Tuesday 22 July 2014

Never Home Nothing Done

My husband has had me much occupied the last couple of days to the point where what I wanted to get accomplished never got past a "thought".   When one is never home, there is nothing done.  

Do not get me wrong, as I absolutely LOVE spending time with my husband, and when he is not around I tend to miss him more then not.  This is how best friends usually are with each other, yes?

Last night we chased a Sunset together ....

.... today we chased a dream.

Gone last evening until late, and gone all day today not arriving home until 5:30 pm, I had time for a quick shower to head out the door again to take some photos for a good friend who was one of three hosting a fund raiser event for The Bruce Peninsula Health Services Foundation.

Sun, Julie and BJ put together a fund raiser this evening to raise money for the $1,000.00 required to enter into the Walk to "Create Possibilities".  They hosted a fantastic evening which consisted of different forms of dance, along with an amazing light buffet of very yummy foods.  Cost per person Only $10.00.  The fund raiser was a SELL OUT !

Square Dancing, Tap Dancing, Violin Playing, Line Dancing and Belly Dancing there was ...

 with Nina and Zumba also part of the fun.

Once each dance had been demonstrated everyone was invited to join in and the fun really broke out when everyone got up on the floor and joined in to try each out themselves.  Belly Dancing? yes you should try it, not as easy as maybe you would think, and muscles? yes you use lot !

I took over 300 photos for the girls, however I will send them along for their own use.  It was  a fun time, and should there be another next Year it is a fund raiser you won't want to miss out on.

Here it is 10:44 pm.  Rob had left out on a call, and I am more then ready for my bed, Just North of Wiarton & South of the Checkerboard.


  1. I chased a setting sun once - it was so much fun. Does your dream involve owning a motor home??? Now THAT would be fun as well :) I basically have one style of dancing - I think it's called free style ;)

  2. Looks like you enjoyed yourself!

  3. And I saw through Library Press Display that your photo was on the cover of the Wiarton Echo today!


How nice of you to drop around to have a wee visit with me to see what I have been up to from time to time. I look forward to your comments as they add much brightness to my each and every day to know there are such wonderful people out there.

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