Wednesday 17 September 2014

Forever Passiing

Today? where do I go with my today?  I am actually so tired from laying awake most of last night I can barely recall the day now almost behind me.

What I did do was head up to see my Mom about 10 am this morning at the Nursing Home, Gateway Haven.  Friday is her 86th Birthday, and Mom loves having her Birthday Cards early as she can enjoy them before her actual birth date.  I first stopped at Tim Hortons to get Mom a coffee as she also loves Tim Hortons coffee as much as ...

.... she loves Gladiolus.  They are her most favourite flower, and my Dad used to get her a dozen of red every year for her birthday (not that I remember, however was told enough to remember).  

Mom loved her cards, loved the coffee and loved the flowers, not to mention the visit with me which I am sure she loved too.

I got back home about lunch time where two others who love me were very happy to see me too.

Both Bandit and Portia were at the top of the stairs to greet me.  Bandit gave me his "award winning" smile.  The photo of Portia? she was helping me with the laundered sheets by hopping into the laundry basket on top of them.

I had barely been home when Rob had to walk back out the door to work.  A hello good-bye all at one time.

I spent most of the afternoon, between in and out with the Aussies, mostly Portia, relaxing on the couch as my body was in too much pain and lacking energy for much else this day.

I did enjoy some of today's sunshine sitting out on the bench for awhile with my Lexus girl.  I absolutely LOVE her as she is such a stunning looking Aussie.

Rob came home with me heading out the door late afternoon, as I was off to meet my friend Abby for a light Dinner then head over to a Chamber meeting for 6 pm..  The light dinner ended up being a sandwich, bowl of soup and coffee at Tim Hortons as that was about all available on a Wednesday evening in town for something light.

The Chamber meeting ended about 8:30 with me returning home, and Rob walking down the hallway to bed.  Forever passing each other this day.

I think I will head off to bed myself and call it a day, Just North of Wiarton & South of the Checkerboard.


  1. I hope you both have a restful night.

    Bandit's smile is something to behold!

  2. I don't know how you function on such little sleep I have to have pills and get at least 6 hours of sleep . I hope you got some descent sleep last night ! Cute photos of the Aussies . Thanks for sharing and Happy Belated B day to your mum ! Have a good day !


How nice of you to drop around to have a wee visit with me to see what I have been up to from time to time. I look forward to your comments as they add much brightness to my each and every day to know there are such wonderful people out there.

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