Tuesday 8 July 2014

Hard Act To Follow

It was a blah blah blah day, raining most of the day and setting my mood to match.  And really after yesterday touring the grandiose home being restored at 330 Berford Street in Wiarton, I find that to be a hard act to follow.

Truly I was feeling a bit on the lazy side this day.  I had to go out first thing this morning, and when that happens I never feel like starting anything when I get back, even though I did dust our bedroom and clear some paperwork off our dining room table.  I am really beginning to not care for paper !

Today was our Chloe's 9th Birthday, and this Saturday coming, the 12th of July, is our Missy Mercedes' 3rd Birthday.

I was happy to receive photos of today's Birthday Girl, and the almost Birthday Girl.  Are they not both cute, cute, cute ???

Missy Mercedes has now been in her new home with my Son, Paul, Liz and the kids for over 24 hours now.  She is in her glory and being such a very good girl, which I never had a doubt in my mind that she would not be.  Liz and the kids had her out for a walk this morning, and Liz said to me, "Mercedes sits at every street corner where we cross".  Yes my dogs do stop while I look for traffic before crossing the road.  

Truly Missy Mercedes would be the "perfect" match for any young family.  Nothing like having a dog already house trained, vehicle trained (Mercedes used to get so car sick when we first got her), and leash trained.

I am hoping tomorrow morning I do not have to leave the house at all so I can get the 2nd quarter of the Crabby Cabbie bookwork done, and some much needed housework done as well.  Wish me luck,  Just North of Wiarton & South of the Checkerboard.


  1. Good to know she's settling in nicely!

    Happy Birthday to Chloe!

  2. Pleased to hear she is settling in fine. I was thinking of her.

  3. Happy Birthday to both ! Glad all has settled ! Thanks for sharing , Have a good day !

  4. They are definitely both cuties :)


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