Wednesday 24 April 2013

Here, There And It is ALL Local

You will NOT believe it, unless of course you are experiencing yourself where you live, because I hardly can myself ....

"Yes, it is snowing like the dickens but not sticken yet.  Hello April 24th, you do realize it is only a month away from the May 24 weekend, do you not?"

"Good thing I put a "huge" pot of Big Batch Chicken Soup to cook today, as my bones will need de-chilled with this cold again weather."

"And the wood stove nice and hot to keep me warm right through."

"As there are "others" around here that really don't seem to give a care about any of it."

"Hopefully all us Country Bumpkins know this when we see it, you know everything that "Screams" LOCAL !!!  This is part of Sweet Things from Dejong Acres website that can be found HERE.  It is pretty exciting as Dejong Acres is actually supplying my new Neighbour, who recently purchased the Elliot's Farm Garden next door to us.  Announcement as follows ...."

We are excited to announce our Fresh Lamb
from DeJong Acres is now available at
Solways Farm Market. (just North of Wiarton on Hwy 6, Formerly Elliotts)

There is a limited amount of fresh lamb available NOW and a freezer stocked with
frozen lamb as well.

Here is what one customer had to say about their fresh lamb chops prepared for
supper tonight, "We just finished our DELICIOUS lamb loin chops. They were sooooooo good!
(Herbes de Provence marinade, mashed potatoes, broccoli and salad) Excellent
product. "

Stop in for Boneless Shoulder Roast, Boneless Leg Roasts, Lamb Chops and
Ground Lamb. Special cuts can be ordered for pick up from Solways.

Solways have a wonderful selection of local meats, lots of produce, a large
assortment of gluton free foods, preserves, jams and jellies and wonderful baking.
It is well worth the stop!

Wondering how to prepare your lamb? Visit this site for all the information you

Really when things get settled more a bit here for me with not being so busy (as if that will ever happen in my Lifetime), I will have to slip over and introduce myself to Mike and Cindy Soloway, and show you the changes that have been made over there at the Farm Market.  A little "birdie" told me there have been all brand new coolers and freezers installed, and I am certain there will be a few other "new" things to see to.  Mike and Cindy used to own the local Wiarton Foodland store before it was bought from them by Sobeys.

WARNING !!!  Wild Turkey Hunting Season Opens Tomorrow.  Wear bright clothing if walking Trails and Fields.

Ontario Spring Wild Turkey Season Opening Soon 
OFAH and OCOA promote a safe, responsible hunt
The last week of April is what tens of thousands of outdoor enthusiasts have been waiting for: the
traditional start of wild turkey hunting in much of southern Ontario. This year the season opens April 25
and runs until May 31, including Sundays in those municipalities that support Sunday gun hunting. The
Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters (OFAH) and the Ontario Conservation Officers Association
(OCOA) commend everyone who will take to the field in celebration of our outdoor heritage, but remind
all hunters to put safety first, and respect private property.

“Licensed hunters across southern Ontario will be in the field for the next five weeks, hoping to harvest a
wild turkey for the table. A large percentage of us will be hunting on private property, through the
generosity of a landowner. It is important that we take time before the season starts to make clear
arrangements with them, and after the hunt, to thank them for the privilege of using their land,” said
OFAH Executive Director, Angelo Lombardo. “In addition to this, it’s extremely important to remember
that if successful, it is mandatory to report the bird by no later than noon the day after it’s harvested by
calling 1-800-288-1155. The OFAH supports mandatory reporting as it provides wildlife managers with
important information about populations, which help determine turkey hunting opportunities.”

“Trespassing is one of many complaints our officers respond to every season. We urge hunters to ensure
they know the boundaries when hunting on private property and that they always obtain permission
before entering,” said OCOA President, Joe McCambridge. “It’s also important to remember that it’s
illegal to hunt within 400 meters of where bait has been deposited and that wild turkey hunting ends at
7:00 pm each day.”

The above article was sent to me from friend, Stu Paterson, (one "t" as they couldn't afford two), which leads to me to another LOCAL talent.

"Please meet Jason Clark, pictured on the right in this photo (the big guy)."

Listen up ladies, as your hunter husbands might be interested in what Jason Clark invented and sells, if they are into Turkey Hunting that is.  Jason created and sells the Turkey Slayer Custom Calls.

Let me tell you, I used to work with Jason a few years back and I am proud this young man followed through with his passion of creating these Custom Calls.  I remember many times of Jason speaking about them, and now actually seeing it has all unfolded for him ... HIGH FIVE Jason !!!

Hope I got your hubby's interested ladies, as now I am going to direct you to Jason's website where you might want to purchase one of these sweet Turkey Slayer Custom Calls to encourage your dear husband to get out of your hair the house and do himself some hunting.  Check it out HERE.

Jason also has a Business Page for his Turkey Slayers Custom Calls on Facebook, that can be found HERE.  Please go on over and give his page a big LIKE, as he might have the thing to encourage that man of yours to go on a wee hunting trip in the next 5 weeks now that Wild Turkey Season is Open.

Thanks Jason for going forward with your Dream and Creation, as that in itself is very inspiring to myself and others.

And of course, I can not forget all about MY "Crabby Cabbie" ..... 

Pssst .... I know I am a pain, but until the 12th of May I hope I am a lovable "pain".  Because of YOUR support and daily votes we are now at 365 Votes, 27 more then yesterday.  Many thanks to friends who have also been sharing the link to their own personal Facebook pages, what a wonderful gesture on all your parts. 

Hardly enough when I look at some people's Small Businesses with Votes already in the high hundreds, however I still need to try my best.   Once again, please Vote daily for MY "Crabby Cabbie", until the 12th of May, here is the link:

As always, and forever, Thank YOU !!!  from me and my ....

Serving Saugeen Shores & Area.  
Southampton:  519-373-7700 or Port Elgin:  519-379-7700

What have I been doing all day? other then taking Aussie dogs in, out and about all day long in falling snow?  I have been Paying It Forward with some "cold calling" to raise donations for a Silent Auction in support of a Community Event that is going on this Saturday.  More on that tomorrow.

Okay now that I have written another whole book today, I think I will call it a wrap, "Just North of Wiarton & South of the Checkerboard".


  1. Aye, it's snowing. Again. Looking to set a record for the year.

  2. Oh WOW ! More snow for you that sucks ! We have rain . Sounds like you have your plate full again busy , busy ! Thanks for sharing. Have a good day !

  3. Are we ever going to have spring????
    I have one turkey and one doe hanging around my yard this "spring". They know where they are safe.

  4. Turkeys - aren't they an amazing bird. Last week I stopped at a red light and coming from my left up an embankment off a highway was one lone beautiful male strolling across the street going with the light. It was quite the sight. I can't imagine shooting one to eat!!!! They are one smart bird. Bess

  5. Sorry Cindy, I'm vegan and despise killing for pleasure.
    Jane x

    1. Oh Jane, I am not for pleasure and deposing of game for pleasure either; if the game is hunted and used for food that is the way I was brought up. One of our main meals at our home was rabbit that my Grandfather, father and Uncles hunted for every Saturday. I used to hate when people would get bag fulls of smelts in the Spring and disregard them to the roadside with them never consumed. What a waste and shame. I grew up eating Smelts too :)

    2. Thank you Cindy...I wish more hunters had the same scruples.
      Jane x

  6. Hey Cindy! We are STILL getting the dreaded white stuff too~ I think Spring has forgotten about us this year~ Our lake is still frozen, which is a record for this area~ Herbes de Province Marinade has caught my attention...I have never heard of that~ Where I live here in Northern WI game hunting and fishing is way of life for many people, so they can feed their families, plus we have hunting groups here that hunt during deer season, only so they can donate their catch to local food pantries. Lynn

  7. I can't believe it's snowing again! So much for global warming...I think spring got lost somewhere on the way!

  8. I can't believe that snow Cindy! We've actually got sun here at last, if struggling to get through the Dartmoor mist....x

  9. snow on the ground here this morning, which sucks. I am so focused on those beautiful doggies of yours I keep forgetting to pop by your own blog.

    I am however remembering to vote everyday!!!


  10. Snow? We are running the air conditioner today! I'm guessing it's unusual to get snow this late in the year?

    Thanks for linking your soup. I like the mushrooms & leeks added to it!


How nice of you to drop around to have a wee visit with me to see what I have been up to from time to time. I look forward to your comments as they add much brightness to my each and every day to know there are such wonderful people out there.

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