Thursday 17 May 2012

A Little Pampering For Bandit

My day began very early indeed, at the wee hours of 4:00 am.  Lexus was barking, barking, and barking, with me thinking I was dreaming and putting off getting up (you know when you are all warm and snuggled in having one of the best sleeps of your life).  I managed to finally drag myself downstairs once I realized I was not dreaming, as Lexus doesn't bark unless there is a reason for her to, and there certainly was a reason .....

I had started weaning the puppies yesterday, with mush made from Puppy Food, there had been a bit leftover.  I never got it picked up in time before Lexus managed to get around me, consuming it all before I had realized what she was doing.  There really wasn't too much at all to be consumed at all .... however it was enough to give her diarrhea, this being what all the stress at 4:00 am had been about.

Poor girl couldn't arose me in time.  :Poor me, what a mess to clean up at that hour of the morning, never mind what my nostrils were experiencing !!!  I am actually *chuckling* about it now, but really at that time of the morning, my emotions did not include any *chuckling* ... lol.

Today was also the weekly VON SMART exercise program.  After everyone here was taken in, out, fed and watered, with puppies having had their breakfast too, I got myself ready and out the door shortly after 9:00 am.  My body sure wasn't feeling like going, however once there I was glad I went as I do so enjoy the gals I co-volunteer with, as too the participants of the program.  I had a pretty difficult time by the end of the one hour session, as a few of my body parts weren't cooperating as much as I would have liked them to have been.

Thank GOODNESS for leftovers, with today's being Lasagna, french bread, along with a Caesar Salad kit I had picked up on my way home.  It sure saves a lot of time on days like these by just having to heat something up, throw it on our plates and enjoy !  Tomorrow will be pretty much the same, with the only difference being leftover Chicken Pot Pie, and maybe I will pickup a different kind of salad or steam some Cauliflower I have in the fridge to go along with it.

I have had my mind set the last few days on getting Bandit's back end all combed out, however can not do this by myself as he always sits down on me.  Today was the day Bandit was going to get a little pampering in the beauty department, whether he wanted to not, as I had Rob lined up today to help me ....

"This is the part where it is being discussed."

"This is the part where Bandit is pleading with Rob to not let me do it !"

LOL, I got it all done, and he looks as lovely, or as handsome, as any "Big Guy" should.  He even got his nails trimmed today.  Quite the ladies man now, let me "Tell the World" !  LOL

I decided today I was also going to take a little "time out" for myself and let a few things slide.  The "time out" for me was meeting my friend, Sharon, downtown and going for a walk together.  Sharon had been tied up with things the past three weeks, with us not being able to get together until today, so it was time to do a bit of "catch-up".  What a perfect day for a walk it was !

I am sure I got back home here sometime after 4:00 pm.  I did up all the dishes from our Dinner, attended to everyone who needed attending to, gave the "Spectacular Six" their second feeding of the day, then sat down to have myself a coffee break.  Coffee break over it was time to go out to start on the edging and trimming.  I also cleaned off the deck from leftover leaf debris from last Fall, along with a few other items that should not have been there but were.

After I came back into the house around 7:00 or so, there was one more thing on my mind I wanted to get done today ....

"The rhubarb I hadn't froze I wanted to make into Rhubarb Stew."

"I did the taste test by a spoonful, and it was just the perfect amount of tart/sweet.  I do love Rhubarb !"

Method please?

Rhubarb Stew

4-5 cups of Rhubarb, diced or sliced
2-3 tablespoons of water
1 cup of white sugar, or less depending on the tartness of the Rhubarb

Place water along with Rhubarb on medium heat, cooking until it comes to a boil.

Turn heat down to low, simmering Rhubarb approximately 20 minutes, or until Rhubarb is tender, stirring occasionally.

Remove from heat.  Add sugar according to taste, stirring until completely dissolved.  Allow to cool, then refrigerate.

Tomorrow is the beginning of the May 24 Holiday Weekend !  I hear the weather is suppose to be amazing ... this being unusual for a May 24 weekend in Bruce County.

Does anyone have any travelling or camping plans for this upcoming Holiday Weekend?  I am thinking since the weather is to be so amazing that maybe I should "kick back" by enjoying a little bit of it, "Just North of Wiarton & South of the Checkerboard".


  1. No holiday down-under but Rhonda has four days off as of tomorrow so we are heading up to "The Camp".

  2. No holiday around our place, it is race week for the next 2 weeks so traffic will be a mess. Looking forward to staying at home and playing in the yard/garden

  3. You fit so much into your days ... poor Lexus - hope she is okay now. That rhubarb looks good and I shall copy your recipe when I find some over here. Counting down to my Canada trip now and hoping to persuade my friend to arrange a meet xxx


How nice of you to drop around to have a wee visit with me to see what I have been up to from time to time. I look forward to your comments as they add much brightness to my each and every day to know there are such wonderful people out there.

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