Thursday 17 November 2011

A Pretty "Explosive" Day It Was For Me In The Kitchen

Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a mystery, Today is a gift .... that is why it is called the Present

~ Author Unknown ~

Let me go back to my Yesterday, as I sit here in my Present of Today .....

My morning was spent Tarrying Awhile in Tara at the VON SMART Program course.  With one more session under my belt, there are still two more to go, plus a CPR course next week I will be attending.

For those out there who Volunteer it is such a great service to the Communities we live in.  Volunteer Canada has a little Quiz for Volunteers, which I thought to be fun to do to see what type of volunteer I am.  Here is the link for anyone else who might be interested in seeing what type of volunteer you are class as:

I was classed as a "Juggler" type.  This was not a bad type as it told me I do commit myself, so I was pretty happy about that, and as I said it is "all in fun".

My dear Rob has been sick the past couple of days with the cold/flu thing, but with the Weatherman calling for some pretty nasty weather, I came home to find he had split and piled the pile of wood he had brought up the previous day, as he didn't want it to get wet.

My dear Rob, so much for getting yourself better, as I am not sure that is what people mean when they say you should be "sweating" it out !

 "I am thinking we really have no worries about NOT having enough wood in to keep us warm this Winter .... as our Wood Shed is looking pretty full now."

I have no idea how many cords of wood this is, but it sure looks like quite a few to me.

With Rob under the weather, I took out Turkey Stock I had in our freezer and set about making a Vegetable Soup this afternoon.

"Set on top of the woodstove for the broth first to be thawed, while I got all the veggies chopped.  Then they all got put into the pot to simmer on the stove top on a higher heat then what we had the woodstove at."

When I had taken the kettle of water from the woodstove to place the pot of stock on to thaw, I had set the kettle out on the tempered glass cutting board on my kitchen counter.  As Rob and I were enjoying a coffee together, we heard this loud "explosive" sounding noise coming from the direction of the kitchen.

"Oh man !  What a mess there was to clean up!  I have set hot pots on that tempered glass cutting board numerous times over the years, obviously without it "exploding" into a million pieces."

Rob and I came to the conclusion since we had the cutting board for 13 years now, it probably was just worn out and had gotten a weak spot in it somewhere, causing it to shatter.  It was just the "perfect" size for what I liked for my countertop.  I will have to be out on a search for another one, as I certainly don't like those "dinky" little tempered glass ones you can purchase just about anywhere.  I could make it an "Search for a New Cutting Board Adventure", could I not?  LOL.

Before I forget, the soup was awesome with just the broth, onion, garlic, turnip, carrot, and celery in it.  Rob had two bowls.  I think I will add some mixed beans to the remainder to give it some extra body, fibre and goodness.

While I am on one of my most favorite subjects, that being "FOOD", I might as well carry on with it ..... not to forget to check when "Milk Calendar" will be in a newspaper where you live, either in Ontario or the Maritimes, the available dates can be checked out by clicking on the following link:

I have my calendar marked to get my "Milk Calendar" as they will be out in the Owen Sound Sun Times newspaper tomorrow.  The Milk Calendars can have some pretty awesome recipes in them.  I have a few older Milk Calendars I still go through from time to time for recipes.

Not long before Rob and I called it a day, we had a little entertainment going on in our livingroom by little Miss Mercedes ......

"Rob was saying, "it isn't enough we have grandchildren, but we had to go out now and buy a dog to entertain us" ..... lol.  Here is Mercedes at her game of shuffleboard with her food dish (click on the little area on the left to begin the video)."

We absolutely get a lot of enjoyment and entertainment from all three of our "Checkerboard Aussies".  Like people, they all have their own individual personalities and quirks.  I would not give any of them up for the World for all the pleasure they have given us (or the grief either, lol).

Okay all this video stuff is really really "new to me", so I don't know how I managed to get two copies of the video in my post, but I have tried to remove one to no avail.  I have spent way too long trying to figure it out at the moment, so until I find someone to help me with it all "some day", it will be as it is ..... lol.  Too much time is wasted on worry, so worry myself over this any further, I will NOT.

Apparently we are to have some, sorry I think I am not at the point I need to spell it out, "SNOW" today from what I have been hearing.  I might as well get it over with and check it out now.

There it is, all spelled out in grey and white for me.  I am not seeing one of my favorite words in there, which would be the "clearing" word, I am so fond of.  *Sigh* it is inevitable it was going to arrive sooner or later, so I suppose I will "suck it up" and make the "best of it", accepting the fact there will be no "Sunshine, Lollipops & Rainbows" in my day ahead .... lol.

I best be getting on with my Present day to see what kind of adventures lay ahead waiting for me, "Just North of Wiarton & South of the Checkerboard".

1 comment:

  1. Loved the blog as always. Mercedes is getting to be quite the entertainer. Sorry about your explosion. Glad no one got hurt. xoxo HW


How nice of you to drop around to have a wee visit with me to see what I have been up to from time to time. I look forward to your comments as they add much brightness to my each and every day to know there are such wonderful people out there.

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