Tuesday, 29 November 2011

It Was Just That Kind of Girl Day for ......

The past is unchangeable so it is futile to reflect on it unless you are making sure you do not repeat past mistakes. The future is but a result of your actions today. So learn from the past to do better in the present so that you can succeed in the future.
Wow this Life Secret & Tip for today, is almost like Yesterday can not be changed, so go ahead into the day with the gift of the Present with no worry to what will happen tomorrow in the Future.  Which brings me to a "list" a very wonderful acquaintance of mine posted just the other day:"What a wonderful list to try and live by on a daily basis !  I think I pretty much have this list covered by myself with the exception of "write a note and mail it".  The "play a game" I wondered about, but with Bandit, Lexus & Mercedes, there is always some of that going on."This list is a personal list of Cindy Ratzlaff, co-author of the book, "Queen of Your Own Life" Grown-up Woman's Guide to Claiming Happiness and Getting the Life You Deserve".This is an excerpt from Kathy Kinney and Cindy Ratzlaff's "Queen of Your Own Life" website:

Welcome to the Rest of Your Life!

Queen of Your Own Life is an attitude, a way of life and a call to action for grown up women everywhere.
We invite you to join us in celebrating life. You have absolutely nothing to lose and only great friendship, thrilling adventure, true love and deep satisfaction to gain when you declare yourself Queen of Your Own Life.
Anyone wanting to take the Queen Cindy and Queen Kathy up on their invitation may do so by dropping in on the Queen of Your Own Life website at: http://www.queenofyoyurownlife.com/or also follow them on Facebook and/or Twitter.  I love following Cindy & Kathy on my Twitter Account, as they inspire me and put all kinds of wonderful thoughts for the day in my head.Rob and I had to make "another" trip into Owen Sound yesterday, as a part for his "Crabby Cabbie" vehicle we had picked up the day before, was not the right one.  *Sigh* (something I find myself doing a lot most days, lol).  After I had finished doing the November "books" for the "Crabby Cabbie", and making a business call on behalf of the "Crabby Cabbie", the "Crabby Cabbie", himself, loaded all us gals, Lexus, Mercedes and I into the "family" vehicle, and we headed on over to the big City of Owen Sound.We first had to stop at the mechanics to pickup the vehicle part from our mechanic, which hadn't worked out in the first place.  This is where I just happened upon this guy ...."I was relieved he was perched where he was and not flying around doing business on my head.  He is pretty "proud" looking though, or so I thought as long as he kept his business to himself."

We did eventually arrive in Owen Sound, where we also did a bit more shopping then we probably should have.  Mercedes did get a brand new "pink" collar, I got a new tempered glass cutting board to replace the one I shattered a bit ago, and we also picked up a couple of Christmas gifts for the "pack"."I had my hand on the book "The Help", but could not justify the discounted price of $12.95 Walmart was offering it for.  Although what a nice "Christmas" gift this book would also make for that "special" someone who loves to read."Upon speaking to my cousin, Suzanne, later this same day, I discovered she had a copy of this book and I can borrow it when her daughter is through reading it.  I am so happy and look at the money I saved !  Thanks Suz .....  I also learned from Suzanne this was also the Author, Kathryn Stockett's first published book.Good job as it has already made it to the "Big Screen" at the movies, and will be out on DVD in January 2012.I can't wait until I am able to read the book and watch the movie on DVD !By the time we arrived back home it was dark.  We got what we had purchased put away, along with the "pack" all having a run, before I got a simple supper of Homefries, Bacon, Scrambled Eggs and Toast together for Rob and I.  We don't eat a breakfast like this ever on the weekend mornings, so we enjoy having it occasionally as one of our main meals.  I shouldn't say, "simple", as I really didn't find having to wash two frying pans to be that simple.  What is so simple about washing pots and pans?  Bring back the Summertime BBQ weather !!!Along with so much controversy going on about keeping Christ in Christmas, there is also much going lately about keeping Muslim prayers out of Canadian public schools.  If we can NOT have Christian prayers in our schools, why would we allow Muslim prayers?  You may voice your own opinion on this matter by exercising your VOTE at the Toronto CITY TV website link as follows:http://www.citytv.com/toronto/citynews/news/local/article/144877--groups-protest-muslim-prayers-at-toronto-public-schoolI am NOT prejudice, and/or it is not my intent to offend anyone, however I believe Christian prayer should have remained in OUR Canadian schools.  I am beginning to wonder what the next thing will be that we, as Canadians, will have to fight for? maybe to NOT have our Canadian Flag changed????  I should hope NOT !  Should Canadians NOT be practicing Canadian ways, should one profess to be a Canadian .... for which Canadian traits have been in place for many many years.This was pretty much the adventure I had in my yesterday, other then having a bit of fun interacting with some Exchange Members in my Facebook group, "Cindy's Recipe Exchange", after supper. What a lovely bunch that have joined together there, with sharing, helping and a little kibitzing going on here and there at any given time.  It is a pleasure having such a "fun loving bunch".  There has been lots of comments going on about a certain Apricot Cheesecake photo/recipe posted on "Cindy's Recipe Exchange" the other day.  This is the recipe to be recognized this month of November as being the "Recipe of the Month".  Many thanks to Exchange member, Marjorie, who posted the recipe, along with the photo of her cake.
Recipe Courtesy of Exchange Member ~ Marjorie Evans-Vincent
Hope everyone enjoys it.
Boil together for 20 mins:
1 1/2 cups apricot1/4 cup sugar
1 cup water
Cream together:
1 1/4 cup sugar
1 cup butter,
1 250g block cream cheese
1 tsp vanilla
Beat in 4 eggs one at a time
Stir in 2 1/4 cups flour, 1 1/2 tsp baking powder.
Bake in tube pan for 1-1/2 hours or until knife comes out clean @ 325 degrees.
Enjoy !!!
Once again, many thanks to Marjorie for submitting her recipe and photo to "Cindy's Recipe Exchange", and I am sure it will be enjoyed by many.  Should I had a way to get myself across Canada to Marjorie's home the day she had made this, I would have been there enjoying a coffee and slice of this cheesecake myself !
Should anyone be trying out Marjorie's Apricot Cheesecake Recipe, please let us know your thoughts by emailing me at justnorthofwiarton@live.ca  as any and all comments would be appreciated.  Thank you.
Anyone wanting to drop around and join us on Facebook in "Cindy's Recipe Exchange", please feel free to do so, as the old saying goes "The More the Merrier", and I am one who is of the opinion this still holds true in the case of "Cindy's Recipe Exchange" !
When I was outside in the "wee" hours of the morning with Miss Little Mercedes it was raining.  By the sounds of it outside my window at the moment it is still raining.  I just best be checking in with my Wiarton Airport Weatherman guy to see what he has to say about all of this rain that is going on ...
Rain, more rain, and then more rain .... oh no, do I see "snow" in there somewhere tonight?  Damn, damn and triple damn .... I just hope the roads are safe and free of ice today and tonight for those of us who have to travel.
I am pretty sure it was BJ Thomas I was listening to a few days ago when there had been some rain going on, so maybe a little swooning by Burt Bacharach this time will ease the pain by setting a more pleasant mood .....
I have been swooned enough, as I need to get going with thoughts focussed on myself having another new adventure, "Just North of Wiarton & South of the Checkerboard".


  1. Cindy: If I had known Marjorie was going to be making a cake , I could have gone to her house and sampled it for us both. I know where she lives and I know her. I think I will have to try it if I get a minute to spare someday. HW

  2. Big hugs and thank you for sharing our Facebook post and recommending us to your friends. I love connecting like this and now I'm off to try and make this CAKE! It sounds delicious.


How nice of you to drop around to have a wee visit with me to see what I have been up to from time to time. I look forward to your comments as they add much brightness to my each and every day to know there are such wonderful people out there.

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