Thursday 18 April 2013

YIKES ! A Lost Day.

I woke up this morning with NO MIGRAINE !!!  The skies had opened wide with torrents of rain coming from them.  This was also a break through for my migraine thank goodness.

I had gone to bed at 7 pm last night, was asleep by 8 pm, and never got up until 6:30 am this morning.   That was certainly amazing for me.  I was really sick yesterday and so thankful that is over with for the time being.

I am so behind, again, it isn't funny. What else is new in my Life other then being behind constantly?

Of course I had to stand out in the torrents of rain this morning with "others" who didn't seem miffed by it whatsoever.  Oh to have a dog's life.  Once I did get motivated enough I got myself to the Wiarton Service Canada Office as I needed to get a copy of my Driver's Abstract to include with our "Crabby Cabbie" taxi renewal.  Phew .... I am happy to report it is squeaky clean thank goodness, so I am good to go.

I then had to drop of something downtown.  When I popped in to say hello to my friend, I had been talking about something or another and somebody had said, "but this is Thursday".  My face fell to the floor I am certain .... YIKES !  I lost a day, I could well not afford to loose.  Dang, dang, and triple dang it all, I had plans for that day and now it is gone ????

Once I got home I then realized Thursdays Rob does not come home for Dinner.  My Wednesday Dinner plans were ruined, I say, "ruined" !!!, I say !!!  I was terribly disappointed all over again.  I suppose I will be trying out a new recipe for Dinner all by myself.  What a drag that will be with my best ever Guinea Pig, who I do love dearly, MIA !!!

I am *sad* but I have to use the Pork Tenderloin I had taken out to defrost to make Rosemary-Crusted Pork Tenderloin along with a side salad of Romaine and Red Onion. Dinner all by myself (again) ... *sad*sad*sad*.

Regardless I had to get what I had planned to do yesterday going somewhat today.

"I had to get going on making some Homemade Laundry Detergent as I was right out.  I had dated the first batch I had made Sept 1st, with it lasting up until 2 weeks ago.  I was impressed.  Initially the Borax, Arm & Hammer, 2 x Sunlight bar soap, and Tea Tree Essential Oil cost me $24.67.  Today I used up the last bar of Sunlight Soap, but have plenty of everything else left for many more future batches."

"This Homemade Laundry Detergent is so easy to make.  Grate 1 bar of Sunlight Soap, add to pot of 3 cups hot water on stove top.  Mix until soap has melted; add 1/3 cup each of Borax and Arm & Hammer powders.  Stir to mix well until dissolved, then add 8 to 12 drops of Tea Tree Essential Oil.  Pour into large clean plastic bucket or pail stirring in 2 cups of boiling water, then stirring in 12 cups of cold water.  Mix well.  Cover and store until ready to use at approx. 1/2 cup per load."

Yes I use this Homemade Laundry Detergent in my HE washer with no problem thus far since last September.

"With the on and off all day torrential rains we have been getting, we now have our own personal lakes and ponds on our property.  Way back at the bush line the mist is still rising from the snow there still melting from the warm air hitting it."

"Yesterday I had noticed our Tree Swallows had returned and were looking for the bird house to nest in.  It had blown of it's post this past Winter, so Rob secured it on again last night.  I hope they return as I love watching them from year to year..  The Red-Winged Blackbirds were out feeding in great numbers, as well as Starlings (I sure hope that is a Starling pictured) seeking materials for nest making."

Because of YOUR support and daily votes we are at 185 Votes.  Once again, please Vote for MY "Crabby Cabbie", until the 6th of May, here is the link:

As always, and forever, Thank YOU !!!  from me and my ....

Serving Saugeen Shores & Area.  
Southampton:  519-373-7700 or Port Elgin:  519-379-7700

Get your calendars out to MARK these upcoming April Events !!!

"This Event should be lots of Fun, so call up a friend and plan on attending."

Josie's of Wiarton is making it even more attractive for you to attend by extending the following offer:
It is a Win Win situation, you support the Wiarton Optimist Club to raise money to give back to the Community, and get $20.00 back for yourself to once again give yourself a "treat" with $20.00 of at Josie's of Wiarton.

This next Event takes place in Port Elgin at the Tolmie Memorial Presbyterian Church at 699 Goderich Street.  This is one yummy Homemade lunch at a cost of only $7.00 that you do not want to miss out, trust me I have attended them myself.  Need directions? just *click* HERE

Do you know what today is?  Today just happens to be the 1st Birthday of the "Checkerboard Aussies" Spectacular Six 2012 litter.  Drop on over to wish them all a Happy Birthday HERE.

Oh man the rain is coming down in buckets again with lighting and thunder.  Ha ! Bandit is scared of thunder so you can be guaranteed he is right below my feet.  Wish me luck there is a break in the rain so I can get all the gang in, out and about at least two more times before bedtime, "Just North of Wiarton & South of the Checkerboard".


  1. And of course at sometime in May, red winged blackbirds will start dive bombing anyone passing by for some reason or another....

  2. Glad to hear you're feeling better, Cindy! And yeah, it is sad eating dinner by yourself... I've had many a meal by my lonesome over the last six weeks and I expect to have many more before Dave and I are reunited for good in June! Still, the tenderloin sounds awesome... I hope you enjoyed it!

  3. Good to hear your feeling better ! The rain and storms went north west of us and we had sun with cloudy periods and the temps hit a high of 21*C Our Barn Swallows are also back just waiting for a few more breeds of birds to return now , butterfly's and bees ! Thanks for sharing your day with us . Have a good evening !

  4. Oh, I'm glad you got some much needed help and feel better now!! I've been thinking of trying to make some homemade detergent for a while, as soon as I run out of my stock!

  5. Oh I am so happy your headache is gone I understand that one.
    Thank you for the laundry soap recipe I think I will try that I have an HE too and was a little worried about trying homemade soaps. Have a nice weekend. B

  6. So pleased you're migraine free and I am determined to try your laundry recipe!

  7. Yay ! No more migraines. Good for you and hope it stays this way.
    Aimee from Craftmates

  8. I really enjoy your blog. It reminds me of the long, newsy letters I used to send to my girlfriends when we all away at university.

  9. oh please ,PLEASE,PLEASE!! share where you got the arm and hammer for your soap recipe! I have wanted to make it for ages and can't find it!


How nice of you to drop around to have a wee visit with me to see what I have been up to from time to time. I look forward to your comments as they add much brightness to my each and every day to know there are such wonderful people out there.

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