Saturday 26 March 2011

A Good Day To Rest & Get Feeling Better....Just What the Doctor Ordered.

This Rhinovirus, (I am starting to think it is more then just a cold by the way I am feeling), or whatever it is just doesn't want to let go of me!  If Rob ever held onto me as tight, I would have been squished or smothered long ago.  By the way I am feeling today, I am thinking it isn't going to be a very productive day ahead.

I am one that really resents being sick, not being able to do anything other then lye in bed as you are too weak to do otherwise.  Darn, darn, darn......but on the flip side, better now then on March Break or I wouldn't have had Aiden here!

I did manage to pull off supper last night & do the Pancetta-Wrapped Pork Tenderloin with Garlic Mashed Potatoes.  It was so tasteful, tender, moist, and the best part very easy to prepare.  Will definitely be on top of my most favorite entree list.

Preparation & the finished product:

Thanks Canadian Living this is a recipe that fits into an everyday lifestyle, rather then just a Gourmet Chef's Kitchen!

My most favorite subject, once again:

Lexus makes such a "picture" of proud doggie motherhood!

Okay onto the Wiarton Airport Weather, as I really don't think I am going to last much longer & my bed is looking better all the time as the seconds passing are starting to become a blurr....


A mix of sun and cloud with 30 percent chance of flurries. Clearing this afternoon. High minus 4. UV index 4 or moderate.


Clear. Low minus 13.

I am off & far from running today.  Rest & lots of liquids on my agenda of the day here Just North of Wiarton & South of the Checkerboard.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to read you're not well, Cindy. Perastika! That's Greek for "Get better quickly"! Thanks for the recipe...will have to try it..but not this week. Barb and Gary are off to New York, travelling first class, which was the reason for the trip, and I am looking after Luca for a week!
    Get lots of rest....I won't :)


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