Wednesday 2 November 2011

Crave It, Want It, Have It, Regretted It; What Is It?

I was so totally happy with my Wiarton Weatherman guy yesterday, he did a wonderful job on staying true to his forecast.  Sunshine with a warmer breeze from the south.  Nice job.

The only part of the beautiful weather I was to enjoy yesterday was in and out with the dogs, as there were tasks inside to be done.

In the morning I needed to put into action what the Bookkeeper, who was here last week. showed me, and to complete the month end.  I have been an Insurance Underwriter, a Secretary in an Insurance Adjusters Office, a Deli Manager, so there has been lots of experience in the way of figures and math being applied throughout my learning experiences, however I have never kept a set of books.

I did it, they balanced, so I am now crowning myself officially a "Bookie"!  Is a person who keeps a set of books really called a "bookie"?  LOL.

I also had a phone call from a girlfriend, whom I had grown up with in Southampton.  Funny thing is we rarely see each other, or speak on the phone, but when we do it was like we never left off from the last conversation.  I absolutely love our conversations when we do manage to "hook-up" with each other.  We have so much in common between our families, grandchildren, cooking, baking, gardening, struggles, happy moments .... never a moment not to share between us.  The other beauty of it all is, it is shared and kept within us.

Even though we do not live far from each other any more, we are never too far from each other thoughts at times ..... how many friendships from my childhood days do I have like this?  Not many, so the ones I do, I cherish with all my heart.

Dinner was easy, as there was lots of Leek & Ham Shepherds Pie leftovers, along with cooked beets.  After that was done and cleaned up from we were then well into the afternoon hours by the time my dearest Crabby Cabbie and I had a moment of disagreement over a little "accident" that had been had, by a certain little Miss Mercedes .... but that was ironed out real quick, with her scolded, out the door, and my much less Crabby better half cleaning it up ........ LOL !

Mercedes has been doing very well with the house training, as Rob and I figured yesterday, in the three weeks she has been with us, there has been less then 10 "accidents" which is not too shabby at all for a little puppy with such a tiny bladder.  At times she goes down to the foyer, sits waiting for her lead to be put on before going out, returning in to sit for her lead to be removed and her paws wiped dry.  I am very pleased with her progress.  Besides the point, I am NOT the one who has "spoiled" her by allowing her on MY lazy boy chair, now am I, my dear husband ???

The Crabby Cabbie left for what he does, and I was left with what I needed to get done.  I am sure everyone has at least one spot in their homes which is a "catch all" spot.  Well, at times I have four such "catch all" spots causing me much stress, so I set out to get them cleared and cleaned off.  My adventurous mission for the afternoon.

"Our diningroom buffet.  This was a "catch all" for all the Crabby Cabbie paperwork for 2 weeks so it wouldn't get misplaced before we learned how to be "bookies"."

"The telephone desk, also located in the diningroom, which is normally the usual "catch all" for everything that needs to "get done or attended to" at some point or another in time."

"The side table located at the top of the stairs leading down to the front foyer.  A great spot for things to be placed, and hopefully not to be forgotten as we are on our way out."

"The Deacon bench located in the foyer of the front entrance way.  Well this is just the greatest place to set everything from hats, books, gadgets .... all kinds of items under the sun, that will be attended to at some point."

All was "attended" to yesterday at all four "catch all" locations.  My adventurous mission was complete with all my "blog" notes, written in the dust, also erased along with the clutter ..... a job well done, now the challenge at hand is how long will it stay this way ????

Remembrance Day is just around the corner on the 11th of November, when we remember those who served  for us in order for us to have the lives we have now, so ......

Always wear your poppy with pride, in remembrance of those who paid the ultimate price ~ they gave their lives fighting in pursuit of our freedom.  Remember the men who came home injured both physically and mentally and their families who have to deal with the aftermath.  Remember this is our Country, stand up for your rights, don't let outsiders dictate to us, WEAR THE POPPY WITH PRIDE as a token of respect for the ones who lost the battle and the ones still fighting.

I stumbled upon a website yesterday with a video embedded on Adopted War Dogs, titled "Soldiers Befriend  Dogs In War Zone"

My opinion after viewing the video, was both the soldiers and the dogs were good for each other.

Oh yes, also November is "Diabetes Awareness Month".  All information regarding this disease may be found at their website as follows:

I craved it, I wanted it, I had it, and I totally regretted it.  It was Chocolate !!!!  Dark Chocolate with Almonds.  I might as well sat on it, as surely as the nose on my face, this is will it end up anyway.  Right before bedtime too; I of all people know better then that, but ...... the price I pay for NOT having any will power can be "great" at times.  When that little voice in my head says, "Don't do it", why do I allow my "Evil" side to overpower?  LOL, such is my life.

Let's see what our Wiarton Weatherman guy has to say about the day ahead.

Yes, this all looks quite satisfactory to me, so I believe I will keep it.

I hope my day ahead will be as rewarding and adventurous as this day was, only without the Chocolate, "Just North of Wiarton & South of the Checkerboard".

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