Friday 6 May 2011

"Pooche" to the Rescue ..... What's Seems to be the Problem Dad?

That teaser of beautiful weather sure didn't last too long....almost like we are getting allotted two days out of seven on a weekly basis, does it not?  LOL.   By the look of the gray skies outside my windows it is looking like it will be another rainy day at my "house"....good thing I got all my bedding washed and dried out on the line yesterday, or I would have been "pooched" if I had left it for today.

Speaking of "pooches".....Rob also took advantage of his day "off", and the nice weather, by doing a tune-up on our "old junker", as our son, Paul, would call it (as I am sure all our "kids" would if they seen it too).  Rob was seeming a little mystified over something, by the look on his face, so Bandit jumped in to have a  look to see if he could help Rob figure out what else was wrong with the "old junker":

Here Dad, let a "real" mechanic have a look at it......

.....there since I have that all figured out for you, do you feel better now, Dad?

By the looks of Rob's face in this picture, I am not sure if he appreciated Bandit figuring out for him or not?  LOL nice to have "two" backyard mechanics in the household.

It was a such a great day to be outside, I decided anything that needed done inside could wait for the next rainy day (apparently I won't have to wait long for that to happen), and to enjoy making a "dent" on some of the outside chores.  With broom and rake in hand I began with a "little" part of the "grid" starting at the deck beside our house.  Amazing how a seemingly little job really takes quite a bit of one's time and effort to get it completed it....but I puttered away at a pace I was able to manage, with a some help with Rob with anything that was heavy.

From the start of the "grid":

To the completion of the "grid":

I love doing jobs, chores, things needing done, or whatever you want to call them, in "grids", as it sure helps me to feel less overwhelmed before I begin tacking whatever it is that needs tackling !

This past Wednesday, I had the opportunity to meet Gem Webb, Web Content Developer, for Explore the Bruce, located on Brown Street, in our local town of Wiarton, Ontario.  I love following Explore the Bruce on Facebook, and think Gem does an amazing job keeping everyone updated as to what is going on all year round in "Bruce County".

This is a picture I enjoyed seeing posted on the Explore the Bruce page, through Facebook, of fox with a water snake going to feed her kits, by Dyers Bay on the Bruce Peninsula.  Thanks to Brad Loree for posting this picture:

Should it be camping, hiking, snowmobiling, vacationing or even just day tripping, you can find it "all" here at:

There are unforgettable "adventures" to be had on the "Bruce Peninsula".  Just ask me, I am a born and raised "Bruce County Girl" originally from Southampton, Ontario, and I have had quite a few memorable adventures over the years in Bruce

After I had completed my "little" outdoor grid project yesterday, took the bedding from the line and remade the beds fresh, along with a few other little chores along the way, I was tired (and glad Rob cut the front lawn, as I sure wasn't able to) I was not feeling like making a "big" everyone made themselves a sandwich and had a piece of fruit for dessert.  Let me tell you this suited me "just fine", lol.

I might as well be the bearer of bad news and post the local Wiarton Airport's weather for today:


Cloudy with 70 percent chance of showers. Wind becoming southwest 20 km/h late this morning. High 13. UV index 4 or moderate.


Cloudy with 70 percent chance of showers this evening. Clearing near midnight. Low zero.

Oh this weather forecast isn't isn't too bad; in my books, bad would be "flurries" along with that low of zero!!! 

It is Friday again, and Friday means another trip to the Doctors for my my weekly allergy shot.  I suppose I should get dressed and ready myself  for the day ahead, "Just North of Wiarton & South of the Checkerboard"

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