Saturday 8 February 2014

A Part of Our Past Is Gone Forever

I had a wonderful sleep last night in my Antique Bed while my Rob slept out on the couch.  Life can be grand at times can it not be?  *smile*.  Those days are now behind me, as this morning our brand new Eagle Creek Mattress arrived at the door !!!  

Not much time had lapsed by the time it had been delivered and Rob arriving home.  He helped me with the bedding.  Proceed with caution as the reaction to the new mattress is quite "out of control" and "vivid".

First was the "hooray" it is here; then came the "ah" it is all mine moment, then lastly the "check it out, it is up to my hip" !  *shake head*, then walk away.

I had to make a trip over to Owen Sound back to Sears to get a credit for the $25.00 back on my account since they never had to take our old set.  Sears also are having a 3 day event sale of NO HST on their mattresses.  I not only got my $25.00 back, I also got a further $45.00 credit off on taxes.  It was worth the drive to Owen Sound for those amounts.

It was cold today, so I bundled up with the Cowl my friend, Sharon, had gifted me last Year, just after I had viewed a photo of Injaca, a pup of ours from 2 years ago, who is lounging at his digs down in Florida.  Thanks Krystal & Bernadette for the photo, I wish I was not bundling up here and down there with Injaca.

I picked up my neighbour, Pari, to go along to Owen Sound with me.  After Sears we headed on into Food Basics to pickup some  "specials" there.  We did not get home until late afternoon.  I had to be down in Southampton by 4:00 pm for the "Life Celebration" for Richard Jackson, old Southampton neighbour, friend and schoolmate.  

Rob had dropped me off at the Walker House.  The placed was packed!  I met up with a few long time friends, my girlfriend, Frannie Indoe (Plante), and spoke to Richard's sisters, Tina and Patti.  A lot of years have gone by, at least 40, since I had seen many of the people I had seen this day.  When speaking to Patti, we both broke down and cried.  I find myself very emotional at such gatherings.  

Cherish Life to its fullest, it is the only one we have as we will know it.

On the way home I caught some of the Olympics on my iphone Bell TV app.  The weather had turned blustery again, so I had been happy Rob had drove me.  Dinner tonight when we arrived back to Wiarton was a 6" Chicken Breast Sub at Subway for $3.00, easy peasy and at a real great price.

Here it is only 6:30 pm, and I am finding myself feeling a bit on the weary side.

Tomorrow? there is always lots to be done in my tomorrows, "Just North of Wiarton & South of the Checkerboard".


  1. Injaca seems entirely content in Florida.

    A funeral is never an easy thing, whichever form it takes.

    Tonight one of you will wake up on that new mattress, and for a moment wonder where on Earth you are, it'll feel so different.

  2. I'm sorry again about your friend, Cindy!

  3. So sorry to hear of the loss of your school mate. Loss and sadness isn't easy at any age. Just remember when you get up tonight, you are a long distance from the floor. LOL....Bess

  4. Celebration of Lives seem to be a very common thing nowadays instead of funerals. Dh loves those sub's, though he normally has two of them!!

  5. I'm sorry about your friend Cindy. I just found out this morning that a classmate has passed away from leukemia. He was 57, so sad.


How nice of you to drop around to have a wee visit with me to see what I have been up to from time to time. I look forward to your comments as they add much brightness to my each and every day to know there are such wonderful people out there.

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