Tuesday 23 April 2013

Get The Red Marker and Calendars Out AGAIN !

Okay tonight I must remember to drink a mug of warm milk and pure cocoa, as I forgot again last night and was awake almost the whole dang evening.  I am looking forward to my bed tonight !

To add "insult to injury" Rob just got down to work and called back home.  His "Crabby Cabbie" vehicle died and would not start .... oh happy days again for us !  NOT.

Thank goodness our driver came out to cover for him while he had his friend tow it back home to Wiarton to our Mechanics, who in turn accommodated him right away.  Thank goodness for good friends I say.  They found out the fuel pump was done.  Our usual spot didn't have one in stock, however we were fortunate enough to get a used one at a local Wreckers.

By the time I went to pick Rob up from the mechanics, go get the part, drop back to the mechanics, stop downtown on two errands, it had already been lunch time when we got back home.  So much for my plans today.

The "Crabby Cabbie" vehicle was fixed and ready to roll by 1 pm.  My Rob headed on back down the highway to pick it up and drop off our "backup vehicle", as it is in need of a new steering column; oh woe is me.  Really how can a guy make any money when Mr. Murphy keeps throwing wrenches into his vehicles for the past 4 months.  Give me a break !!! as we are in dire need of one at this point.  

Owning your own Business is highly overrated.

Once Rob did leave I did manage to get the one thing that had been bugging me.  The stairs and landing at the front door got scrubbed.  Not that they will stay that way long with rain in the forecast and Mr. Mucky feet Bandit in and out all day long, but at least in my mind I know they were done.

I am going to be trying out a "new to me" Penne Tuna Casserole tonight if Rob ever arrives back home for Dinner.  I will update about that tomorrow.

In the meantime, Get the Red Marker and Calenders Out AGAIN !!!

Thursday, April 27th:

Friday, April 26th:

The Tolmie Memorial Presbyterian Church at 699 Goderich Street is having one yummy Homemade lunch at a cost of only $7.00 this upcoming Friday that you do not want to miss out on.  Trust me, I have attended them myself to their lunches and will not be surprised if I go again this Friday.  Need directions? just *click* HERE

Saturday, April 27th:

"Located at the Wiarton Arena at 563 George Street, Wiarton.  This is an event you won't want to miss, as I have a feeling it is going to be HUGE !  The Wiarton Optimist Club will also have the kitchen open for your foodie needs (All Homemade too, I will bet my bottom dollar on that one)."

Saturday, April 27th:

The Salvation Army's "Pioneer Club for Kids" Fundraiser

Where:  St. John's United Church Parking Lot (inside the Church should there be rain)
When:  Saturday, April 27th at 11 AM to 2 PM
What:  Hot dogs, Hamburgers, Pop, Baked goods, Penny Auction, Face Painting, Fish Pond and other fun things for kids to do.

~ All Proceeds Raised Will Go To "Sending Kids To Camp"

Saturday, April 27th:

"The following Event will also be supported by MY very own "Crabby Cabby".  Any fares made from this Event The "Crabby Cabbie" will be donating 50% to the Mckenzie Family Benefit.  Be sure to take the "Crabby Cabbie" to further increase your support in Paying Forward to this Family who lost so much."

AND now until May 12th (thanks Jean):

Pssst .... I know I am a pain, but until the 12th of May I hope I am a lovable "pain".  Because of YOUR support and daily votes we are now at 338 Votes, 24 more then yesterday.  Many thanks to friends who have also been sharing the link to their own personal Facebook pages, what a wonderful gesture on all your parts. 

Hardly enough when I look at some people's Small Businesses with Votes already in the high hundreds, however I still need to try my best.   Once again, please Vote daily for MY "Crabby Cabbie", until the 12th of May, here is the link:


As always, and forever, Thank YOU !!!  from me and my ....

Serving Saugeen Shores & Area.  
Southampton:  519-373-7700 or Port Elgin:  519-379-7700

I am confident I have done my part in supporting our Communities for the Month of April.  Jeez April is one busy Month, as you can probably tell with all those Red Marker dates circled on your Calender, right ???

Holy Moly, it is only 3 PM and I am done posting for this day.  I have to get going as there is a couple Aussies requesting my attention at the moment, "Just North of Wiarton & South of the Checkerboard".


  1. So much to do in your part of Ontario wish I lived closer:) B

  2. The best laid plans, as they say...

    I see you're now over a thousand votes. Bravo!


How nice of you to drop around to have a wee visit with me to see what I have been up to from time to time. I look forward to your comments as they add much brightness to my each and every day to know there are such wonderful people out there.

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