Wednesday 23 March 2011

A Caregiver Day Away for the Caregiver !!!! Thanks VON Grey-Bruce !

When my Aunt Gladys called me Sunday evening telling me about the posting she had read at her church with the heading "VON Grey-Bruce Care for the Caregiver Day", on March 22nd, with a number of speakers in attendance, as well as a luncheon.  Registration for this was to be by the 15th of March.  I took a chance and called the very next day, as I was anxious to attend a seminar that would give me a broader lookout & direction with the situation of my Mother living with us (this will be the 4th year this April she has been with us).  Upon calling I was told by one of the coordinator's, DiannePfeffer, RN, there was room for me and there should be approximately 100 people in attendance, with no cost for the day.  Let me tell you I was pretty excited about expanding my knowledge in further Caregiver areas, as well as thinking I would get support from other people in similar situations.

With my day beginning at 6:00 AM, since I had to do "The Puppies Are Here" blog (the number "1" must do), put a meal together in the slow cooker for supper, make sure Mom took her morning pills, and ready myself for the day (trust me that was the easy part, lol), I was off & running to be in Owen Sound for the 9:30 registration.  Upon passing Lexus, Bandit & the 'Seven', on my way out, I had to give my oochie coochie's to all of them before leaving the premises.

I made it to my point of destination on time, upon entering I was very surprised at the number of people in attendance.  There indeed was at least a hundred.  I was given a package, and filled out a ballot for a door prize (they had 4 lovely door prizes).  I made my way to the front of the room & was delighted with the elderly couple, Ruth & Al, who I sat with.  There was coffee, teas, juices, fruit filled danishes, muffins & a huge bowl of fresh mixed fruit.  Wow I was very impressed.

Let me tell you it was totally "NOT" the kind of day I was expecting it to be, with speakers talking about their experiences & tools for the Caregiver.  It was a day exclusively just for the "CAREGIVER".  I have never given myself a DAY AWAY like this before & let me tell you how nice it was !!!

After the opening greetings provided by Christine Vallis-Page, VON Event day & Diane Pfeffer, Caregiver Support Circle Coordinator, it went onto a performance by David Hickey with his Crystal Journey, A Universe Inspired Sound Journey Experience, The Piyak Ootihi Drummers, performed by inspiring Aboriginal native ladies, a break for lunch, Flower Expression demonstration, & finally to end the day, Believe And Succeed:  How Faith Shapes Our Destiny, given by Michael Lewis, who does training, motivation & development seminars.

All these people performing or speaking can be found at the following links:

David Hickey of Crystal Journey is opening for David Suzuki this upcoming weekend (I was impressed):

After the drum performance by Susan & Ellen, the look of surprise in their faces when I approached them & said  hello to them in the Objibwe language.  The nice part of going to school with & and still having friends from a First Nations Band.  Listening to these girls perform a number of drum songs was absolutely wonderful.  They have their own 'blog':

Then something that everyone got to do was really great, and was put on by Flower Expressions, who are located in Owen Sound:

Amanda, who was there & I believe the owner, had lost her husband.  She had the support of VON Caregivers in her time of need when her husband was ill before passing on.  She was there in support of Caregivers & giving back for what she had received.  Being a caregiver herself, she knows how important the Caregiver needs to be recognized.  Amanda showed us how we could make something for ourselves with only a cost of $5:00.  I was quite impressed with myself that I could make something that looks so good, lol......

A wonderful ending to a wonderful day was by Michael Lewis, who delivered an inspirational speech on Believe And Succeed:  How Faith Shapes Our Destiny.  Should anyone would want Michael to speak at a school, seminar, church, etc....he can be found at the following link:

I felt inspired and positive just after listening to him for the 45 minutes he was talking, and would not hesitate to go see him again should he ever be back in the area.

I almost forgot about how scrumptious the luncheon was!  Food one of the most important words in my vocabulary.  The luncheon put on by the Stonecroft Golf & Country Club in Owen Sound was out of this world.  Thinking "lunch" to me was sandwiches, relish tray, a few squares of goodies for dessert.  Wrong !!!  It was European rolls, Tossed Salad with 2 choices of dressings, Caesar Salad, a Gluten Free Pork Stirfry, Vegetable Lasagna, a fresh cut Fruit Bowl, and then the dessert squares (brownies, carrot cake, etc.).  I am not divulging to anyone on how much I ate, but let me tell you my taste buds were really happy !!!!

At the opening greetings there was a statistic that really amazed me, which it shouldn't have, but when it was put this way it certainly was amazing:

There are 2 Million Caregivers in Canada that are unpaid, which is saving Canadians $25 Billion Dollars a calendar year.  That blew me away !

Hats off to all those Caregiver's out there, including myself, as it is a large, and I do emphasize "large" accomplishment on our part to be able to do it and that are doing it.

Wow....thanks VON Grey-Bruce Caregiver Support Circle, as I had a most wonderful Day Away which was not only enjoyed but appreciated as well.  Thanks for giving back !!!

One very important bit of information I did come away with was a flyer from VON with regards to a Caregiver Support Circle Information & Education Series they are having in Owen Sound this Spring.  The highlights of these sessions are:

-  Managing stressful situations in caregiving
-  Staying on top of your care situation
-  Tackling some of the common emotions:  guilt & anger
-  Community resources to help you.

I wish I knew about this 4 years ago, but I am very pleased to be knowing about it now.  So I will further my investigation into what it is all about, whether one can be held in my community; even if I have to make the drive into Owen Sound to attend.

Phew....that was a lot of information but well worth it ! 

Oh I almost forgot they are having bad weather throughout areas of Ontario from what I have heard already this morning.  Have to check out what Wiarton Airport has to say about North of Wiarton & South of the Checkerboard:


Cloudy. Periods of snow and local blowing snow beginning early this morning. Amount 2 cm. Wind northeast 30 km/h gusting to 50. High minus 3.


Clearing late this evening. Local blowing snow early this evening. Wind northeast 30 km/h. Low minus 13.

The northeaster isn't looking too promising, so I won't be surprised if it gets nasty later on from what I seen earlier on the radar.

Lots to catch up on today, since I have been such a slacker with having a Puppy Day then a day away for myself.  LOL.  Off to have that 2nd cup of coffee before I begin to tackle the rest of my day ahead.

1 comment:

  1. Wow Thanks for all the good info Cindy. I am glad you had a good day. I am going to check to see if there is anything in my area like this as you know I am a caregiver too both at home and as my occupation. Much easier to deal with when you are not emotionally involved so I think a lot off us would benifit from such a day. Thanks for the call as well.


How nice of you to drop around to have a wee visit with me to see what I have been up to from time to time. I look forward to your comments as they add much brightness to my each and every day to know there are such wonderful people out there.

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