Wednesday 16 July 2014

An Amazing Plus

.... day it was for me, even though I have been awake since before 3 am..  Even so I was excited to be out the door a couple minutes after 7 am so I could head down to the Wiarton Marina to take in some amazing sights of drinking in more of the Tall Ships.

Oh yes it was worth rushing out the door for as I was able to walk towards the Tall Ships in the wake of the day and drink in their majestic presence.  The crew had been up early as well securing the rigs to set sail later this day.

I had been fortunate to speak to one of the young crew members, a girl from London, who was part of the crew for the Summer.  I found out later she must have been part of a most spectacular problem you may find out more about at the following link by *clicking* HERE.

About an hour later when I had been out across the Bay at the Bluewater Park I captured more of the Fair Play & Pathfinder's beauty ....

Around 10 am I again captured Fair Play, who had set sail.  The escarpment makes for a perfect backdrop for such a display, does it not?

Later this day, shortly after the Lunch hour, I headed South to add an amazing plus to my day ....

... landing down in New Hamburg to see five very happy faces of Chloe, Josh, Aiden, Briar and Connor.  There was also one very happy exited Mercedes too !!!  
 Liz, the kids and I headed out to Costco as I had wanted to pickup some Coconut Oil there, and Liz wanted to pick up a few things too.  Once back home we had a quick Dinner of BBQ'd hamburgers before taking off to Briar's soccer practice.

Briar, for 7 years old, is so totally enthused about everything she does !  Refreshing it is to see such enthusiasm.

Playing together over behind the Soccer fields it appeared Aiden had a bit of an injury.  Little brother come running to Dad for help with much conviction.  Dad saves the day and Aiden suffered a bit of a scratch which took no time at all to get over.

After Soccer Grandma saves the day with Ice Cream up at Swirls.  We had fun as anyone could tell by the photos, which almost tells all.

Once back home the kids got cleaned up and ready for bed, while I took Mercedes for a bit of a walk up the street and back before settling in to do my photos and begin this blog post.

10:00 pm already?  and still a busy day ahead of me, before I head back home Just North of Wiarton & South of the Checkerboard.


  1. That's a marvelous way to spend a day!

  2. I'm jealous Cindy!! Always wanted to see the Tall Ships:) What a wonderful day you had with your grandkids Cindy! Lynn


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