Friday 25 May 2012

Storm Fronts Brings Forth Migraines

With an unsettled evening of not much sleep last night, needless to say I was pretty exhausted today.  I went through the motions of getting done what needed done, before I headed on up "North of the Checkerboard" for my weekly shot in the arm by the good Doctor.

"The further North I headed the pressure in my head increased as I moved towards an oncoming storm front."

While in at my Doctor's, a torrent of rain came with high winds, surely not lasting more then 15 minutes or so, but enough to instill a "migraine" headache to further my discomfort to the start of my day.

Making it back home, I medicated myself and took myself back to bed, of course after the "pack" had all been cared for.  Finally an hour or so later I had managed to rid myself of the almost unbearable pain in my head, ever so happy but still feeling pretty drained.

Since I have been spending most of this past week "out of doors" in my flower beds, the inside has sorely been neglected.  Without trying to feel too overwhelmed, I started by tidying our bedroom, proceeding into the kitchen, then tackling enough hair throughout the house to make 2 more dogs from.  Once this was all done I proceeded to get a bucket of water and vinegar to mop the quarter inch of dust from the floors.

Much more yet to be done; a good start on it with thoughts of getting more done tomorrow, with knowing before long I will be right back where I started.

Housework is an "evil" vicious circle plotting against those of us who have been allotted the "chore" of having to do it.

After the floors were done, I had to take another rest, but did manage to get downtown later to have a walk with my friend.  Lexus was taken along this time, as I hadn't had her out since a week before the "Spectacular Six" puppies had been born.

"Cute to look at, but you can imagine the racket they now cause when they see me when they are wanting FOOD !  Oh my, six yakky ones all out of key with a shrillness you can well imagine .... lol."

One of the Recipe Exchange Members from "Cindy's Recipe Exchange" on Facebook, shared a very interesting recipe link today, which I thought would be an excellent link to share with others as well.

Should you ever have a problem of being invaded by ants?  Try this method out at the following link:

Sound like a pretty Easy Peasy as 1-2-3 method of ridding yourself of these pesky little (or large) ants to me.

"The Lady Slippers are now in full bloom in my flower beds.  They are so unique."

There just happens to be 44 species of Orchids on the Bruce Peninsula.  That is absolutely amazing !!!

On the 1st & 2nd of June, 2012 there is a Bruce Peninsula Orchid Festival.  For further information on this festival, please refer to the following web link:

"This is DNA Fish & Chips, located just before Tobermory, where we were last year, who has the best french fries in all of Bruce County, as far as I am concerned."

DNA Fish & Chips just contacted me on Facebook yesterday to let me know they reopened for the 2012 Season, 7 Days a Week from around the hour of 11:00 am to 7:00 pm.  If you have never had their French Fries, or Fish & Chips, make it a day trip up the Bruce Peninsula to check them out, as I can almost guarantee you will not be disappointed !!!  I can't wait until Rob & I get back up there ourselves, as I will be making a point of doing so.

Oh my, here it is almost 9:00 pm, there are days time does so elude me, "Just North of Wiarton & South of the Checkerboard".


  1. yup as my friend used to say "dirt our enemy" but I guess this keeps us out of trouble ,anyway life is sweet no matter what we are are doing!Another day given to us to count our blessings.One of the best blessings in life is the blessing of friends ....thank you Cindy for being one of my greatest blessings!

  2. Glad you are feeling better, there is nothing worse than a brain that is having hissy fits!! I look at all that dog food the puppies are eatting and all I can think of is poop!! Ha, I think having the grands around so much lately has out too much poop on my brain

  3. We've been getting foul weather as well - humongous winds last night, 25mm (1 inch) of rain in 10 hours, very cold and overcast.

    See here -

    Hope you feel better soon.

  4. Oh, I hope you feel better soon! And Ladies Slippers cute! They are "Ladies Booties" in Russian :)

  5. Oh what a mixed bag you are having - hope it all settles down soon. Fish and chips sound marvellous but I have just started my diet again lol xx


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