Tuesday 11 February 2014

Museum Material

Our personal Van has not had a problem starting on the coldest days in the -25 *C this Winter.  This morning I had an event I was attending for 8 am.  Murphy's Law struck again !  as when I went to start it at 6:30 am it decided it was a "no go".

Rob came to my rescue by location the booster cables to get me up and running, while Bandit supervised in a much warmer atmosphere.  The Van did not thaw out until I had reached my destination ... brr.

The presentation by Larche digital media, a division of Larche Communications, who owns 92.3 The Dock, this morning was very enlightening and well presented.  They had a room booked at the Best Western, and also served up a lovely light breakfast for all who had attended also.  Nice touch !

Before I left Owen Sound I took advantage of stopping in at the No Frills store to pickup a few items I needed at some good prices.

Back in Wiarton I stopped into my friend Koreen's store, RAM Trophies & Sportwear.  She was on the phone so I goofed off a bit.  There is some pretty nice outwear in Koreen's store that I really like, especially on such a cold day as today was.

By the time I had arrived back home, took all the Aussies out and about, put the groceries away it had almost been lunch time.  I still had to make the bed and do up some dishes.  Not a very productive day whatsoever in the way of getting things in the house done.

There had been a recipe on Facebook that had caught my eye the other day I had been wanting to try.  Today was the day I was to try this version of Sweet & Sour Chicken.

Chicken coated & sizzling in the oil to be set on paper toweling when done, before being added to a greased bake dish and covered with sauce.  Once baked its look was very pleasing to the eye.

Not only pleasing to the eye, but equally tasty as well  it was.


On Facebook the other day I was surprised to see some old school photos from the Archives of the Bruce County Museum.  On further investigation I was more surprised to find MY Kindergarten photo among the ones in the archives.

I am the blondie with her hand across her mouth laughing at something, at the following link (copy & paste link into your browser):


I had been quite surprised at being included in our local Museum Material, would you not be?

The cold has also been playing havoc on my Fibromyalgia and Rheumatoid Arthritis with pains shooting through my body today.  A hot shower along with the electric blanket on my bed turned on will be the best medicine for the remainder of my day, Just North of Wiarton & South of the Checkerboard.


  1. You've certainly had an exceptionally busy day.

  2. Sounds like another busy day ! Oh you have both Fybro and RA . I am going to get my family Dr to check me out next week as I have been really achy in this cold and damp to the point of tears, it feels like I have been hit by a truck all over or at times just in certain places they already know I have inflammation but haven't seen a Rumatologist yet to see if it is one or the other or both I have had it for a year or more now and it seems to be getting worse. It makes me feel very tired to the point of exhaustion and painful to, starts like a sheet comes over me in pain . I have to have a hot bath or a electric blanket just to feel comfortable and able to move ! I hope you feel better soon I know it hurts like hell . Thanks for sharing . Have a good day !

  3. Your dinner looks delicious!

  4. The school photo is a hoot!
    Jane x


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