Saturday 12 November 2011

A Bruce County Bag Of Wintry Mix It Was !

"So began my day"Just North of Wiarton & South of the Checkerboard".  Even though we knew it was eventually going to be here, there is still always that "element of surprise" when first looking out the door and seeing it there on the ground."
"It attached itself to almost everything it landed on in the North as above, the South as to the side, and the East below.  The West was the same, but we don't have a window facing that direction, and I wanted to get the woodstove "fired" up at this point."

"It"?  Should I dare say its name, for fear of it appearing again too soon ..... alas  this we have no control over, so "let it snow, let it snow, let it snow" !"

Once I had the fire stoked up in the woodstove, it was time to get the Pepsi Cola ribs ready and in the oven ready for our Dinner before my "Crabby Cabbie" got up, hopefully with his "crabbiness" having left him.  Poor Rob.  Good thing he is such a "good sport", pardon the pun, about me "ribbing" him ....LOL.

 "I had the ribs roasting in the oven at 350* F in order for them to brown.   I did a little general tidying up, before I prepared the rib sauce of honey, soya sauce, ketchup and garlic powder, with then a can of Pepsi Cola added.

 "After about an hour had passed, the ribs had browned nicely.  I then drained the grease from them before adding the sauce, returning them to the oven for another hour or so.  I am thinking it was more then an hour, as we didn't have our Dinner until about 12:30 pm."

"Once cooked they looked so totally "delectable" !  Yum, yum, yum ..... "

"They even looked better on my plate served up with new potatoes and an easy peasy put together coleslaw."

Rob and I enjoyed the ribs, however with the amount of liquid, I am thinking for the next time, I would either half the recipe for the one rack of ribs, and maybe add a bit of cornstarch to thicken the sauce.  I was also thinking if I kept the sauce amount as per the recipe I could then add it along to a Slow Cooker full of chicken pieces?  Yummy either way I am sure, but I will have to try it out first.

After our Dinner, my dearest, by then NOT too "Crabby Cabbie" and I had to go downtown Wiarton to do a couple of errands.  I was able to take in a few of the downtown sights while we were there, as I just happened to have my "trusty" little camera with me.

"Remembrance Day Services were over, however the evidence was still there in all its "glory" of "remembering"."

"This is a fairly "new" sight downtown Wiarton, only a couple of weeks old.  Wiarton Willie enjoying trucking on down the Bruce Trails, along the escarpment, overlooking Colpoy's Bay and Georgian Bay."

It had been unfortunate when I had been downtown a couple of week ago I had seen the Artist working on this mural, however I did NOT have my "trusty" little camera with me at that time.  The Artist is Tim Noble, who owns Cool Signs And Murals locally in Bruce County out of Tara.  Wow, I was just Tarrying Awhile in Tara this past Wednesday !  Just think I could have ran into Tim Noble in my travels over there? but alas I hadn't.

Once we had returned back home from our errands, it wasn't long then before my "Crabby Cabbie" had to leave for work.  Bandit, Lexus, Mercedes and me, with the last remnants of a migraine headache lingering and finally leaving by the supper hour, left with each other's company.  Migraines are "nasty", but the new medication I was given seemed to give me more relief then the last I had.  Thank goodness, and dang it all for the weather change and causing it all !  Us Canadians are so good at blaming the weather for everything, are we not?

Yesterday I hadn't accomplished too much other then making our bed and just a "wee" bit of more tidying up.  I also had to keep the home fire going, as between rain, snow, hail and ice pellets it had been a cool unsettled kind of Wintry Bag Mix kind of day.

Last night I had planned on meeting up with a friend in Wiarton to go for a walk, but it just so happened I had forgotten to remove my key from the vehicle when I had closed one of it's windows at the lunch hour, and of course the battery was dead.  Just as well, as it wasn't too much later the ice pellets were coming down in full force, and those dang things sting when they bounce off your face !

"So I called it a day, "Just North of Wiarton & South of the Checkerboard"."

Lots of Christmas Church Bazaars are going on in and around Grey-Bruce Counties.  It just happens I am going to attend one myself today at Wiarton's Baptist Church, which is running from 12 noon until 3:00 p.m..  I don't get a local newspaper, so I rely on "word of mouth" to keep me abreast of these events, or signage I might happen to come across in my travels downtown Wiarton.

I best be checking in with the Wiarton Airport Weather guy to see what he has to say about today's weather.

Lovely .... I absolutely love when I see that word, "clearing".  It has such a nice ring to it, does it not?  and scroll down to the link "God Bless Canada", by Lee Greenwood.

When I first heard this tribute, the tears flowed then, as they flowed again down my face this morning.   My thoughts were, "what a glorious tribute to God & Our Country, Canada".  How true rang the words also embedded in that email, as they read:  "For Canada & it's People.  We are among, if not THE most fortunate !!!  Great new song to learn for Canada Day."  HEAR, HEAR !!!

Should "clicking" on the link not take you into the site to hear this song of tribute by Lee Greenwood, please take the time to copy and past it into your browser, or email me at  to have the link forwarded to you, as if it has never been heard before, it is a most wonderful tribute to our Veterans, us Canadians and Our Canada, with thanks given to God.

With not too much of an adventure being had in my yesterday, I had best see what kind of adventure I can muster up for myself today, "Just North of Wiarton & South of the Checkerboard".

1 comment:

  1. Love your blogs Cindy ,they also start my day with a bit of a chuckle !


How nice of you to drop around to have a wee visit with me to see what I have been up to from time to time. I look forward to your comments as they add much brightness to my each and every day to know there are such wonderful people out there.

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