Tuesday 30 April 2013

Way Too Busy With Phone Nonsense

It was a "just before" 4 am morning here today.  Can I say "tired", barely never mind spelling it.  Today I felt not only tired, but was way too busy with wasted time trying to sort something out on the phone for over 2 hours with Bell Canada.  Does this sound way too familiar to many others out there?  I am pretty sure it does.

Finally off the phone, I headed on downtown as I had to get something in the Post today.  I also stopped into the Wiarton Salvation Army Store to take photos of their Silent Auction items for their Facebook page that can be LIKED by going HERE.  They would LOVE your support on their Facebook Page, this I know to be true and much appreciated as well. 

Not surprising there will be some more really great upcoming Events in the Community for the upcoming Month of May.

"Not too many ever miss out on a Fish Dinner put on by local Fish Distributor/Shop, Howell's Fish.  The next one is a Dessert Auction ... really? how could I miss out on this one?  And check out The Wiarton Pioneer Kid's Club "Send A Kid to Camp" program by *clicking* HERE please."

The Barbecue and Event this past Saturday at the St. John's Church in Wiarton by the Wiarton Pioneer Kid's Club raised $250.00.  This amount will send "ONE KID" to Camp, with 29 More to raise money to go !!!  Thanks to everyone who supported this Event.

Finally I got myself back home.

"Check out the big honking solar sign across the road from our house.  It is advertising the Ferry is not running, along with an 800 number to inquire further."

Due to the water levels being down in Georgian Bay the Ferry's time starts this year have been delayed.  A full explanation may be found by *clicking* HERE.

"It was a beautiful, almost balmy, day today.  Signs of Spring are beginning to come forth in my flower beds.  I should have been out making a start on cleaning the gardens if I hadn't been busy on the phone for hours, or running the roads again."

This afternoon I finally got going on the double batch of Spaghetti Sauce I had planned on making yesterday.  When I pulled the defrosted meat from the fridge, I noticed the one package the meat was very dark.  I had pulled a package of ground Moose out that a friend had given us in error.  I called Rob to ask if he thought he would mind Moose meat in the sauce, and he replied "Go Ahead with it", which I certainly did.

"Half Ground Beef and Half Ground Moose browning in the pot.  The end result? totally out o this World ... oh so Yummy !"


Once again ....

Pssst .... here I am again, but until the 12th of May I hope I am a lovable "pain".

Because of YOUR support and daily votes we are now at 591 Votes, 37 more then two days ago.  We are averaging about 40 new daily votes.  Remember you can only vote once within a 24 hour period or the vote will not take.

Many thanks to friends who have also been sharing the link to their own personal Facebook pages, what a wonderful gesture on all your parts. 

Hardly enough when I look at some people's Small Businesses with Votes already in the high hundreds, however I still need to try my best.   Once again, please Vote daily for MY "Crabby Cabbie", until the 12th of May, here is the link:


As always, and forever, Thank YOU !!!  from me and my ....

Serving Saugeen Shores & Area.  
Southampton:  519-373-7700 or Port Elgin:  519-379-7700

Tomorrow is the 1st of May.  I would LOVE to know if anyone would like to join me in the following 30 Day Squat Challenge?  Should you be "On Board", please leave a comment below, or email me at justnorthofwiarton@live.ca    No worries if you can not do these free-standing and still up for the challenge, you can do so by doing a "sit to stand" from a chair.

I sure am looking forward to maybe a few of you joining me in this challenge.  You might think, but there is 31 days in May? of course you could use 1 extra day off in the Month, just pick your day, and we will count that as our "Reward Day" ... deal?  I also will be spreading the number of squats done per day be spread out as you see fit, as there will be no way I could do 100 all at once, never mind 250 !!!

Rob just took Buddy out for his evening walk about.  He will also do Bandit (like that is any work), and I will take the girls out before I get myself some relaxing time, after the Dinner dishes are washed up, "Just North of Wiarton & South of the Checkerboard".


  1. interesting, I think I should try this squat thing!!! Not sure how to do a squat but will it a go!!

    1. WHAT???? you don't exercise! You will ruin your reputation woman.

  2. Well if Gill is doing it!!!
    I'll try me best!
    Jane x

  3. I walk my Miggs every day up and down hills for an hour or so around our valley village and the woods , she keeps me on the move so much she trots when we walk and I am at a fast walking pace ! Busy days as usual for you sounds like ! Oh I cant stand Bell Canada in our old place we had so many problems with them we switched and here it is East Link thank goodness no probs yet in 4 years so far lol ! Some times dinner tastes the best when that happens it is amazing what goes with what even when we think it wouldn't ! Thanks for sharing your day and have a good evening !

    1. My computer is doing funny things so I'm replying to this post...I'm in for the 30 day squat challenge!!

  4. I am in! Not sure I can do more than 10 but will do my best:)

  5. Hi, just popped over from Jane and Chris's blog to say that I'm up for your 30 day challenge.
    Love from Mum

  6. Just done 50! a bit hard on the old knees but I'll give it a go!

  7. Ah, Bell Canada... where patience goes to die.

    I had it trying to get hold of someone at VIA Rail a few days ago where I was on hold. And on hold. And on hold some more.

  8. I know we are at the end of August, but I am going to do the squat challenge, I started yesterday the 26th of August and I will just do it til 30 days is up. I have done 50 yesterday and 55 today.

    1. That is awesome Keira. Let me know how you make out, as I only got half way through before my legs started giving me grief. Will be rooting for you !


How nice of you to drop around to have a wee visit with me to see what I have been up to from time to time. I look forward to your comments as they add much brightness to my each and every day to know there are such wonderful people out there.

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