Thursday 31 July 2014

Bees & Their Stingers?

I was pretty excited this morning, as my friend, Vicki, and her husband, Doug, were coming today to visit for the Civic Holiday Weekend with us.  It is a great to have them here for a few days here and there in the Summer/Fall months.

This morning when I was out and about I came face to face with a Blue Heron standing in a swampy area at the side of the road.  By the time I had stopped, got my camera out, and backed up, he took one more look at me and ....

.... spread his wings, dangled his gangly legs and took flight.  Still I had been happy I had spotted him.

Doug and Vicki arrived this afternoon.  Rob got to see them on and off between going out on calls.  At least when we had Dinner together he had no calls while we ate (that was a change), so that ended up being quite enjoyable as we ate our Steaks, Baked Potatoes and Caesar Salands.

A couple weeks ago I had ordered a Phone Case for my iphone, and today it arrived via UPS.

I am extremely pleased with the case I had ordered through Vistaprint for 50% savings sale they had on.  Custom made with a photo of our Bandit & Lexus.  

Today I had the displeasure of walking to the laundry line and stepping on a Bee.  The searing pain was unbelievable !!!  and from just a bee sting.   Can you believe the size of that barb?  Rob came to my rescue with the tweezers.  Even though it is still slightly swollen, I am forever grateful I am not allergic to Bees.  Do Bees die after they use their stingers?  you can find out by going HERE.  And I was jumping around too much after being stung to notice what kind of bee it had been.  Who knew Bees & their stingers could inflict that much pain?

After Dinner Doug helped Rob put the awning back in on our RV, as they were taking it down to the Dumping Station at Bluewater Park to pump the septic out.  Unfortunately for us the previous owners had not done this before storing it last Winter, and there had been a very unpleasant smell lingering that I wanted gone before sleeping in it.

Doug's had RV Motorhomes and 5th Wheel Trailers for years, so he has been very helpful with showing Rob some of the ins and outs that Rob didn't already know.  Friends are great, are they not?

I am looking forward to seeing what tomorrow brings, hopefully getting some time for Vicki and I to hang out on our own without the guys, which we usually manage to do with no problem.  Also hoping the weather is great as we also love going to Garage Sales.  Not to mention the 77th Annual Rotary Village Fair starts tomorrow in Wiarton's Bluewater Park.  

Yes I am looking forward to having a great weekend ahead of me, Just North of Wiarton & South of the Checkerboard.


  1. Ouch, ouch, double ouch!

    That heron's a great treat to see.

  2. We were right behind your friends r v when they pulled into your house yesterday.


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