Saturday, 4 August 2012

PHEW ! What A Day That Was !

My niece Joanne arrived this morning and we headed down the road into Wiarton for some Garage Sailing.

"Our first stop were we had a lovely chat with an older lady who had this Tin Man on display which she had bought from the Home Community Center.  Pretty cool looking isn't he.  Jo got a nice dish set and I bought a lovely plate that had caught my fancy."


"Heading further up the road toward Oxeden way we came across this fox.  I wish I would have gotten a few more better pictures.  Funny thing was when Rob got in at 4:00 am this morning he had been telling me he had just hit a fox and felt bad he couldn't avoid it.  This is the first one I have seen myself this Year."

I had gotten a text so this cut our Garage Sailing a bit short but we did manage to squeeze one more in and much to my delight look what we had also came across .....

"The time and planning gone into this must have taken forever ... never mind the cost!"

"Rob adores trains sets.  He would have enjoyed seeing this set up himself."

"Really this was only part of it, there was yet another table or two set up."

"Here is Jo checking out some of the goodies we had scored."

We had to head on down the highway as today was the day I was meeting Holly half way to pickup our Rip Tail Snorter No 1 .  While we were waiting for the kids to show at our meeting place at Clifford's Redwood Restaurant, I went out to admire some of the pooches there on a stopover.

"How could I refuse making a fuss over this 6 Year old pretty Australian Shepherd lass?" 

"For the life of Jo and I, we could not figure out what kind of dog this was.  Can you?  Upon having a lovely chat with "Jake's" owners I learned Jake was actually a Border Collie who had been shaven as he suffers from Canine "Cushing Disease".  This disease is apparently common in older dogs.  I was not aware of this until today.  Jake is a 12 year old sweetheart by the way and all my pleasure in being able to meet him."

"Ha !  How adorable was this little one?"

Holly and the boys arrived.  Good thing Joanne and I had gotten seats in the restaurant as by the time we had ordered our food the place was full to the brim.

"Both Rip Tail Snorters insisted they wanted brown pop in "beer" bottles .... I hope it always remains to be brown pop in their lives .... lol."

"The boys meals were both Chicken Nuggets with fries and a side of corn."

"Joanne and I both ordered the "Special of the Day", White Fish Dinner.  It was excellent !  Both Joanne and I enjoyed our dinners for the price of $10.95 each."

"Holly ordered Mozzarella Sticks and Onion Rings (I ate a few of these too ... yummy.)"

We were all very happy with the food and service at the Redwood Restaurant in Clifford.

"After our Dinner there had been a little hard playing going on at the play area beside the restaurant by the look of Connor's face here."

"Before our goodbyes a family photo had to be taken.  Daddy Paul was otherwise occupied golfing a few rounds today, hence his absence."

Joanne, Aiden and I headed on down the road stopping along the way home at a couple more garage sales, at Tim Hortons for a Frozen Lemonade, Dlb Cream Coffee and a Mocha, meeting up with Poppa to get fueled up at the Saugeen Gas Bar before continuing on home.

The last Garage Sale we had been at in the morning in Wiarton there had been 5 sets of Rubber Car mats for $1.00 per set.  I had my mind set on getting on our way to get Aiden so had told the lady I would be back.  Just before going home this is exactly what I did.  When I got the mats I had to go back out to the Van to get Joanne and Aiden to come out to see ....

"This cute little guy with the hugest personality I think I have ever came across !!!  Pleased to introduce you to "T" aka Tank.  "T" is two years old by the way."

It just so happens that Tank's owner's human son raise English Bulldogs.  Should there anyone interested in one of these little guys with a very big personality, check them out at Full of Bull's website as follows:

Thanks Barb for having us have some fun meeting your "Tank" !

"We finally did make it back home to where we had to sort out all the goodies each of us had "scored"."

"I have the perfect spot where this will be hanging."

"Ike has a new "scratch" sitting alongside him on the counter top.  Isn't she adorable?"

"This frame could not have been more perfectly suited for the photo I just had made the other day of the boys with Bandit."

"The Urns I had gotten for $1.00 worked perfect hanging in the bathroom."

"Aiden even bought himself this Fish Lamp, now known as "Logan" for his bedroom here."

"Aiden had me come in to take a photo of how he had his room all set up for tonight with himself,  Logan the Fish Lamp and all his stuffies."

"Aiden had been very happy with the Canada Hat I had bought for him today."

"While I made our Supper the two buddies hung out together, as usual ... "

"After supper around 7:00 pm we decided we would go into town for a walk.  Of course who is way behind but me."

"I really enjoyed what these people did in their backyard with Cedar."

"I do love Birdhouses, apparently these people do too."

"The Rose of Sharon bushes were showing off their blooms.  Lovely."

"In this heat and humidity we had to master the "hill".  One of us did much better then the other two."

"Back home from our walk that someone thought it fun to shape their sweaty head into a Mohawk.  LOL."

That someone is finally sound asleep in his bed after watching Batman the cartoon and having a bit of ice cream.

Phew !  What a day that was, "Just North of Wiarton & South of the Checkerboard".


  1. Wow, that is truly a busy day! You scored some nice finds there!

  2. That was a full day for sure!!! The boys seem to have so much fun running around with you, aren't the little ones the best gift of all!!

  3. Another wonderful day, Cindy!! :) LOVE the bulldog!! Gorgeous guy!! :) Of course I'm still hoping Bandit will find her way over to my place when you're not looking.... ;)

  4. Love the tin man. I use to own one just like that but in it's natural form. You got some great fines.

  5. What a busy but fun day you had. I love going to garage sales too!


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