Friday 25 March 2011

The "Magnificent Seven" Minus the Bald Guy.

Starting my day off with an unplanned early start caused by an Insomnia attack (attack for a less then better choice of words).  Not wanting to be unproductive, I took advantage of being awake since 2:00 AM.  After watching an episode of "Archie Bunker" & "King of Queens", as well as some type of Judge Judy show, I decided to take advantage of the off-peak hydro rates and throw a load of laundry into the washer.  While I was down there doing that I figured I might as well get the woodstove fired up, as when I had looked at the temperature earlier it read -12 C at that time (ummm, not really sure what time that was at?).

Oh well, such is life in the 'fast' lane I suppose, but at the end of one of these nights I am certainly not moving too fast by the end, or the middle of the day for that matter.  I still attempt to be productive.  "Attempt" being the operative word in this case, lol.

I was quite pleased with the small "grid" of Spring Cleaning I managed to accomplish yesterday, as my front door foyer has had the walls dusted down, baseboards, door, floor & all knicky knacks either dusted or damp clothed cleaned.  With the bed stripped, two loads of wash done, and a trip to Owen Sound for some shopping with Rob, I was just too wrung out with this cold to even think about attempting to prepare the Pancetta-Wrapped Pork Tenderloin for supper last night.  However since I did purchase the Pancetta while shopping, I am going to make it tonight, as I had the tenderloin defrosting in the fridge yesterday, so really 'must' do it up today.

After the shopping was all put away, a couple phone calls returned, I did manage to go spend some time with our "Magnificent Seven", as I have named those 7 little adorable puppies, even though we don't have a Yul Brynner in the crowd.  I even took the phone & made separate phone calls to my girlfriend & then to my sister, Jeanne & her husband, Cecil, so they could here how adorable they sounded.  My inner child just loves this part of life! 

They have even changed just after two days of being born:

Since this March 23rd picture was taken, Lexus has her good housekeeping & mothering skills in check & the whelping box is in tip top order.  Just love watching the seven of them on how they are at times sideways, upside down & every which way.

Some people are not familiar with the Australian Shepherd Breed, however the following link gives a very true description similar to what we have experienced with our Bandit & Lexus:

Other then the breeder we purchased our dogs from, I personally know three other people that have had or still have Australian Shepherds, and I have yet to hear of any health issues or concerns as outlined in the above link. 

Bandit has been our one grandson, Aiden's best friend since day one (and we only have Aiden here & there for summer vacation or on an occasional holiday), as Bandit will be 6 years in June & Aiden 7 in Sept. When Aiden is here visiting, should you see Aiden you will see Bandit right there with him.  Pretty tight buddies those two are, but it is great for Grandma when we are outside together as Bandit has been my "Number 1" Babysitter/Entertainer many times.

Let's see what the Wiarton Airport has to say about today:


Sunny with cloudy periods. 30 percent chance of flurries early this morning. High minus 5. UV index 4 or moderate.


A few clouds. Low minus 14.

Other then cold, it is looking pretty good with some Sun hopefully coming through the clouds (once it comes out, as it is still pretty dark out there right now).

The laundry room is now quiet, so that is my 'cue' the spin cycle has completed itself.  I am off, but not running too quickly, to get on with the day ahead of me.

I will have a full report tomorrow on how we all enjoyed the Pancetta-Wrapped Pork Tenderloin.

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