Thursday 3 July 2014

Done Done Done

Yes I am done done done, as in "done like dinner".  It is not uncommon when I have had a huge day, as I had on Canada Day, that I do not "crash" for 2 or 3 days afterward.  My body can not keep up with the pace, making no bones about acting out to tell me just that.

The cold 12*C temps, along with the dampness and rain, surely did not help my situation.

Did I manage to get anything done?  Absolutely ! but only a few dishes, the bed made, a couple of errands and the Month of May entered onto the Crabby Cabbie books.  Something is always is better then nothing, is it not ?

I was hoping to accomplish much much more then what I had today, however it was not meant to be.

Tomorrow?   I have a busy day, and I am also meeting up with a friend to do the downtown Wiarton circuit of stores as well as going to the Wiarton Farmer's Market.  Lunch is part of our agenda as well.  I am looking forward to it, however hoping I have the energy afterwards to get a few things done in the house.

I was very pleased with checking myself at the first of this Month to realize I had lost 1 inch off my waist, 1/2 inch off my hips, and had lost a pound since last checking at the first of June.  My walking efforts have been paying off.  I most certainly wish I felt better to go out to walk this evening, however the pain in my neck and muscles are just not going to permit this happening.  I will have to put more effort into going tomorrow evening, as I don't want to waste all the effort I had put out the past month.

Our local Foodland store had T-bone steaks on sale for $5.97/lb. this past week.  I had picked up a package of 4 the other day.  Rob grilled us up one to split for our dinner this evening.  It had been so tender it could be cut with a butter knife.  Good grilling too Rob, as it was "perfect".  I am wondering if I should go down and get a couple more for the freezer before the sale comes off later tonight?  Maybe or maybe not.

I am thinking I should have a hot bath in Epson Salts before heading off to bed this evening, Just North of Wiarton & South of the Checkerboard.

1 comment:

  1. I tend to need a day to get past something like Canada Day, when I know I'm overdoing things.


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