Wednesday 23 May 2012

I Do So LOVE Getting Real Mail !

"Goodnight kisses were going on here last night, however someone wasn't looking too enthused about being on the receiving end of them."

"First thing this morning there were still kisses of dew on the outside plant life."

Another busy start to a beautiful weather day.  Today also marked the first day of the "Spectacular Six's" new outdoor adventure !

"It's a pretty big World out here."

"Hey Lady, what kind of activities you got happening on this playground?"

"Um, who is next on my "I am going to get you" list?"

"I think she is over this way, follow me.|"

"Okay guys, thinking the temperature is just about right now."

"I am not listening to you again, that was cold."

"That's all Folks !"

It is so fun watching these little guys.  You actually can loose track of time while you stand there watching them carry on.

"How exciting is it to receive real mail via Post, when it isn't a bill?  Pretty dang exciting to me that's for sure, especially since it has travelled all the way here from Australia !"

"I have had the pleasure of making a new friend the past few months, John of Tok Tok Place, who has gifted me this book on his Town of Yass, Australia.  What a lovely gift to have had received via post.  I am thinking I will share one page each day from the book from start to finish beginning tomorrow.  There is also a CD included at the back of the book, which both Rob and I are looking forward to watching.  Thank you so much, Dear John !"

While I am on about friends and gifts, dear Carla over at "My 1/2 Dozen Daily" is having yet another Give Away for one of her awesome handcrafted creations.

"It is a lovely Chequebook/Coupon Keeper.  Carla also does custom orders for all kinds of wonderful things."

You may go there yourself to "check this out" at the following link:  

As a winner of not only one, but two of Carla's beautiful creations, I can say her handiwork is lovely and very much enjoyed by myself.

Since I was up so early this morning, I made us a Broccoli and a Potato Egg Salad for our Dinner today to have along with the leftover chicken drumsticks.

"I am leaning towards the fact that Broccoli Salad is one of Rob's most favorites now since he had it at our friend's, Reenie's place a couple of years back."

"Today Rob was catching up on some of the heavy grass that needed whipper snipped.  His look was as much as to say, "don't you have something else to do other then take pictures of me?"  LOL, of course I did, but I was too busy with him at the moment .... "

"Today I did get going back on those front flower beds, by  putting thick layers of newspapers down in between and around all the plants."

"Then covered over and around with a heavy layer of mulch."

I only had the one bag of mulch, so downtown we had to go to the Feed Store to get us some more.  I am not too fussy on the colour red, so what does Rob pick out .....

"Halfway through this afternoon I almost gave up, as my back and neck felt like they had just about enough, and then some.  However I just went a bit slower and "got r' done" !  Just the other side to do yet, but that will be another day."

When I finally did finish, I went back into the house to actually make and sit to have a coffee, there was a commotion going on in the kitchen.  Of course, I had to get back up to go see what all the racket was about ....

"Have you ever since such a mournful look requesting a drink in your life?  LOL, it was most certainly made known she was not to be left out."

I almost called it a day by getting myself cleaned up from all the gardening dirt, tidied up a few other things, and folded a couple loads of laundry to get them all put away.  When the weather is nice with outside work to be done, I am afraid to say the inside stuff gets put on the back burner, as I just can't manage to do it all anymore.

"This night I still had Al Hopkins of Signquest ~ Custom Lettering, Graphics & Signs dropping over to get the signage completed on the 2nd "Crabby Cabbie" vehicle.  Here Al is lining up with a laser."

"Nice and even, is it not?"

"Rob absolutely loves how Al placed the lettering on the Cab's Top Light."

"A little personal touch on the door."

"Then of course the main "grab you" !"

Al is not only a very talented guy, he is a super person too!  Need some signage done?  Al is a local Bruce County guy, and can be contacted by Phone:  519-379-2129 or by Email: for a free quote and estimate.  

Local is Best !!!  Loving to support or be supported any way we can.

"Before I forget, I just happened to notice this purple Lily of the Valley, as it really caught my attention and stood out in my garden today.  I never new Lilly of the Valley came in any other colour then white.  How pretty is this?"

I really don't want to "shock" to many, but I have admit I am pretty tired after this day, hoping it will be an early night, "Just North of Wiarton & South of the Checkerboard"


  1. Those puppies are too cute! Your gardens look very nice, mine still need some weeding. I never saw a purple lily of the valley before.

  2. I love happy mail as well! :) What a great pkg! Your garden looks lovely! And the puppies are getting SO BIG!!! I soo want one! lol!

  3. So happy you liked my little gift, JohnD

  4. You had a full day for sure!!! The puppies are so cute, I could just eat them up. I had no idea lily of the vally came in purple. gonna have to look into that!! Very pretty

  5. OMGosh! Those puppies are adorable and I still just love the red one!
    Cindy, I don't know where you get the energy to accomplish what you do on a daily basis, I get tired, just reading about it!
    I've never seen purple Lily of the Valley before, thanks for sharing.

  6. Another lovely day. Those puppies .... they are soooo gorgeous!! I have never seen a lily if the valley in anything other than white (it's my favourite flower) - that looks so pretty. Zena was way too hot today and was sick - it was 26 degrees in Norwich and probably even hotter in the classroom xx


How nice of you to drop around to have a wee visit with me to see what I have been up to from time to time. I look forward to your comments as they add much brightness to my each and every day to know there are such wonderful people out there.

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