I do not "squeak" too much when I walk, honestly."

"The Peanut Gallery keeping an eye on all going on."

I was so happy when we got back home, as I was a "Starvin' Marvin", since it was 3:00 pm, and we had not had anything yet to eat.  Way too long for me.  

We stopped into our local Foodland Store to pickup a few things.  I checked my Lotto Max Ticket to find out I had WON $20.00 !!!  Wowsers, I won again !!!  I hope this "streak" continues until I manage to hit a "jackpot" !  LOL, I think I won't hold my breath for that one to happen, however it has been nice to be winning a few things here and there the last couple of months, something very unusual to be happening to me ... maybe this is a good "sign".

 When we did get home, Rob whipped up a couple of hamburgers for us, which most certainly filled the hole I had been feeling in my belly.

Rob went back to bed for an much needed snooze, while I put together a Macaroni Salad.  After the salad was put together, I looked after getting the "Spectacular Six" puppies all fed and cleaned up again, before I headed downtown for a walk with my friend, Sharon.

"This is Missy.  Missy is a Bull Mastiff.  Missy came out to greet us on our walk, as she is along our walking route.  Look at here, she was giving me her "best side" for this photo.  What a big suck this girlie is."

"Lots more out in the water today along the edges of the Bluewater Park, in Colpoy's Bay."

I got back home, only for Rob and I to load up Bandit and Missy Mercedes to head back down Southampton way to do a drop off.

"We had to make one stop first in Wiarton.  Should you ever come through Wiarton, the Northern Confections is a "must" stop.  Ha, just happened to catch owner, Todd Gibbons, coming out for a breath of fresh air."

"This is only half of the ice cream flavors offered."

"Lots of other goodies can be had."

"Then of course there are all the homemade chocolates and other goodies to be had."

"Rob already to partake of the goods."

"With me following suit, divulging in my very first "sinful" act in celebration of the wonderful weekend of weather we have been having (really I did want a less calorie choice of frozen yogurt, but they didn't have any, so I had to settle for the Breyer's Blast ~ Peanut Butter Cup Chocolate Ice Cream instead).  Trust, you, me, I enjoyed every bit of it."

"We scooted across through the Sauble Beach way, where at this time of night going on to 8 pm, it was still very busy, considering it being a Holiday weekend and nice weather to boot."

Finally we made it back to our "Home Sweet Home" by 9:00 pm.  My goodness where has the day gone, as I look up at the clock to see it is already 9:45 pm, as I can hear and see the Fireworks out from our patio windows, "Just North of Wiarton & South of the Checkerboard".


  1. Congratulations on another win! You are definitely on a win streak. And this "delicious" place is YUMMY!! Good thing I don't have anything like that anywhere close here or I would never lose weight :)

  2. Another busy day at the Canadian ranch lol. Would you look at those ice creams - wow - I bet you did enjoy every mouthful - they look amazing xx

  3. just catching up with all the goings on in your neck of the world, it's too flipping hot in my part of the world...........


  4. It sounds like another busy day. I hope your guy was able to piece together enough sleep for the day. He is a really busy man. I hope you both enjoyed the ice cream. Have a great day. Blessings...Mary

  5. Congrats on the win!! :) That bull mastiff is just huge!! I bet she weighs more than I do! lol! Looks like another full & wonderfully day in your neck of the woods!! :) Love all the photos you always take to share with us!


How nice of you to drop around to have a wee visit with me to see what I have been up to from time to time. I look forward to your comments as they add much brightness to my each and every day to know there are such wonderful people out there.

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