Monday 29 April 2013

A Friend, Lunch and Relaxation All Go Together

This morning I was awake at 4 am AGAIN !  It was chilly in here with a damp drizzle going on outside our windows.  Dampness that chills the bones.  First things first was getting the wood stove going.

When I went down to the basement to get kindling, I was sure I had witnessed Mercedes inspecting her back end, this being a sure sign puppies were going to be coming soon.  WRONG !  No puppies, or everyone would have known loud and clear by now if there had been.  I called Rob to tell him he will have to come home to give Mercedes a bit of "shake down" to loosen those babies up a bit to help them along .... *smile*.

I was not really too productive this morning as I was tired ... being the good Canadian I am, this of course I blamed on being the fault of the damp drizzle first thing this morning.  I puttered with a bit of cleaning was all and out, about and in with my Aussies three times before I headed out to meet my friend, Koreen, for a luncheon we had planned over 2 weeks ago.

"I apparently have an addition to coats and jackets.  I am certain everyone must have something, and mine are coats, jackets and shoes/boots.  I counted 16 in our hall closet that belonged to ME ! I had to do something about this, so I made myself purge five of them.  I personally think this was a very good start."

I was then off to meet up to meet Koreen's at her place of business, Ram Trophies and Sportswear in Wiarton. 

"While waiting for Koreen I couldn't help but admire all the Wiarton Willie pins on display from 1978 until 2013.  I also was thinking how the Wiarton Willie stuffy was so cute with its little pink nose.  Koreen not only does custom embroidery and trophies, she is also the Official Depot for Wiarton Willie Gear."

We walked up to the Cocoa Vanilla to where we had decided on to lunch today.  I treated Koreen this time, so it will be her choice when she treats next.  We ordered the Luncheon Trio which gives a selection of 3, your choice of 1/2 Panini Sandwich, Cup of Soup, and a Salad.

"Here is owner, Jeff, serving Koreen and my lunches up to us.  Service with a *smile*? you can not go wrong with that, nor the relaxing atmosphere shared with a friend."

"My Turkey Spinach Soup was amazing, as was my Turkey Club Panini, and Greek Salad.  Koreen gave me a taste of her Apple Squash Soup which was also very very good.  After lunch Jeff had been handing out to all the customers each a sample of Chocolate Nut Brownies and an Apple Carmel Smoothie (pictured below).  Nice touch ... "

My cousins had taken me to the Cocoa Vanilla for my Birthday luncheon, so I was very happy to go back to enjoy their food and relaxing atmosphere yet again for a second time.  Koreen and I had ourselves a wonderful two hour lunch, and relaxing chit chat.

Once Koreen went back to work, I headed home to my Aussie gang, and still NO puppies.  I did have myself some puppy cuteness yesterday that I would LOVE to share if you were to *click* HERE.

Pssst .... here I am again, but until the 12th of May I hope I am a lovable "pain".

Because of YOUR support and daily votes we are now at 554 Votes, 44 more then two days ago.  We are averaging about 40 new daily votes.  Remember you can only vote once within a 24 hour period or the vote will not take.

Many thanks to friends who have also been sharing the link to their own personal Facebook pages, what a wonderful gesture on all your parts. 

Hardly enough when I look at some people's Small Businesses with Votes already in the high hundreds, however I still need to try my best.   Once again, please Vote daily for MY "Crabby Cabbie", until the 12th of May, here is the link:

As always, and forever, Thank YOU !!!  from me and my ....

Serving Saugeen Shores & Area.  
Southampton:  519-373-7700 or Port Elgin:  519-379-7700

The Homemade Spaghetti Sauce I planned on making a double batch of today never did get started, as when I got home at almost 3 pm, I was busy with "Crabby Cabbie" business AGAIN.  I am not going anywhere until Thursday now, so it should not be a problem getting the sauce cooked up tomorrow, "Just North of Wiarton & South of the Checkerboard."


  1. Voted! Be sure to share your spaghetti sauce recipe :)

  2. I too have been voting every day. Had hoped to hear that the puppies had arrived.......

  3. The damp goes right through doesn't it? The fire has been going today just to take the damp chill off.
    Jane x

  4. Oh I am so tired of the aching cold weather I really wish Spring would be Spring not just pretend to be. Bring on the warmth. I need to purge my coats too but I may need them if it stays cold like this:) B

  5. Drizzle always reminds me of the summation in the Lewis and Clark journals of winter spent along the mouth of the Columbia river: wet and disagreeable.


How nice of you to drop around to have a wee visit with me to see what I have been up to from time to time. I look forward to your comments as they add much brightness to my each and every day to know there are such wonderful people out there.

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